Wilmette Men> WhoHave Busi- tures, an< ne.in Chicsgo Urged to -will beý Attend. Meeing Friday féder'al _____ entrely b. The regular meeting of Wilm ette antee of' Cic league, to be held inm the Mission.iesri room of Marshall Field and coiny cause of Chicago,, Friday, january 26, at 12 :15 ta h o'ciock,' wiil be devoted té an -explana- tion and discussion of the Federal Sav- "Loi ings and L.oan,. association, a unlit of wbich is now in course of formation Local in, Wilmette under the name.of FirSt Henry Federal, Savings and Loan association, nue, c ha Beiieving that the unqualified success ization of the proposed association is absolutely ings and eseential to the, future welfare of ,the mette, rq village, the Civic league bas determiied, >a charte according to its officers, to do every- ington, tbing in its power to bring the advan- expected tages of tbe plan before the citizens. requirenî With this as its motive, the league tion for urges every citizen to attend its meet- members ing, especially those who may be in issued. business' in the city.. Reserviations tal 850, sbould be miade promptly 'by 'calling niemnbers Herm an T., Reiling, State-.6246. Kreutz, Kretatz Ila.Speaker .toktce The principal speaker will be 0. R. wt h ceîpt of Kreutz, field organizer for Illinois and- Wisconsin' who' bas appeared before several of the civic organizations of citizen of the village in recent weeks. Al who and bis ne have beard Mr. Kreutz -bave been im forrned on ai aî orrowers who may neeci cash tô save their bornes or for* building pur- 'Poses. Dr. Doniald M. Gallie, 11 15 ElmWood avenue, Henry Fowler, general chair- man of the association,, and Carl, E. Clifton, s ecretary of the.Chamber of 'CoMmmerce, wiI l aso speak. In speaking of the associat ion George H. eedding, 1516. Élntwood, avenue,, presîdent of the Wilmette Civic league, said : "In view of the f act that banks have- withdrawn f rom the real estate ad the -f act. that its operation undler tbe: Supervision of the -overnmient;, 'thougb .managed by local, officiais, offers a. guar- safety that sbould> draw every into its merm bersbip. It. isbe- these outstanding advrantages, Civic league believes every, ," Chairter Enroute, il Chai 'man eports y Fowl'er, 1404 Forest ave- iirmaàn in charge of organ- of theFirst Federal Sav- id Loan associationi of Wii- reports. that application for :r bas been.sent -to Wash- and that its issuance is Al promnptly. Government nents cali for the subscrip-ý r 500 shares frôni fôl'ty rs before a charter wiIl bc Subscriptions to date to-. shares, withý over sixtyv s participating. R. O field organizer, personal-y_ large of the application epurpose of expediting re-. the charter, Wilmette owes it eighbors to becomn to bimseif le fulv in- pian and meuic uiancial ain mhat the red- eral government will extend. We trust that ail who can possibly attend the meeting will be there." Names Committee Heads for 'L" Terminal Body At the regular monthly meeting of "L" Terminal Business association held at Linden Tea Room - Monday, January 22, president Harry.Dornbos Lake, Avenue Water .Main Improvement The Wilinttte Village board met in~ adjourned session Tuesday night to receive bid à for the laying of a 24-. inch water main f rom the pumping Station at thefoot of Lake avenueto. Ridge avenue.. This is the main which the board proposed to lay in the parkway ontIhe north sicle of Lake avenue, a nd to which viigorous opposition bhas 'been expressed. by the residents on. the street as well as by, sucb local or- ganizations, as the WomÙans Club of Wilmette and the Wiimette Garden club.* This opposition is based on tbe danger of inju .ry to, many fine treels along the parkway. The board chose the. parkwayj - 0 cation because of. its lower cost. Lake avenue residents desire that the mnain beput in the alley, nmaintaining that, the additionai cost was justified. The Village board rejécted ail bids received on the parkway location, and' readvertised for bids on the alley lo- cation, in order that the difference in cost mnigbt be definiteiy fixed._ Seven contractors submîtted bids on the work, that of John W. Moore of Evanston being lowest. This con- cern also made the low bld on the parkway location. A comparîson of, the figures shows that to lay theÎ main in the. alley will cost from $3,200 decision forwvýarded ta the' Public .Works admiinistration at Wasbing- ton for concurrence. It is expected that the contract will be awarded at the regular meeting of the board on February.6. Judson F. Stone Named Director of ContinentalI Judson F. Stone, chairmnan of the JAN, 29 New Civil WorksEduction Serviceé Est ablished Here;- Schools Cg.operat. Wilmnette is t o have a f ree "day nurs- ery at the Logan school for eblidren' between the ages of 2 and 5, inclusived The scbool is ta be open from 89o'clock. in the ,mÎorning unitil 6 o'clock lin the evening, so that'emPlOye mothers may bie assure& of competent care for their children during the entire- day. - Th Project,' sponsored bythe Civil Worku. Iducation service is under the direc- tion of the Minmette Health center and the board of education and will work in cooperatiôn with these and varlous other .civic. organizations. Aside ,from the*. reglar «nursery school- activities it is planned to give corrective exercises for Posture and any physical defects to those children i need. This applies also ta children of school age designated> by Mrs, Inez Bliss, communhîy and. C. T. I. nurse for Wilmette. N..d Equipmmmt While the CWES is paying the salaries of the teachers, no provision is miade fore equipment, and only a very sînal sum is al1lowed for running expenses. Betsy N. Shapker, who will give the and most especially for cots on. whicb the children will take their afternoon napsi Villagers who bave a child's bcd or cot that is not in uise are invited to, provide it, either as a gif t or loan. Thôse wisbing to inake such contribu- tionsare requested ta, call Miss.Shap- ker, Wilmnette 1068. Asso littie rnoney is provided for expentses, it will be necessary for.chîl- dren ta bring their own lunches, but milk, bot soup or cocoa will be fur-' nisbed at moon, it is announced. yv "amI4U b. Jawwston, librariai; Paul ithe north 11mits of tChicago. Some of M. Godehn, secretary, and Ray C. the youngsters have been irnplicated Osgood, treassirer. Thse isstitute in other depredations in Wilmette, suaintains: the largest law llbrary lu ,l but were regeased, in formercae thestae, umbwhi 85000volumes.ý on promise to cease lawless practs*ces. M»c ..« ......321 New Trer ]N.wý........21 North Shore SYunoy 26-27I Rocratio.a News....6 SochitY Page. .... 34-37-411j wno nave been tisere for Smonth. Mrs. Law, Sr. late at Hàrder Hall,- Sea bury, M4iami Beach. at Luncheon of Civic League ri 'stop i., .and