and lecturer, . 18scheduled for the WVilmette Sunday Evening club Jan-. uary '28 at the Iirst Congregational church. The subject this Sunday wilI be, "Old Mexico." Last Sunday Mr. De . Cou presented "Touring France'; before a capacity audience.. CalI.d Moet. B.atiful. "Old Mexico" is proclaimed 'as Mr. Deé Cou's newest and perhaps most beautiful lecture. The Boston Herald described it March 19, 1933, in Part, as folloWs: "Mexico, from tbe scenes showed by, Mr. De Cou offers the most satisfying mtixture, of pic- torial beauty, charm '*andi mystery of anY locality so far treated in travel- talks,' with the possible exception-of a ýfew Oriental lands.' The architec- tural riches of, the country, from Spanish colonial days, fromn the flot too distant Aztec peniod, anld f rom ages past to which we have no time due; the lovely villages and plains benieath, the tower ing snOw-shrouded mountains; the ever-present earth- brown people, gentie and unworied-' these were 'the body of al Mr. bIe' Cou's pictonial studies. In coloring and in subject inatter he sceered to catch. extraordinaiily faithfuliy, the pecu liar mixture of sophistication and naiveté of elaborate civilizations and. Primitive simplicity, which means Mexico. The final scene of a church fading into the dark sky of the semi- tropic dusk with tihe white sleeping woman (Ixtaccihuati), in the hack~ ground and' in the foreground a sniall Mexican, wrapped in his serape, sumi- inarized the whole travel-tall<, and left one with an unforgettable imipres- sion." The program for this Sundav is announced as follows: The Prograau MaY in Mexico City. A delightful base for tourjat excursion,,. Seeing the citys xlgbt.s, Memories of Montezuma, and- Cortes. Chapultepec park and. the rnag- nificent ahuehueteý trees. --The ,Don Quixote fountain. Avenida Juarez. Sanborn's popular rendezvouis. magniti- cent chlurches of Mexico -City. The na- (Continued on page 5) 1ýEarle:*D. Lyoun of Wilipactte who has appeared tupice before Wil- mette audiences in Ptays kponsored .y the wvays and mecans tconm;ittèe of. tihe U2o,,sauss Clu.b of Wiliette, reapprars titis season., but in a far. dificrent role, zîhess, on thse cz'e- nitngs of Februtarv, 15, 16, and 17?, thei cons »sttec /'rcscnts tihe "W4oin- api's Club Gaieties." Mlusic, dapnc- ing, ansd clever dramnatic skits 'el/I ipitrodiuce novelty isito t/us seasonf's production. The lawsuit between the State Rank and Trust company, of Evans- ton and Herbent L. Zipf, trustees 'of the estate of Arthur A. Zipf versus the V7illage of Wilmette, now proceed- ing' in the court of, Superior Cou rt Judge Robert Eý. Geitzel, is drawing to, a, close, and is expected to. be finished' in a few days. The case in-1 valves a question of zoning. The plaintiffs ipplied for a permit to erect a filin station at the northwest cor- ed by recent travel, abroad. He 18 particularly conversant with the sit- uation in Gyermany today and bis latest woërk "The German Phoenix" is generally considered. ane of the most interesting and authoritative books on tbesubject. A solid and> informative speaker, Oswald'Garrison Villard's wordà carry weight wherever i ntelligent people gather ta hear him. He bas returned from abroad with the iatest and mo st intimate Word concerning the con- flicts raging there now. Few speak wihmore author ity' on the poIiticai,ý social and economic probiema con- fronting Europe today and the North Shore Congregation. Israel lectur e W one, of a, iimited series ta be given by Mr., Villard on bis observations. Tickets may be obtained in advance ai thé temple office, Glencoe 725, or frrni Mrg. Barnett -Faroll, 741 Pros- pect avenue, Winnetka, (Teléphone Winn. 609). Optimist Club Hears Americanism Address The weekly meeting of the Op- timist club of Wilmette was held Tuesday at the Shawnee Country. club. The guest speaker was the Rev. G.enrze P.?ifill101fLhTake, ter, Thne rPaulRevere's, ana us aevot- îng much effort to bring the principles of, representative government befôre various- organizations. VISIT IN WISCONSIN Dr. and Mrs., Ralph Huif and thein, daughter,: Martha, of 706, Washington avenue, spent -the week-end at their summer home at Delavan Lake, Wis. uary 30, are aimot complete, accord- ing to reports made at a meeting1 of the committees Monday night at the Village- hall. Aider R. Tighe, generai chairman, g ave an informai review of the ac- complishm ents up to that time, and Myles J.-Pbillips réported on the. activities of the ticket .commiitte. While reports ,f romt many of the district captains in charge' of ticket sales were 1fhot. available, -indications aie that the capacity, of Shawnee club wiil be taked to, its utmnost ýta accommosfrte those who are- anxious to pay, their respects to President Roosevelt and to share in thé, Warm Springs Foundation. A request. is made by Mrs. C. -P. Dubbs, chairman of the program, com- mittée. that .ail persans desiring ta Pilay bridge make table reservations not, later thaLn Saturday by calling ber,- Wilmette 100, or Mrs. Harry B. Bur'nside, co-chairanan, Wilnette 4052. The information is necessary iT order that the cammittee may arrange for tables and prizes. Mr. Phillips announced that tickets for the bail are now on sale at the foliowing stores: Snider-Cazei Drug company, Renneckar Drug company, Ridge Avenue Pharnacy, Boulevard Drug company, The Lyman Phar- macy, Pearson's Market, William W. Winberg Inc., Newsstand at "L", terminal, and Shawnee club. a ý C worker mùake a special effort ta be. present. Strike at Waterworks CalIed Off by Union. Av sfrike, of the union electr.ical workens employed by Wadeford Elec- tric company onk-the new water works plant which had been in progress since Christmas, was settled last Frî- *will make their bo been staying witli Mir. and Mrs. W Blackbawk road. Is' parens, I ss of 20 May we have your white ele- phants? - Mrs. A.., L. Grinneli, chairman. Note: Economy Shop 18 conducted by the Woman's Club or Wilmette. Cail Ad-taker- Wilmette 4300 the- dance. ý.é2 afid, evi