The lectures are given in the Pal- mer t{ouse Club rooni, Chicago, at 2:00 o'clock on january 27, February 24, March 24, and 'April 28., On january 27, Frederick L. Schu- marn, assistant prof essor ofý political science at the- University of' Chicago,, will discuss "Fascism and Democracy- in Central E-urope,"' interpreted thirough his own recent studies made in, Europe during the past rine .months. Mr. Schu- man's later lectures will be concerred with "Nazi Germariy's 'Threat ýto Peac' and Anierica an(l Rüssia. American Citizensliip Day for Brownson. Circle *A day devoted to Anierican citizen- ship is, next on the calendar of everits * for the Brownsoni circle on January 2ý9. Its chairman is Mrs. B ertrand W. Evans. During the lun-cheori,, for %v-hich' service will start at 12 :30v o'clock, a literary round table will * be in session, to be followed by the business meeting at 2. One hour later, music by Ethel Pechin, pianist,, and a lecture, "Governmnrt Regula- tiori of Economic Problems," will be offered. The speaker of the after- noori is the Rev. Eneas B3. Goodwîn, associate professor of econoinics at Lovola universitv. T 1he 'social, hour commences at. 4. Mrs. J. Pierce King, Mrs. P. Hli Naphil, Mrs. P. C. Hart, and Mrs. Jolin are hostesses, List Two Art Tours f:or District Clubs Two art tours ar-e scheduled this, nanth idndrext for clubs- of tIce. Terith district, Illinois Fèderation 'of Wvoni's clubs.. Under: the, guidance of, Mrs. Kart Plath, district art chair- mari, members will, tour Marshall Field's galleries at 1 o'cl ock'on Jan- ,iamilies on the nortn shore. Ini charge of arrangements for' the benefit are Miss Margaret Caster' of Evanston. Mrs. Henry Lustgarteri of Wilt'rette, Miss Phyllis Dally and Miss Agnes Erickson of, Wirinetka. Tickets may be obtained from any of the committee.. Staffs. Néighbors' Series Mrs. Florence Ward, widely, knowAn as writer and lecturer, on Tuesday of, this week iiauguraàted. the first western Universitv settement. wiii ViVct u meJ'%rU ll officers for the comïng year za t g-IU For InIOtI*i enCm1U nual meeting ta le hel d Thursd,Ja-l WILMWITR 1061 STIL VUTHM DEUCIONI At the 'Fe . B. AKT HOP AilREIUCED 1/2 20% DISCOUNT on Framin 1642 Orringt6n Ave., Evanston 'UNI. 0770 The. D TNew DEA VILL E A merica's Beauti fui $2,000,000 Resort at > MIAMI BEACH 0 0 0 FLO arn A an's club. "Mark tht 3," the 'club urges. of the timé and meq bç made, in next wg MIAMI BEACH FLOR IDA 'M 1 1 1