EVAN STON ~ last Satuvday by motor for Mianai, tJniv.1640 Fia., where tbey will spend the re,- __________________________main der of the winter. The children a wili finish their school year there. Vito' aAnal ALASKA, :SIL VERI FOX SALE. ENDINO JANUARY 3lt f ineaet WiId SiUber Foxea Received >Dire cidy.from 0gw M.ik. Your Selpctfiom Nov for Sprnmg Delivery A Depotit WiII Rosre,. t. Opmi Eveminge VICTOR -BROTHIERS. Man. facturing Furriers 368 CENTRAL AVE. HIGHLAND PARK 351 la the Fur Business for Tree Generations wa, OU v*wl 0OUR PMîT Makea Warmn Frienda Hel ore voua place your cool order compare our prices M CASH GOAL SPECIALS jPocahontas- Mine Run, extra coarse:.,,. .,.$7.25 *Pocahontai 1Lump and Eg..........95 I Nut. . Pea. . à-ýtaiicLiuwtru.riasretuiieuro i4 ee dues of Los iAngeles, wlflner Harbor airport fromi New York City of sveral prizes at the International .1le is preparing to resume his sign Air races last September at Curtiss towing work with bis Fledgling. Last airport and more recently one of the summer Howard towed signs over winners at the AiI-American Air A Century of Progress grounds. He races at Miami, Fia., Iast week cap- formerly was chief flying ns tructor tured .from France the world's speed at Grand Central airport, Glendale, record for single seater planes weigh Calif. ing less than 992.07 pounds. A few days after the close 'of the Goesto Piladepia t Miami races. Miles flew a 100-kilo- meter (62.137,miles) closed course at .GetNewWaco CainiaShip Miami at an average of-0.1Miles Vincent Taylor,ý chief flying in- an hour. Ibýris excéeded by the slight structor ai Sky Harbor airport, left niargin, of 1.80 miles an hour the, last week 'for Philaideiphia to. bring record speed made by the French, backMiss Josephine'Patters ,on's new pilot,_ Delmette, over the Etampes Continental-powered W a-c o, cabin. course on. May 22,,1933.,, .I -Plane. Miss Patterson, enroute fr6m Miles,. who designed and buiilt the New..Yýork to Chicago, was forced to tiny four-cylinder motored monioplane leave, her ship: at Philadeiphiaý be.- in which he won the record,1 also cause of bad weather. establisbed a, United Statesý mark ini wbat'previously was. an unrecorded distance for "this, country, National Don WongNow Co-Pilot Aeronautical association officiaIs. said. on Chinese Air Line- After setting the new. record 'the west coast flyer said he would over- Don Weing, Chinese pilot,' forrerlý haut his 'plane and leave foir'New of Sky Harbor airport, is nfow co- Orleans. H1e decided to make bis pilot on the China National airways, 1 record attejnpt at Miami when N.A.A. Shanghai. He is lyirrg a 6-place i' engineers. establisbed a 100-kilometer Stinson powered by a .300-horsepower course there. Wright motor. At Sky Harbor Wong flew a Mercury Chick, which issl Sky Harbor Shop Rebuilds used occasionally by some o i Chinese friends. Fleet Owned by Sehelter, * . Art Schelter of Oak Park bas pir~ built at the SkyHarbor airport shop. Quiok Trip to DerotSchelter ecpects to use the. ship in WîthH.B Griggs.. They made. the Stop at Curtiss Fiel.d trip iii a "Bellanca owned by GeneralOP ouseholdT.tilities, refrigerator rranu- in New Stinson Reliant facturers,.d Griggs is Pilot of the ship. Jack Kelly, flyinï e e n Yellow 'Stinson Reliant,, was ;an ar- rvai- last Friday' at Curtiss airpont. Bih CIo Ges N w ob He broùeiht;the ship ferm the Stin- at West Coast Airport son factory. He- ws ;icroute t9 Rd Bill Clow, wbo until recently bad plane. charge of the books at Curtiss airport, bas been called to a new position at SOLOS AT SICV HARBORi ... . . . . .. . usGrie or' -e -ayareeictecj by the students of the ---o-sec00ol, and mernbership on the coun- Marin Phllis, dugher o Mrcil, whicb functions as the student- ars.n Phillips, 625 Br f re* faculty liason body,; is considered the street, Kenilwo'rtb, entertained ber. highest extra-currilcular bonor oh- Girls' club at bridge and tea on Fni- tainable: at the Lake Forest prepar- day, "preceded by, a business meeting. tory school. *