guests at thie meeting of the Catholic club last Friday afternoon whien the fine arts department offered a pro- grain entirel.v feminine ini its appeal. An tuntisually large crowvd formed Iiues. weaving iu and out, eagerly tle exhibat. Only brief is -Ile, commnent space pernîitýs of faud, Work and hiandicraft showaî, some doue today, somte antique, and soine' of fl.ot many years. ago. Trhe. exhibit inicluded a Christeninig dress and petticoat mnade by. .rS. Robert J. Wilson, grandînother of Mr.Marshall Kearny, and a petti- coa t,'fiucluding lace, made by, ber aunlt. Mrs. J.,.]-. Quinlan, aud worn 1).y Mrs. Kearney ai dlier brothers anil their children i wlieîx they al %%ere haptized. Onl a table Mrs. Cearl Schroeder slîowed a sainpler 97 vears old, crochet work of bier own donc ý25 or 30 véars ago. wlhich iii- cluded a five-piece crochet lunchéonl set stiffenied to resemblec fibèr.' *A tinv bonnet of fragile lace - a there, whiclh had belong.ed to Mrs. Kcearticy's doîl andd had beeti altered for each of lier children to be. worn by * thiein at tlieir Chiristenings. MrS. john .13o vston exhilited. a 'beaded purse 35 years old, table linien cm-; broidere(l in slia(ed patteriis, B1etten- * l>ergand drawni work. Mrs. Peter J., Kiappericli ctcred petit-poitit, one exatuiple of a compflete set for diuing rooni chairs. pictures, a ijuaint purse, andl a l)alm's dress. Mrs. Henry' *Schimidt hroughittlie lincuns froin lier trousseau, exquisitcly enibroiclcred, sonle <oiiilua eonivent. Afghans~ % were 01n display, tiiose îmade by NMrs.. R. IL, Johnson, for: Mrs. Sc liustc.r. Iliose Cxhil)itCd hv Mrs. 'lileodlore Suen lv Mrs. Fan-.Koza, MrsK John W \alkcr . Mrs. -frc eter,' antd the miene adé by -Miss Anu 1nar- rett; and cxhibîted lhv Nrs. Plullip IlIilinge.r. I-ooked ,rug-s and hraided. rugs werc citered bv NM1rs, l)anfiél Clohisy, NMrs. Meter, Mrs. \V. H. Wolff. andl Mrs., p.ýý. j loycé. ÀAlog cal)in quilt. fiftv years 0l(1iuadec(if pieces of vestmients was greatlv. ad- mired. A cashmere cinbroidered, The success of the day appeared au auspicious welcome to 1934. The extending of cordial New Year greetings and the reading of the club collect. by Mrs. A. E. Klunder, the, president, furthcr marked. the opening of 1934. The annual, food shower Deceni- ber, 0, etiabled tbe club to divide be-- tweeil the local charties aud the ex-, service men ten dollars in, cash and 232 packages, of food,' MNrs. Mulford aninouticed. Mrs. J. -W.. Fisher,, Jr.; stated that the opening Junior dance ini December* was very well patron-, ized, nettiug something over twenty- five dollars,, ini spite of the very nominal admission charge.- In- Tableaux, of Famous French. Wom.n Tonîght 1Four Tableaux V ivants of' Famous French Womeni will be the programn presented by Niia Xinans at the Art ceiter of the Evanston Public library January 18, at 8 o'clock. *The first mwill be the mural bY de Chavannes, -Saint Geucyleve Watch- inig Over Paris." Miss Wians se- lccted a Georgian chant as. an ap- propriate sctting, and thÉoughi the cooperation- of the Latin departient of Nrhetr univcrsity and of Stanley Martin.' organist and choir master of St. M.\ark's, church, sonie of the nmembers of St. \,ark's choir wilI sitg mie of these chants in1 Latin. YMrs. C. H. Thomas of Chicago will pose as St. Genevieve. 'l'ie second. table4p i i lbc a Well known portrait of th em1'ýipress *oscphiîne. The atmospheric harp miu-, sic accoupanying this picture will bce pla'vcd lw. the giftcd youing harpist. Miss Helen Horton of the North- western Selhool. of.,Music. Mrs. Her-- Ibcrt ýC. Jeniks of jivanston will im- ,ersonlate the 'Ermpress Josephine. The.ingenlous hack drapes. for these two pictures Iiave becu. designed by IkdNin F. Pierce. The Countess- de -Noailles will be - - A 1--- %9 --T_ - _ 1 n : l- r- welfare of needy Chicago Dabies wbich these two communities have made through the women. of Wil- mette center and Kenilworth center of the. Infant Welf are society. In 1933 Wilniettc center, raised $,O to ward the support- of Alice H. Wood station. furnishcd material and made uip 1,680 garments. for the babies and furnishcd volunteer workers for 89 per cent of'the