Carleton Sn end Prof. Give Program The miusic, literature, and civic departmÉents have arranged the next :ail-day mneetingof the. Womlan 's Club of Wilmette ,Wednesday,, january 31, offer- ingto club mnembers and guests' trespeakers, Carleton Smiith, Dr. Oscar., Tbomas Oison and Prof. Williamn Montgombery.Mc- Govern, tbe latter giving ,the afternoon program following thé one o'clock luncheon and- opening at 2. Carleton Smith 'is to speak on *"IListening to musi,-- fl3OaCon sidered a fearless critic and analyst, Mfr. SYmi has had personal contact. and. close. friendship with many pinsicians who are outstanding in their art. Mr. Smiith is a lecturer who bas corne f rom a horne where many mnusical artists were entértained. In, bis talk before the club Wednesday morning, he will tell the attitude of many famous musicians to their art, and illustrate witb anecdotes from bis personal acquaintance with tbem. He will suggest helps in listening to mnusic so that it may be enjoyed the more by layrnen. Followi ng his musical interests as a hobby, Mr. Smith developed bis knowledge by studying at the Eliza- beth Sprague Coolidge foundation at the Library of Congress. H. became music writer for the Washington, D. C., Post, and spent several years' *in Europe visiting composers, critics, and musicians from Finland and Nor- way to Italy and Spain. Since he bas been, in Chicago, Mr. Smith lias Iectured on the radio, in: wany clubs and various north shore homes,.lie has given, also,'an annual lecture series for Marshall Field and company to which Gigli, Tibbett, John Charles Thomas, Jeritza, Ru- auror i -moernj 4y411,-A--i ne Lhasa ini Disguise,' and "Jungle Patbs and Inca Ruins." are doing ini response to tne plea tne Red Cross bas sent forth of the ur- gent need for garnments, especially for babies and children. So far, those who have joined the army of Red Cross w>orkers1 are as..f ollows: The Misses Dorothy Bichi, Lillian Blaumeuser, Dorothy Brooks, Dor- othy Comeford, Amy Çrumflich., Pat- ridia McCarthy, Clara. Meter, Lor- raine Moore,. Vivyenne Morin, Dor- othy Pettinger, and Mrs. Chartes W. Campbell. The Juniors are especially inter- making baby garments ard, spend many hours working diligentl, on tbem.. They intend to carryv on this work aIl through the year and thereýy accomplish- much for what they consider a worthy cause. On Thursday evening, January 25,, there wiIl be a special business meet-. ing regarding the ways- and means party to be given February 13. The meeting will b. at 8 o'clock, at thet home of Miss Dorothy Brooks, 832 Sheridan road, Minette.9 WilliaeitM'on tgomry >,McGotpernt, assistanit prof essor of Political sci- ence at Northzvpesfern upniversity, u'ho in the. interests of anthropo- logical research, made e.rpeditions through Tibet to the Forbidden City of Lhasa disguised as a Tibetapi coolie, and a«iso -through Mrs. Brazelton Speaker ai Catholic Club Friday A breakfast and semi-annual meeting 18 the plan for the Woman's Catholic Club of Wilimette which is to. be in Speaks Men's Nighf Reading Circi. Hosteis. plays preeelte read by Mrs The Reading circle will nicét Mon- Temuple Center day with Mrs. H. B. Gates of 911 5, at 2:15 o'clc Washington avenue, Evanston, at ýof the Sisterhi LIS5 o'Clock. Congregation,1 inuvr the f the-Nor- er, " Speaker. on Manchurle Pdext Tuesday; Music on Program Meli's nigbt will be observed by the Neighbors of Kenilworth Tuesday, January' 30,' at the Ken ilworth club at 8 o'Clock.. For, this: special occasion ,the club is presenting Ellery Wal- ter. acclaimed as, "The supreme, Adventurcr." -He tities bis talk "Manchuria - Chinese. Japanese, or Rus sianà?" 'Music ~ill have its share, in rounding. out the evening, witb Norma BoswTorth. of Winnetka the.soloist, Evelyn LaSalle of 'Kenil.worth. ber ac- com pan ist. ElIery Walter is one of the phen- omenal figures of Amferican, Vouth. lu 19.31 as a roving correspondent for, th e New York Herald-Tribune he un-. dertook a thrilling 1,500> mile trip going through Russia. Siberia. and theUkai~ Mr. Walter is- welI qualified to speak on> the. eastern problem. his knowledge incr eased by the four months in Manchuri.a, Jehol. China, and Japan, from which he re- turnied this faIt, A capa-city audience is excpected for the program, the only family night schcduled for the yrear. Norma Bosworth, a well knOwNV programl at the Ilinois Host flouse at A Century of Progress, and was also guest artist at the Governor's M.\ansion programn at Springfield given by the Northern Illinois .branch of the National League. of, American iPeu Women. Evelyn .LaSalle, a gifted compose r and pianist, is, accompanist for a number of weIl kuoivn singers. be association at its regular nionthly the meeting which was followed. lby ary luncheon and bridge Monday. Mrs. ices B. Spotswood was co-hostess. Mrs. iore Chartes Soutbward of KenilWorth is president of the association.