Choose youT favorite colo,' scheme from yoo colors and then have itpain.tedon a min- iature car for 7onT verown. The Packard Color and Faibrie Salon Eclgewater Beach Ilotel Last yeéar, Packard staged itsHall 'of Precision which proved ýto be the sensa-1 tionofthe NewYork AuItomobile Show. This year Packard presented its Color. and Fabric Salon, and attracted possibe -Sehimturn drab'rocks into. flaming jewels efore,,your. veryý. eyes. Corne in and learn how paint is h ung on hooks - why a steer has. more than one bide - how it takes 4o sheep tà pro-. vide. wool for the'cloth in a single car. ASK THE MAN W HOWNO Janumaiy 27 t. Il p.-.~