INeVw Tier 5IUuVaent i 5i8p Iini LU.wo of ,colleting magazines and books for the two thousand boys and young men at the CCC camp west of Wihnette. "Since classes are being organizeà for them, there is a special need for textbooks," Mr. Gaffniey explains. Text- books ýin practically any subject will be welcome, and New Trier students have been, asked to look through their books at home and bring to the. school any that they are willing to contribute.. Coaduet Contoet The Tri-Ship, Boys' club.. is giving itS active support to the project. Advisor rooms are being canivassedl thoroughly. The campaign is. being conductedl on, a competitive b lasis.. It is planned. to keep, a record of the. number of booŽs, and magazines contributed, and to pre- *sent suitable awards fo the individ- uals and rooms collecting the most. The Tri-Ship boys have announced thalf they will gladly cail at residences throughout the township if anyone bas .,books or magazines to contribute. Vit- lagerq who wisb to help in ,this man- netrnmay notify the boys by telephon- ing F. D. Frisbie, Tri-Ship club spon- sor. at the higb school, Winnetka 2400. Get Maay Books Following announcement publislied i n ýWriL.ETm LIi, of the need for books .and magazimes at the camp where 2,000 young men are billeted,. much reading mnaterial bas been received at the offices of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce for dispatch to the camp at Hrarms and Glenview roads. The Chamber of Coin- merce welcowes more contributionls of this nature. Parents of Sophomores Visit New Trier Tuesday Parents of sophomore students at. New Trier Higb schoàl were remind- ed again this week of the meeting . to be, held at the school Tuesday- night. January 2,fo 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock under the auspices of the New Trier Parent-Teacher. -association. The meeting is beîng held;to give these * parents an opportunity to meet their children's teachers and advisors. The teachers and advisors will be assigned crosse ld conta. All suits and overoetm arc current styles and desirabi, patterns. The Wilmette Store for Me, The Rev. J. H. Gockel, u'ho as served as supply minister. of St. John's Lutheran chu rch siitce the death of thé Rev. Hermnapt.W. Meyer last* Novemtber, haç accepted the pastorate of the, church.,,Mr. GockeI bas beett active j» Luth- ,eran young people's work isi his denomijnation, for seve rai .vears, ha vi g bc»i. until rece>tl asso- tiated wuith the leagute utith hcd mrer n Chicagjo. Hie u4it be instalIed as the pastor at Sct. John's on Jainiary 28. Masons Launch Series of Prize Cawd Parties The first of a series of evening auc- tion bridge parties will be held to- night (Thursday). at '8 o'clock at tb 'e Wilmette Masonic temple, under the auspices of Wilmete Lodge 931 AF. ual prizes for each evening as weii as prizeg for high total scores for the season. It is announced that al mem- bers of the Masonic fraternity are welcome to comne and bring their Masonic friends. DINNER FOR FATHER Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Stewart, 830 Ashland avenue, entertained at diii- ner in honor of Mrs. Stewart's father, M.. B. Skinner, of South Bend, md., SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY1 dhice of ail varieties. Make your'own selection. orange Peel, Toffee-Fits -Nat§ liard and SOUt Centers IJUTCH MILL CANDIES 1187 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 2140 Baek ini the Good Old Days Some of the old styles are being re- vived-but -not the mustache cup-nor is -there anything old fashio0ed about either , f Our two dependabi.e drug stores. Merchandise. is alw ays fresh, Prescription service prompt and accur- ate,. sud our delivery.service to Wil- mette end Kenilworth is a modern>con- venience, you Ca't afford to overlook. SPECIALS Th-sdm R A Z0R FREE witb HOT WATER package of Gem Double $1.00 lANL4~~ WILMETTEI LINOIS Phono Exper atrLu a,*pMaSirvAc 1164 Wilmnette Avenue For a feu' days oisly Sale 2Ibs. for10 -i I. ! m Wilmètte 2435