AUTO SHOW Chcage Coliseum Jan. 27 - Feb. 3t, mc. S.AHl the Né*,Modeli UnderOne Roof StriingDeug Modrnistc Settîngs" Hours: 2 P. M.1i P. M. &Rit a)aituu"yLià ILÇFUY m4aic- wiN ld UI oc~uîîîVîîqana uuu liu-- er, Mrs. Ira Reynolds. Here pamphlets ing exPeriments in physica and geênerai At 9 o'clock the prograni begafi. Miss fo tos iteesedmi~tbefondasscience. Lillie Mae I-unmphries, the director, had for ho's ineresed ightbe outi ascharge of the programi as welI as the well as special information concerning '"The "Indian Village" was exeP- tickets and printed programs. tionaiiy intereSting, and wben Mi." Dor- The first numnber was a playlet, -"Little our own council whicb was formed ju >st othy Tayor's troop, responsible for this Ship Uiider Pull Sai," whieh told the a. year ago. project, gave the Dance of the Dawn, story of Juliette Low's great g rand- Here also, was the registration dé*k the audience was quite enthusiastic. mother who ,was . captured as, a litile pr-sdd oî, Mrs. Richardson,a adteiumHal fNatos,.otewiethe girl by the Indians btwas finally re- presdedove. auitoium lie ether side ofth turned to ber parents. Juliette Low member of ïhe. council. She alo.hd"court." Hereý were diàelayed articleswathfone fGrScuignth UJnited States-, Troop 1. the high ýschooi group under the leadership* of 'Miss Humphries,' gave a delightful n 'umber. *The girls were dressed as eowgirls and they strudrhm ed a guitar white ,singinigabt)ut:a campfire and aiso did stunts withi a lariat. Following this, the *Wingx (if a Cen- tury,"' a pageant deplcting th e gr<îwth of Girl S.outing froin it: ,nceptîon lit the UJnited States (in Georgia) in 1912. closed ýthe progra ru. As the narratOr, read the historY Of Girl Scouting and told of early uniform.. the girlIg appeared wearing thenu. Nat- Uratlly, those of today loîok trimmer anld simpler. Finaily the color bearers marched In, follo)wed by a hoest of girls carrying .fiag.e, of ail nations siernifying the International, scîpe of Glirl scouts. Mrs. 0Ornsby and, her, Troop, 11 were responsible for the flag ceeîeînnY. The "alute to the fiaz was recited b>% ail present; then aIl joined in the scoiit song . -.. and then the clear notes of the bugle sounding "Taip."wrote finis to a splendid projert iagnlificê,ntly car- ried out. 1if we were ti> mention ail the naine of those tc. whoni the sucvê.ss of the fair %vas duie, it w"uid have to <sîtair. a ceonipflete roster of ail the tro<îps. leaderes, troop eoinmi ttees aiitd counci I members, as well as inany otliérs whri have no officiai titie, In this lasut cate; goî'y, nmay we niention with special praise the' t,, untiiri2 floor manager,. guets iog rre nrîgung ve<~ I vhose wares were displayed oi the fags Ieading to the floor ahove, where table, decorated the walls, and the at- a signpost reminiscent of "A Cenitury tendant wa-s appropriately gowned. Upon of Pogres" fauntd it intres iniquiry as to the source of. such an in- of Pogres" famied is ineresingteresting aggî'egation of trticles-Ptie-tt) directions..1-io Near' -East, Japan,Begunw Herewe oun th souce f tat ere told that Miss Bichl and -Mis. d eli ussell fôu f rcesourceof whath Joyce, assisted by Dorothy 'Taylorw. deliiou smelof frsh pp crnwhic Trop 1, were responsible. had been leading us, on.. M rs. George Behold the re-suit of .iunterested Wright ý with lier valiaîît co-\vorkers 'îoopeîration, on a. big scale! Mrs. Harry C. Pifer and scout assist' At the back of 'the cour(' we were traùpoitedinto the %woods; surr',uuded ants, popped 25 pounds of corui-for by sweet-stiwllirmg everg'reens, %ve were wvhat is a fair witlout nop corn? I ewildel'ed and aîaztÈd ni the x'nrpty We reallzed *ts we wen about fri one exhibit to another how very suit- able the Methodis.t Parish bluse is, for such an affair.- We were indéed, grateful for it- use. The articles in thé liapers about; the fair, prior té). its o(,pening, and the ar- rangemnents, with ail the cici ortraniza- ti<,ns whereby meiirlbers of the Girl Scout council'.gave taiks before their gro ups. giving the iivenient v'erv. fine publicity -aIl this is <lue tïù thé. %ork of oui' publ icity chaiiiiian, Mr.4. Ge-orge Wa 1k. May wev -gay 1i) closing, th!s was not a mnoney-iuaking scheyne, (refreshmients being the only charge) but a eoopetrative, project designed as i'aliy for the girls to aequaint the publie with the scone and 1..w, a . aw. yWU7mW £uu. ." wor 1880> U aver gay jpattern wnîc was finlshed the night before thre fair. opened. og.adY ,tbo W gat.Ade. Another girl had on display ber- en- tiécollection of caflned fruits anrd veg-1 UaioS chores at the very real- WORK FOR "6HOME FNVRSE.S' towels. fiapping in the wind. lirs. A "home nurslng"l course for Girl . Dernehi anxd Lenore Palmer Scouts who are second class and at ieast 1' this delightfully realistic cor- 12 years of age will start Friday, Janx- rwaep lite grl ipary 26, at the home or Mrs. Hl. J. whee Utiegilsingay c08s Dernehi, 1010 Linden avenue. Girls who .ccosted us and wè were eager to interested will please report at that eir popeorgi balls and baigs of time. The W'111 begin at 3-:30 BeIng tired from ouôr long tnip, o'clock. OFF NUMES FAT GET THAT I<RUSCHEN FEELING 'I