Howard Siates AII-Star Basket Tilts, for Today The beéavies, 'lights' and peewvees, of. 8A play th e 8B heavies..lights aiid pçee-ý wees at 4. oclock Thursday! aiternoon, january 19.. at* Howard g3ymn.asitn. Suth stars as Bill Seifert, Gordon Ne- vins a n d ýBeinard. Regan wili do some -of - the best playing * for *8A. Huck. Samuel- -oni, and Dudley Yeo- mnan wilI be ini the- imeight for, M. It wiil be a tight gaine ail the way through. The.gA duiltet wiii prohably start..with this lineup: Seifert and Nevins,: forwards, Bernard Reg an. center, and Lonergan and May, guards. We&ve just reminded our star center to look out for the heais above the renter of the floor. Spectators will be charged a, nominal, admnission fee. There wil he refresh- ments.-Bob lon1ergani. -Hù ardSA 1 Get Credit for Writing .; 1 Glce Ulubs at Howgird 1 Bovs to Receiv e Get Ready for Spring Pre pare for Seson Ithe Howard school tbe giee clubs Th»il fHwr coîsxb Foot bail Letters have started practicing songs, for the seventh and eighth grades have been annual spring concert. The concert is busy getting ready for baskétball Tuesav rvening tiot to be unitil' April or May.but Mrs., wbich begins. Wednesday: We bave Clark is giving our captains and our,teans, selected. Tht letter. awards for football will be us.turne to learn It happens thathtree of the E teains' givenTuesday evening, January.23. at our :songs. well.* captains were out of 7A. Most of the 7 :30 o'clock in Stolp sebool. They Nine or t e n girls enjoy basketbal . Mrs. Franck- are to be given to the boys. who have songs are to be boner tbiniks that w-e will have our plaved iii tht, majority. of thc foothal learned by botb places shortly. Also the sixth grades gaines.. In the d gle U1) .1are farahead, of 'the séenth -and pewee ivi9t)to Three are to be Sung --itbout the piano,e eighth grades in -showing up for theerae d ofiu tbree with'the piano. and the girls' gaies.; so corne on. aIl of you sevienth *. eight vas 90 and bOy' glee-iclubs are each to sing adeihhgrd is. Letis show'%pun-sorhe three atone. .So far. the songs that thein what'we cani do.-Jane Drucker,lo:telg- have been picked are e A Doris Paterson. Howard 8A.hevegt,10puisadbo. - -Students in Howard 8A The letter awards arc given' in foinr John Wants to Have. His to ]Have C hemistry Clubbaoshail. a differet lr 'ftripe and 'Winters- -old and Snowy' Just before the Christmnas holidays. in ie o aisot-Crowc-ll, At the first of tht -winter it 'looked Miss Stevens . suggested that we Stolp l B. as tbough wve were going to have'a organize a chernistry club. