ous organizations in Kenilworth. met Kenilworth «Union church, and George at the borne of Julius A. Petersen, C. Kingsley, who was in charge of president of the Kenilwortb school the Kenilworth Welfare board cam- board, Iast Sunday and selected can- paign. didates for two vacancies on the Mrs. Bent was named vice-presi- Kenilworth, Village boa rd which are '1.dent of the conîmittee,. and Mrs. Kel- to be filed at* a special election Tue%-!l wschosen secretary. day. February.20. ___y________ The two men noniinated for the i board positions. are Harold, F. Tide- Girl Scouts Offerý ~e k ~ c~' r' "ai.r o rogress" Two, Memibers Reelgit Because of the fact, that two nlini- a h rhFi bers1 of -the Village board, Harryv . Educational as wll as 'entertain- Crooks and Richard- Wolfe. are ment features not unlike those.offered resigning and hecause of the. diffi- at A Century of -Progress, are prom-, culty. in getti ng 1together a quorum ised villagers Who plan to attend the. for. the board meetings, it wvas de- 'Fair of Progress" to be presented cided te bold a special election to fil by. the Wilmette Gxirl Scout organ- thetwovacncis.ization tonirrow (Friday) at the Mr. Crooks has moved to XNew Wilmette Parjsh. Metbodist churcb York and Mr. Wolfe feels that lie house from 4 :30 to 9,.30- o'iclock. shoilld resign because his 'business. As indieaàted by the title of> Girl keeps bim'out of town, mucli of the Scout expositioni, the event will be time and makes it impossible for bim patterned after the great WMorld's to attend the board meetings. Fair. It will conmmemorate the coin- Furtber difficulty ini obtaining a quo- ing of age of the Girl Scout mnove- rm bas been occasioned by the f act ment ini the United States and is that Henry G. Zander. Jr.. another sponsored by the Wilmette 'troops, trusýtee, is frequently uniahie to at- council members and leaders' organ- tend the meetings because of bi s du- ization. Admission is free. ties, as Illinois manager of the Home Features that promise to be un- Owniers' L.oan corporation. usually attractive will include an Non-Partisan Croup Avenue of Flags, Administration The committee wbicb met last building, Hall of Nations, Hostess Siinday at Mr. Petersen's home to House, Indian Village, Belgian Vil-. select candidates for the board vacau- lage, Enchanted Island, japanese and cies is ~a rictlv. non-partisann nroani- nther fnreign exhibits, and a Houise, In explanatien of the move a prom- inent Wilmette dealer said Monday that it was ïmpossible for the retail dealer to absorb this tax and remain in busi- ness. In proof of bis assertion lie pre- sented figures 'sbowung tbat in bis case the tax amounted to, $3,000 per yeair, wbhicb practically confiscated bis profits.. That the consumer ivill not be gouged utîder the new plan,: but will be paying 2 percent and no more, is sbown, b .e said, by the scbedule of collections whi*ch will prevail in tbis 'community. It is as follows: Up to 25 cents, no tax.. 26 cents to 75 cents, 1-cent. 76 cents to $1.25. 2 cents. Above thatoa, straight 2 percent will be collected. The argument is advanced by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce that it is muich better -for the consumer to, kilow bow much hie is paying ini tax, rather than to biave it camouflaged in overbead, where be may be charged, considkrab1y more than 2 percent. The idea upon whicb tbis tbeorv is based is that the consumer will become tax coniscious. and therefore in position to oppose an increases ini the sales tax if proposed 'at any future time., On the basis of tbe tax as. adminis- tered byv local dealers the consumer is givenl the best of the bargain. it is claim.-ed, because he will pay less than the stipulated 2 percent. cago and C.ookc courny, was resurned this week. It is expected that the ad- dition will be comnpleted within three months. Resumption of the, building opera- tions bas bee n made possible throtigh the beip of the federal government. A total of $141,000 has been obtained from the Reconstruction Finance cor- poration. Thirty percent of thlis was an outright gift and the remainder is represented in the purchase of the higb school bonds by the corporation. SProvide. N.deqI Space Completion of the addition- will al- leviate. extremnely crowded conditions at, the. bigh school., There. will be forty additional classroms -ini the newý building, exclusive of laborator- -tes. The enitire first floor will be used t.o bouse the laboratories'and lecture rooms for I--he 'science subjects - cbemnistry, pbysics and general sci- ence. On the second and third floors will be classrooms whicb are to be used by the language, tnglisb and so- cial science departments. The art and. domestic science departments will take over the fourth floor. Ini the corridors of the new build- ing will be additional lockers for New Trier students. Started lu 1931 Work on tbe addition originally was begun in May, 1931. In December of the sam'e year the building operations were stopped. Because of the urgent as the Kenilwortb Advisory commit-i tee. Mr. Petersen was named per- manent chairnian of the organization. Otber members. of tbe committee' and the organiza.tions tbey représent are as follows: Mrs. Cbarles Howard Bent, presi.-i dent, Kenilwortb eiîghbors; Mrs.. Artbur J. Iindsley, president, Ken'il- Worth Home and Garden club; Mrs. Gilbert W. Kelly, president, Kenil- worth Garden club; Mrs. E. F. Sny- dac ker, president, KenilWortb Womfen Voters' league; Mirs. J. Ralpb Starr, admunistrator, Kenilwortb Welf are ,oard; Mrs. S.D. Flood, uresident,I Girl Scouting in the United States since the first troop was organized in Savannah, Gai., by Juliette Lowe in 1912. This program will bear the designation 'The Wings of a Cen- tury,. To Select Village Hall Janitor by Drawing Lots Tbe public ervice comimittee of the Village board bas been attenmpting to community bridge Party to be, held Tuesday evening, February 6, ini the Linden Tea room under sponsorship of tbe 'L" Terminal Business associa- tion. Arrangements also contemplate. instruction, in. contract bridge 'by George Stone. Information concern-, ing the. Party niay be obtained by coi.nimunicating with Mrs. Esther* R. Stone. W'ilmette 1644, it is'announced.. , Temporary heating tachities are being installed in the addition this week, and the work on tbe new build- ing will proceed. immediate ,ly.. Designate "'Arterial"99 Highways in Village By r esolution the Village board'at its meeting Tuesday nigbt designated Tenitb street, from the north limnits of tbe village to Wilmette avenue, and Wilmette avenue froin Tenth memDer of ti ment, was p by à resolutii board Tuesd ination fort a grade of 94' I . an. eram- he rececivýed AVEUDE.A . . . . ... . . ..& SNw Trier New....... ý.18 Recreation News ........ 14 Society. Pages 30-33-34-35-37 PHONE. AD-TAKER 4300 WILMBTTE C. C. Schultz reported to the Village board Tuesday night that there were 332 mTýen engaged on CWA work ini the village last week and that StIl more. were1 being used this week.