The Civic . Orchestra of Chicago, under the direction of Eric DeLamarter, wiil give tbe first of a series of Sunday afternoon concerts at Orchestra hall on January 28. There will be pop- ular admission prices:- The Civic orchestra, is composed of the most' talented young players of the city, ail of whomn have passed a -competitive exarnination for 'en- trance. One of the members known on the. north shore is ,Leonard Krupnick, 'cellist, of Minmette. The.orchestra has; spenit the ent ire, first haif of the. season in rigorous. rehearsal un- der Mr. DeLa marter. The prograin of the first. concert will f eature the work of 'a promising young. Evanston. composer, David Van. Vactor, who will conduct the first performance of bhis Passacaglia. and Fuge. -FirstChi- cago hearings will also be, given to two modern Russian works, "The Amazons" by Liadow, and a Polonaise by Liapounow., Russian music will further berepresented by the initerest- : ing'and littie. known> first syniphony of Borodin and schaikowsky's favor- ite Andante Canabile f or string or- chestra. The prograrn will open with Massenet's "Phedro" overture. Janet Fairbank, -well known Chicago so- prano and society leader, will be the soloist. Aanong those on the board of direc- tors of the Civic Music association are Mrs. Roland D. Whitman and Edwin. S. Fletcher of Winnetka. in 19M. e îast playea liere in 193. Si ~nce his arrivali in Ainerica after tremendous successes in Europe, Elmnan bas become a naturalized citizen and one of, its' famous, artists. For the symphony program Friday Mr. Stock hasarranged, Schmnitt's "Cçamp, Of lPopeji" --from "Anthony and, Cleo- patra," and Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique. Mr. will plav Beethoven's Concerto iD major.. rRIO IN R ECITAL JANUARY 29 Be In Blackstone hall of the Chicago Art Institute, May now be seen an unusually fine exhibition of photographs showing the trend of architecture in the Scandinavian countries. Not onl.y may one see the exteriors'of homes, stores, public build- ings, hunting lodges, offie buildings, villas,, c hurche .s, hotels, etc., but, one may study their interiors as wel!. The austere 1 unes of modern architecture, with their appea rance of- solidity and simplicit.y, seem t o fit well the temperamen t of- the people of the Northland. An example of this simplicity of hué a,.«ndý mass may be seen ,in, the picture of the, very unique church at. Aurejarvi,- designed. 111 by Oliva Kallio, of Helsinigfors.. In certain interioirs of homes, we find a revival of. the use of bare pine walls, with the knots in, the. Wood form ,ingý the only decoration. The exchibition was. assembled hy L. Marmnus, a Danish . architect of Cenhagen.A survey of, the build- ings show' that more and more the use of steel is being, incorporated while excéess ornamentation is strictly taboo. Terra cotta al5o is increas- ingly employed. On Friday, january 26, the Anti- quarian Society of the Art Institute, ývl give a reception to its members on'the opening of the Howard Van Dorer Shaw Memorial gallery,, in MeKinilock court. This gallery wil contain only originals, such as quaint shop fronts, doorways and book stalîs ~ 5f early .English architecture. In addi- ton to these important architectural details, the Antiniimrins il1 4hiit ford and papçr weights, loaned by Oakleigh L. Thorne. Members of the Antiquarians may bring, guests. Tea' will be served fromn 3 until 5:30., rucclni, wîn D1,e given Dy theC hicago Grand Oper company this Saturday afternoon at the Civic Opera House. It will be played witb the original cast of the Chicago première includ- inig Mmes RosaRaisa, Marion Claire, and.Messrs. Lindi,, Chase Baromeo,, and Frigerio. Papi will conduct. Sat- urday night "Mignon" will be given .with Coe Glade and Meusel, Tito Schjpa, and Chase Baromeo in the sha wnee Club WuiI Have H.our of Music rA trio comnnsed of Henrv SI Coînîng Concerts Guiomar Novaes, pianist fromi South Amnerica, wlll appear ini a ec ital at the Studébaker-theater this Sunday afternoon at,3:30 o'clock. . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . Canzonette.................... ....Mende be the aÉltist during the regular Chant sans Paroles.................. Tchflk prora a 815 hi wekat Entr'acte Valse................... Helmes Deep River.........William Arma A utumn a nd W:nter... ...... lz be featured in a, recital at the An&dante Bostenuto ....................... B er on Monday evening, Febru- Marc& of the Tin Soldiers............. Ramance ..1.......................Va" Boiero.............................Mo .ary ~ lierne Oens ival$