thi BED SHEETS the square inchi No di. in.g wheover. Tom tfo size. The finest long stapie that growsl Andon top of if ail, the foct of the, naine that has- stood for the fin- etof the fine for gcenoeationsi OTHER SIZES 63x99 B.d Sheets. ..,$ Loo 7x99.d Sheets, $1 .09 hIxIO8 B.d Sheets, $I.29 $119i 46x34 St... .. .27e MAL ýAND, PMON£ ORDERS. PROMPTLY.,FjLLED. ON SALE TIURSDAY, ANO FRIDAY. DeLuxe Squr-Tub MAYTAC WAS H ER Former! y SoId at $133.50-Savi Exact!Y $44 NIow at 50 FEDRIJARY FURNITUItE SALE VALUESI Baby's S&urdy Hîgh, Chair .98ý ln maple, green or ivory finish f les. wei-constructed t, WJIOLDT' S-EVANSTON On Davis Street- SNOP WITH A CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT W;lmnette. 100 4/ @~ TW / j g g PILL OW CASES