9 ClU The Rev. Paul Meyer of- Glenview. will preacb the sermon and wil.1 con- duct the installation. The Rev. Mr. Gockel then will instail the 'new church .o'fficers. A pro gram of music is to be presented by the ,choir of St. John's cburcb, with Miss lita Bertling as soloist. The Rev. Mr. Gockel succeeds the. late. Rev. Hierman W. Meyer, as' pastor of the church.' The Rev. Mr. Meyer icd last Novýember after serv- ing St. John's for twenty years. Prior to Mr. Meyer's death the Rev. Mr. Gockel had assisted bim for a year, and a half. In the last few ùmonths the new minister bai been supplying the St. John's pulpit. Hotécard Presboù, welI koowni Mothtore baritonte, who has, >ap- pearcdfreqùentlyin important roles with, the, Ravin la, «zd Chicago Civie Opera comtpanies, moi acclaim itast For several years the Rev; Mr.] zvek for his -dràalaie and tradi- Gockel bas been associated -with the triali reid itionr of Telraînn iii national headquüarters, of tbe Walther 1.ohnri"prs Vtdbyte new league, nation-wide Lutheran young. Chicago Graiid Opera coin pan y. people's organizatiôti, in Chicago. 'He (riti s vere. ehoqueit' - iii their, is weIl known for'bis young people's pr-aise of AIr. Prestoni's port rayai work. He is a graduate of Con- -of. the difficidt role iii ,niagnzificeiit cordia seminary of St. Louis. fashiaon. St. John's churcb extended tbe:cal tothe ne wminister on January 9 and Returns to Wilmette bhis acceptance was received tbe fol- Iowing Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Gockel After Eastern Trip wiIl bring bis, family bere early next Mrs. James Witherell, 128 Dupee miontb to occupy St. jphni's parson- place, her small daughter, Deirdre, and age at 406 Prairie avenue. the nhurse returned to their borne on Monday of last week after an. extended T. C, n f-, dur;ta tripin the east. They spent Christmias her daughter in a blanicet. Last week- end the doctors reported the child's condition was satisfactory- and said she would. recover unles complica- ions developed. GOING TO- FLORIDA Jack Prussing, son of Mr.*and Mrs. Herbert J. Prussing,54 arso road, Kenil worih, is leaving by motor on Februarv 7, accompanied by Fred Heitmfan of Winnetka and 'Warren Triggs-of Wilmette, for New Orleans. Tbey wilI attend the Mardi Gras and then wilI motor to Florida to'do somei deep sea fishing. Tbeyr expect to be gone for about three weeks. HOT CHOCOLATE Sevd et m*11Isours, adI ou. 15c GENERAL, ELECTRIC QIL AUTOMATIC HEAT' NOW DEPENDABLE- CLEAN - QUIET- SAFE - FURNACE . EÇQNOMIÇAI. , . . FOR VAPOR, STEAMI Ask for a HOT WATER, WARM AIR SYSTEMS. Heaig Surpey YEAR ROUND HOT WATER AIR CONDITIONING- FOR WINTER FOR SUMMER AIR CONDITIONING CORPORATION F. Cushing Smithh431 Central Ave, Wilmette District Manager - Telephone Wilmette 4318 Late last Saturday niglht as an atltoiiiol)ile driven by W. Dobber- s-tern, 14.56 Rosemiont avenue, Chii- Cago,, mwitli Miss Frances Post, 1744 North Shiore avenue. Miss Mary Sliowalter,. 6002 N. Paulina street, and Jack ,Simpson, 61i26 N. Lincoln, avenue. ail of Chicago. as passengers, ývas going south on Sheridan road, it skiddled.ôon the slippery pavement just soutb of the canal b)ridgeç and collided with a car going nortb driven byM. j. Murray, 625 Willow road, Winnet- ka, withi Mrs. Murray as companion. *witb bhis family at that time, returned bomne soon after New Year's. Mmà Witberell .(Hope Sumniers) then gave lier annual series of draniatic readings tbroughout the east, including several, suburbs of Philadephia. REPORT9 Five new case eases were repor the week endiniz TAGIONS oe MARfun%- 1145:.WILMETTE AVE.., WILMETTE 2814 AND 731 .1 -My BUTTER z, dame mst .............. Iha. W. can also cave for your entire fiali and sea food "ced. IZ8 ci