* and makes prompt trc aoi'v- *ries from 8 a.. m. to 10 P. M. évery day, including Sundays and holiday.. He is araestly interested ini your vwelfore and your1 good will~ which, after al,ý are the main- stay of a neighborhood store. Yonr homeý druggimt i. the only. business,.man who is reqwired to, hàave aà cÔllte é ducation, which qualifies him to advise .y on in many ways.. You need your drnggt and ho needs youi. That's always 9oo4 gromnd fôr,getting tojether. Bouleva d Dmug tore Louis A. 'ELLISHRO,[G R. Ph. G. 1181 Central'Avenue, Wilm.tte PHONE WILMET 4298 * Lady Assistant I Plalntiff (Àrigélna.) Joan Guthrldge Defendant (Edwi) .Alfred 1Reerenr' Judge ................ . Arthur, Scott Counsell for Plaitlff... George B. Haas Foreman of Jury Benjamin Richards Bailiff ........... Walter O. Has- Chorus of Jurymen,' BrldesmaIds, and -spectators. Produced and direced by, Mme. Glideroy. Scott, Planlst-MIss Lydia« Koeli Stage, Manaer-Fran"1Gthidg Tickets may be secuired fromf mem- bers of the choir organization- or by phoning Wiimette 4457. it is an- nouniced., ADD NEW MEMBERS Several new. members have-,be.en. added* since, Christmas., to the da'nc-. ing classes: sponsored by the Lýogan-; Howard Parent-Teacher association., and. which are* under the instruction of Miss -Alice. Stade. It is hoped that more chbildren wiIl take advantage of the course, and any who register now will be permitted to appear in the spring dance iecital, Miss Stade an- nounces. Registration for the classes may be made with Mrs. Benjamin Jacobson, 1326 Wiimette avenue., I SPECIAL for Tbur8ayjs, Saturday8 Junial Dug-mid (right), schoolmasuter,. orator and author of "Green Heul" and "Tiger Man" who upent adventuring1 ýin the 4ilds of Boliviù, wilL, in company wi.th.,hi., Tiger Mans (Sacha Siernel) alto shown, aboe. re-emact a drawrna of ife and dcoth in the, junglesi a lectureto. be presented in Jane Kuipeheirner -Mernorial hall of, Skokie school,. Winnetka. The' first -performance, illüsirated with motion pictures, will be givjen ue isdayj evening, Janieary 30. TU.e house hiu -been sold out for this appearance and a seco -nd lectuire has been schedul/ed for Tu&esday. evening, February 6, ai thse çalte hall. Ticksets are on sale in thse [Wnnelka public sehools. Thse lec- tures are sponsorrd by the Horace Manns unit of thse Winn et/sa Parenit- Teacher association. GO TO ARIZONA.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams,- 205 Oxford road, Kenilworth, ièft Tues- day, january 23, on a two weeks'. visit to Tucson, Ariz. They ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peter- seni of Kenilworth, who are going to Aider Tighe Receives, Officiai Certificate. Aider R. Tighe, 521 Fourth street, bhas received f rom Henry L,. Doherty, national chairman, *a handsome cer- tificate notifying him that bis appoint- ment as chairnian of the President's Served witli crispy. French fid potatois and delicious hot nois. 40c, 4 BEAU SHOI' e r Powder Wa vincjedi1 Beauty Culture inail ifs Branches' MRS CI-gO BAER 11. I37 CENTRALAVE ....'.. a, 411U tiâb tu - y a lce &tAWl5 Mr. Tighe's prized possessions. The bail is to be held at the Shawnee club on1 the evening of January 30. R.EPLIES TO CRITICS Commissiorier of .Public Works C. C. Schultz appeared before the. Village board Tuesday night and de-' fended the distribution of CWA work in the village against charges th'at the west aide was being discrirninated against. Mr. Schiultz asserted the work is being divided as evenly as possible, and that the advantage, ii u. fiE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVI10 TO ATTEND THSE oeURCH: SMVIM sAND Vlun, TIS E EA8NO aooi Iý I Il I ing 'I . jjjji 1 et . flolil . jjjjjjjju