The daughter, Mrs. L. M. Got with her son, Lee Mason, are% Mrs. Klock in Wilmette for a days. * Mr. andi Mrs. S. D. Flood, 133 -KenlWorth avenuie, are leaving today *for Washington, D. C.,. where they wil1 espend, a week visiting Mrs. Flood's sister,. Mrs. A. -B. Wickes. They will sail on February 10. for South America to, visit their son, Douglas, *ho is vice consulito Buenos Aires. twPARK PLUGUbdKig Mr. ant Mrs. WV. J.Kig 61 Let uststya s k Forest avenue,' will entertain their Plugsà Poor pug are, the CaU of may of yur ff ~ JyThe players above the [vil motor ailmeuts; poorgs * f Baskethall Icague;into. a !hrec-u'ay figj nuleage mabilîty -to etirtU »7 evening when. lhey deu;it he leagit and Iack off smoothnes fmHoward gynasiim. h aec H the running of the motorî. SHOE REPAIR SERVICE' Bureirs corporation of -Etanston. T) leaqfte titie last -year and have been Expert sho. repair service, league' for the pasi izve years, havi» q S Batr nspection co *iib I i d with the finést five yeàrs and -ciijîuri»q the chanipioitsl FR EE akett.ry n leather that money can buy < Fi assure& you of the di.utmost Robert Leaf, (extrerne left), head satisfaction in your shoe re- coach of the teani is an ex-INanston 73 1ta Street. high school player, having starred there Mil.w ud ill? £in 1929 andi 1930. He played on the 1185WIL ETTEAVE Marquette teani last year which nosed WILMETTE imeto54 out the Huif Boil ers for the Fvanston -- - championsbip. He is one of the main' reasons for the Huifs' success this year, a though trouble with a knee bas akept him out of the lineup so far. (mette Recreation, board's North Shore ist for chainpionship hontors last Priday ii leaders, Greenleal Cab, company. at if Boilers, sponsored by I-uif Nu-Wav 'hev* won the W'ilrnette -North Shore pronie>it in EastnsNorth Shore shqred'in Mtè, pla y-off for chanipionship rhip there tht'ee tinies. on the team. "Howie"' played Nvith Kemiper Insurance team, one of the beçt' in the' Chicago Insurance league for the -past two years, and has been with Huifs since they were organizeti. His brotlier. Bert, bas developed very rapidly into one of the best men on the team. "*Ly" Buckley, formerly of 'L oyola, is another valuable man for Huifs. (Ife is shown fifth f rom the left.) He w b BOMB @ART W0gO u. mt P Makes Warm Frienda Bel ore you place your ceai order compare our prices M CASH COAL SPECIALS *Pocahontas Mine Run, extra coarse. $7.25 IPocahonta Lunip and Egg ...... 9.501 1Pocahontas, Nut.................. 9.001 1Pocahontas, Pea .. ........... 8.251 Bob Cramer ( third from, left ) playeti with Evanston high scbool i 1928. Hie playeti center until that time and .tli was made guard. After graduating f rom school he playeti with the Shawnee Indians who won thirty-two straight games in~ the north shore tournament $ponsored by the lWanston Y. M. C. A. He is manager of the Huif teani and general player finder. expert noôrmari. "Swede" Walgren, assistant coach, (extreme right) was one of the keyý mien of the team when it played- under the banner, of> Spencer Pianos. Since the organization -changed to: Huifs he has, devoted bis tume to developing the teani. Member s of the team pot shown here are - Hoerber, New Trier athiete, who later obtained additional experi- aen 9+- atcrIn+n n Cliere a nq s chc... ade to Ore d $22L ýn RIepatrig r & Pebruary LEAF AVE. IL. 1944 19191