meni of the village.hI recent weeks they have beeii playing basketball. PRESENT ENTERTAII4MENT Evanston Lodge, 1. O. O. F.,. visited A. T. Sherman Iodge of Wilmette last Tbursclay'evening and conducted'the meeting., The Evanston lodge at th at time invited Wilmette. and other north shore -Odd Fellows to attend a district, meeting held last 'Monday in, Evanston atW*h ich time a vaude- ville eintertaÏnment was given. Mrs. Waldo Haw.vxhurst, 738 Eleventh street, returned Saturday from a two weeks'-visit in New York. Mr. Hawxhurst went on toiattend tbe automobile show. INTRODUCING, C. A. S T ARK'S. WOOD SPECIALTY SIROP 1729 MNITRAL ST.' EVANSTON We Design, CabinoetDol Houe., Signa and Amy Wood AMtilloe 0 Tables for Ping-Pong. . . Garden Furniture, etc., by the third diveision. The worsflîp serv- ice is held f romi 7:30 to 8 o'clock. From eight to nine o'clock,_ four specific in- terest groups will meet. Arecreational programn for ciildren- is beld ini the Pritnary rpooms. under direction of' Mr. and MÎs. Walter Pil- grim. LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mirs. Albert McCàleb, 2916 Grant street, Evanston, will be luncheon hostess to her north shore,. bridge- club Friday, February 2, of wbich the>following are inembers: Mrs. Ed- ward, Geither, Mrs.. Corliss Nýugent, Mrs. S., B. Williams of Wilmette, Mrs. HomnerGoodhue of, Winnetka, Mrs. C.. C. Bradbury of Glencoe, and two residents of Highland Park. Mrs. Walter A. Horner, 400, Isa- bella street, returne d recently from af two wveek$* visit with ber familv in Vincennes, Imd. and with friends in St. Lou, Mo. GOLNew ow lthe time to whfle the prie. In up. We bave a goverament Iliense to bay old gold, platinua and oliver. No need to go elewher--we wilI pay you n rcash or trade for n.w Jeweiry. 1). PA&GLIARULO 1166 Wilnutte Ave. Wil. 1061 Mathew Fra.ncks Photof These stalwarÉls, rcpre.tenting the GreenleaIéf Cab com/'pany ofEzanston ore on . to ai this twritii n, lthe1wNurih Shore Basketball icague sponsored bylthe. Wilmteîle Recreationi dakrd and gantes in: which are played aithtie HozcOrd and Stopoiit 'mnsiiaems. Top roiv: (left to rnqht) JD. Dettineë,WIlalv Miller, George Bell (manager), R., Glaub, anid B. Fox. Bottomt row: C. RXudd, G. Cook, T. Goacheo- and A4 Taylor. Miller starred at Neif' Trier High sehool in his prep' duYs and ltler at the University of Michigan. Goacher played ai Ezvans'on I-igh school and the *University of Alabama. Taylor also plailed at Evusiston .High school and mode a kzattne for hinueiff at the University ofWisni. Cook and Fox w%çre tzto other Evapistonl H igh school stars. Gla.ub plavcd on the varsity ,a![K;o.r- college for three, .1clar.s. Rudd and Devine lune pi ycd in Evunstosi lea ies fo r several years. Ru<fd elh lte 1-Nols and Devine on seve rai othr leatits. Champ vs. Champ, ri - . - w - other members of reponsible. Iii addition to the triumvera te was ý0 týC M -Y sgmMS Willow Road, West of Skokie BIvd.-, Winnetka9 PH4ONES WINNETKA 855-WILMETTE 900 ning's (Friclay) -lames i the 1c- and atiother at 9 o'clock between North- reation 1 board's, North Shore Men',s brook Sportsmen and the Don 13axter company. The latter game ivili be of: Basketball league. special interest because the teams will Trhe game referred tu vil1 be between be fighting for. an unequivocal- right. Huff Boilers, the 1933 champions. of the to the cellar'position, silice neither bas league, and the Greenleaf Cab Conipany, wvon a garne this year. which is. the solermann tea m in i 1ast week the* Cayr-Leen Beauty sa- the league wVith a perfect recotrd to date. jlners came out .at the short end of a The game starts pf 8. o'clock and will 30 to 10 score in its ti ' t with Huif be played in the court at the Howard Boilers and Lynain Texacos took: Hoff- school gymnasiupi. . man Florists in a well-plaved izame I 2700 , (ail departmes.ts) Oit Co. 207 Grace Street Park Ridige, Ili. and the Iynams having received a set- ---- back at the hands of the Greeneaf Mr. and Mis.. William A. Wieboidt, Cabnien during the Christmas vacation. [243 Warwick road, Kenilworth, are Hence, if Huff's wir f rom the Cab- leaving Saturday for Arizona. They men, each of the three teams will have will spend a short time at Phoenix at single defeat. for which one of the before going on to Spokane. 140 West1 43rd Street.,