As the first event on the day's program Mr. Townley conducted leaders' classes for the boys who as- sist bini in the three gymnasinin classes: There are about, 45 boys in the leaders' corps. .After the leaders' classes basket- bal tryouts were held firorn 10:30 to 12 o'clock for boys in tbe four weight classifications-under. 85 pounds, un- der 100 pounds, under,115 pounds and over -115 pounds. The Josepb Sears school;will have teams in aIl of tbese weight groups. This year the-school will1 play flot only North Shore Gratumar Scbool league. teams, but other' teaius as well, including Winnetka, Glencoe, Park Ridge and Evanston, Nfr. Townley announced. The afternoon schedule, at the Kenilworth Memorial gymnasium last1 Saturday included. gaies between fourth and ifth grade teams- from. the Joseph Sears school and the Fred Johnson Play clubs of Evanston. The Kenilwortb teams won both games, and after the boys had inished play- ing basketball they enjoyed other games in the gynnsiumn. Plav clubs desiring basketball gaines with the lower grade boys at the Joseph Sears school bave been advised to get' in touch with -'\r. Townley. A. H. Ullrich, 925 Lake avenue. left, Monday on a business trip to New York Lut Ber- Prumit Rip- -ail Oliver H~ sub tibe- -Shad. We heartily recommend that the. foregoing addition to tbe code liter a- ture. of our ýcountry be read aloud and Punctuated -with ap propriate, sneezes., In fact, Our, columnistic wheezes are rapidly. being coniverted by the weatber ,man' (mad, if- you, will) into sneezes. Even intbe sum-% mier time our sudden. sneezes co n-, vinice us tbat it's. a code, code. wOrld *..but tbere'snothing in aIl this to make one..angry. . it's mostly in pun. ' Well, an.yway, aniother of ýour contributors has sent us the follow- ing ballad showing tbat bumnan ki nd7 ness and, spiritual warrnitb really thrive in tbeý drear olcI wintertinie: A WINTER'SL KNIGHT Not this iiter, biit sone- yea-s past- Our lad riished, in from Play, Ail bubblhj o'er zcith newus of opte "Fine sigh t". he'd seen that dai. So»?ebodyv's dear old Mamie, Jwiîh ferblr sic!' and slow, lege Coach,, 'leaw O'Brien, A nn* Dvorak,' L y 1 e- Talbot and Dick Powell. A stu- dent disgusted 1atl the coach's Win- Atm D*orak at-all-costs tac- tics;,a gr7idý star jn love with' the côach's wife, and plenty of:otber comÛplications make tbis a picture tbat W'ill holdin terestal the'way and tben somie. ý At the Saturday matinee, Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr.,ý will star in the third epigode of the serial, "Tbe Wolf Dog." Charles Butterwortb is a riot in 'My Weakness," whicb intro duces the Eng-- lisb star, Lillian Harvey, Sunday and Moenday; -January 21 and 22. "JEver in My Heart," a powerful war drama, is schtduled lTuésday and Wednesday, January 23 and 24. Ralpb Bellamy, Barbara Stanwyck and Otto' Kruger star. Was tudging Painfully acrosi a pup, aIl igbt . perks up bis ears; The ice-encrulsted Sflote. * cocks bis head and generallY insinu- ates bimself into tbe good graces of When half way o'er thte icy road, 1 overyone within television distance- Hfer scanty dlol/tes wind-lashed. just like bis Pa. Just bow Gin will S/te sturnbled forward helplessly .affect canine beredity. on *the north, In thte lret/tof the blast. s hore. is a barking probleni at pres-_ ent. Anyway, Gin bas been living up Just as a troo p of mnerry lads to the tenets of 'Mussolini-how the Wit s s/ottan~d Iatghter .ga 'y, 'Duce would adore our dog! Waging a rnocIk snozubaille, Camne rollicking that u'ay. Our Friend the Critic savs: 1LHe sits througb the quie t strains of Unhleedipig cries of "Corne on, 1kz,". a .syrnphony prograin wishing tbe or- One lad seeing /ter plig/tî, * chestra would hurry up and cômneto ,Paused, kindly helping lier to rise the part where tbe 'v could miake some And cros t/testreet ail rig/tt. real ,racket with the drums and bornis, Hi ries are telling himn about a A4nd suweter far t/tan words of praise-- thrnlin ovie, '*The Invisible Man," Or his comtyanions' cher- but he's. afraid be wn't be ;able to Was her dear Prayer, "Loi" bless ye jSe it. chle," -R. W. N . Breathed in his tingling car'. *QV UPIEPf -Voice Froua Glencoe.. GIVE SU 1 ISE - - !FM,o 375 Day or Night, maid inithe tam'- ily, Marie Dress- ler bosses Doctor Lionel Barrymore, helps bis daugbter . ( (Helen, Mac.k) elope. with R usseli' .Hardie, and quar- rels with-, the doc- tor"s-wife. (Beulah Bondi) and spoiled ~ daughter <He e U.eIB mar7@ Sbipman). And it is Abby alone Who realizes the genius of tbe late, Christopher Bean. AUl of wbich is a. very important part of a bighly entertaining story. IAnother1 picture, the whole :family will like is "Lone Cowboy,"' with Jackie, Cooper,. Lila Lee. and John Wray, showîng 'Friday and, Saturday, january 19 and 20. jackie is the bnigbt- est spot in this Western. Jimmy Cagney's. specialty nûmbers. in "Footlight Parade" Sunday, Mon- day and 1'uesday, jaliuary 21-23, are rated among the finest ever done. The lad is a real boofer. Then, too, tberell beapplause for the work of the otber stars:- Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Joan Blondeil,. Frank McHugh and Guy Kibbee, who are alL in top forniç And don't miss that water scene. ,Arliss Plays "Voltaire" at Community Theater After 'twenty ,years of 'delays and postponemnents, George Arliss bas fin- ally realized bis long standing ambition to'. play tbe part of "Voltaire" on the screen. Tbis picturt of the gay court of Louis XV, wbhich the noted star be- lieves to be bis greatest contribution to the screen, will be seen at the Win- netka Cornmunity theater- Friday and .Saturday evenings , January. 19. and 20.- **he picture is an elaborately mùounted production of the gay court 11f e in the Palace of Versailles. where: Voltaire was a frequent visitor. This draina of court* intrigue 'and political strife. is based on the novel by George Gibbs and E. Lawrence Dudley. The cast the north shoré to visit the shelter at versity. 845 West Monroe street next Mon--0- day for luncheon and a tour. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Stiliman, witb ,Donald, DeWitt, Jr., and' Charles, Mrs. Arthur Youngberg of Hibbard have returned to their home at 707, road. entertain .ed her at. Kent road, af ter. spending the Christ- tea Tuesday. a oldy at, Daytona Beach, FIa.' [