feamns ran true to form Iast 'j4riay by splitting a doubleheader with Deerfield- Shields. The heavies took their worst licking of the year, 30 to 13, a.nd the lightweighf s won, 23 f0 22, inluà gamne.that was.almost as.,excit- ging as fthe New Trier heavies' over- time baffle ,with Proviso -a week earlier. Thus far this season New Trier bas been unable f0t make a clean- sweep of ifs gameÉ on -any single night. When the heavyweights win, the lightweighfs lose, and vice versa. HOM Scott In Cck Thé Deerfield heavies evidently had been given instructions, f0o hold "Duke" -Scoft, New Trier's leading scorer, ini check, for they, did just that. Scott mnade only one field. goal and two. free fhirows for a total of four points, Whereas.in the t wo previous Suburban league. games with Oak Pakand Proviso he counfed atthe' rate of sixfeen poinfts a game. jack< Sfrdig, forwvard, who has been runner-up to Scotf in scoring honors, managed to collect a total of Six points againsf Deerfield, but, fhis was1 five.short of the eleven he iade in each of the previouis league ganies.. Clarence Dm1,1 Shines Clarence Dabi played> bis usual, good game at guard for New Trier, but the teami as a whole wastn't click- ing. Shots were mnissed irepeatedly, berger andI Klin, as weII as that of the score -collecf ing forwards and cent er. Camp Fire Girls The WekealIcafila CamipF ire Girls mnet Friday evening at the homne of Dorothy Strauss and worked 0on rose-i Wood plaques. after. Which the roll was. called hy Hope 'Carroll, guai-diani, who anniounccd plans for'future meetings. The girls discussed the.hobby ceremoni- ai andplanned for camping this summner. The meeting wvas adjourned,,a t 9:10 o'clock. The Ouilîmette Camp Fire Girls, at their meeting S..uniday. January 21, prac- t iced.for the'council fire Which will be- given ?next Sunday. in the parlors of the Wilmettc ,Congregational: church. North Shore Violinist in February Recitals George Swigart of Wilmnette, violin- 1sf, will 'play t he obligato 'Wifh the Chicago South Side WVoman's Club chorus during the musical progran. of the Chicago Stunday Evening club this week. The chorus is uinder the direction of Charles Rousseau. On February 6, he wili giv~e a program wihPauflne Manc.hester of ÇUpnce. 8, she sang the role of Mimi in '*La tneir sandwicnes ana the ostess Boheme. " Nearly oie tbousand en- serves coffee. thusiastic Joliet citizens atterided the opera f bat night to applaude their Miss Virginia Prussing, 549 EarI- young townswomnan. *The Chicago ston road, Kenilworth, returned, on music critics were Iavish in 'their Tuesday of last week from a visit in praises. of Miss Dianio's voice andi'New York. AUCTI1ONýý On acroiant of death, w. will seni at autimli,.Friday evenin 8 >t8 .MI January 2Ith, 1934,,the.heus.hold furniture, oriental eMga, raps ios rcabaa Steinway grand.piano, twa1n edýsets, liove seats, oler- stulffed living tront set, diming àroon.-set, odd char., deaka, Firench commodes. Everything'of 8 rooma. 807 Chestnut St.- at Sth -St.-Wilmmtte *Le N. FLECKLES Public Auctiéneor Open for Inspection. Thursday Telephone Bittersweet 34* FOR SALE Designed by S. S. BEEMAN While the heavies apparetyIN have gone into a slump, the lightwveights, .witli two victories iii a row to their, credit, believe that thley cati at leasft tic for the lea gue chamtpioinshiip. . At present the lightweightsare i sec- ondplae, avigwon fwo gaines and, lost mie. The édefeat was adxinistered by Oak Park at Oak Park before the Christmnas vacation, but onl the home floor New Trier partisans contenid if will be a differeit story. This week the lighfs, as well as fthe heavies, meet Evanston on Friday niight af AI 0 s AlLal tt t Sîfl l .% V-9-~Lafl at Ferry hall on the evening 'of Feb- ruary18 IN LECTURE-RECITAL Miss.Rutheda L. Pretzel, 1035 Bluff road,- Glencoe, is.giving an opera, lec- ture-recital on :Mjassenet's "*Manion" iiiRive.rsid e on Friday evening of this week. * Her assisting artisfs are, Lolita Bertling, Wilmette soprano; jack Wheelock, tenor, and Ludlow White, baritone. * Republic, Ralty * Mortgage Corporation iie ýS..tIhDearborutSt. Central 4M : L. RAGLIN, 534 Eider Lane, Winnotka Winnetke 1665.. Doarbom 2263 WONDERFUL TAPESTItY BRICK AND STONE HOME Baiut by JOHN DAVIES