scmi-w*eekly station con ferences. .lu, 1933 Kenilworth cen- ter raised $1,1K626 toward the sup-. port of Seward Park station, m.ade 619 garmîents for the babies, and fur- nished volunteer workers for 89.per cent oi the semi-weekly station con-, ferences. Alice H. * Wood station, furnishcd. medical supervisio n and home nu rs- ing care last year to 983 infants, 630 children between the ages of two and six years, and 278 expectant moth- crs-a total Af 1,891. Seward, Park station furnished' medical supervision an)d home ntirsing service last year to 677 infants, 519 children betwcen the ages of 2 and 6 years, and 249 ex- pectant mothers-a total of 1,445. The saving of infant life,. while by no mecans the onlly yardstick for mneasuring the value of this work, is a phiase of :jt which nieyer ceases to hold attention. Iu aIl of its eighteun stations the Infant Wclfare soÉcty cared for 17,676 children and expec-, tant mnothers with an infant 'death rate of only 9 per thousand babies *y i-sealns ()f ns comprencnsive hecalth prograni the Infant Welfare s-cietv teachies hanidicapped nmothers iii the poorest sectionis of Chicago licbN to keep themnseives and, their babies welI, it reduces the demfand. for immtediate charity by preve»tinîg'sick-ý ,iess. it upholds' the. morale., of the familles whom it serves, it incretse' tlhe îossibilities of usefulness in theý coniing genceration of citizens. Wil- mette. and Kenilworth may well take pri de lu the share, they have had ini this worthwhile work, the society an- shore to hear-. an eminent. and practical psychologiet, David Seabury. Hie draws from the .whole country in bis consulting practice, in New 'York City, H1e is soibusy thlat a gentleman wisbingto niake an appointment with. him ini january was 1told the, lrtitrne available. was- thrëe.months later, in April. Mr. Seabury is, working to. bring psychology out of the classroomn and the laboratory, into the light of coni- mon language that c'an be uinderstood. and- appreciated and appliedby the, laymnan. He anticipates that wfthin the next fifty years psychology will have ad- vanced to the stage where cvery child will- have an annual psycbological examhination until -the age of 21, and eveëry five years thereafter, and ott of all the discussing and experiment- ing, a new and sane fie f lte natutre of man is cmerging free from cex- tremes shaped to meet the nceds of every day life. His subject will be "Our Undiscovercd Resources." A very reasonable price for tickets iîs made for those getting theni early, from: Wilmette and Kenilworth, Mrs. Frcderick Tilt, Wilmette 4149: Mrs. Alfred McDougal, Kenilworth 921 . Winnetka, Mrs. Arthur J. Mitchell, Wirnetka 1463. Glcucoe, Mrs. John Eugene Davis, Glencoe 1Ù06. A little more will be asked if tickets are purchascd at the thîý night of the lecture. Where clubs have voted about their sp)eakers at the end of their season,. Mr. Seabury bas been choscu . on uiany occasions as the inost: popular lecturer. of the series. 94Do) not miss this chance, of hear- iug him aànd perhnaps hearing and un- <erstanding juftt the thing yeti may need to help yourself, or your hus- band, or your children," the commit- tee in charge announces. The lecture is sponsored by the Highland Park commiLtee of the Arden Shore board hiaus ont of Christmas *cards andi loaned by .Mrs. Walter Miller; those w"'-' url s".. J J bLét' -n " "iuri . urscives-, JFecruary 5, r amiy Re- shcllacked ini orange, werc otiier ini- Ioancd Iby Mrs. Arthur Boylstoî'. She will bc in Tampa this year. lationiships"., The last lecture, the tercsting pieces. Mrs. Bcttinghaus, Mrs. John Boyl- -0- evening of Fcbruary 19, at 8 o'clock, Vestinents for choir and priestR ston, *Mrs. Grignon, and made by Mrs. R. Ward Stafrett, 221 Wood- will deal with "Youth, and the WorlcI made by the Order of Martha for, Mrs. John Boylston, and those loancd stock avenue, Kcnilworth, was host- It Faces tocjay." The other talks missions, -a baby dress made in 1.904 and made by Mrys. John, Walker, ess to her unucheon and bridge club areail at the samne hour in thé after- and a quilted,.bcd,'jacket made' by Mrs. Hillinger, and Mrs. P. J. Joyce. on Tuesday. . noon.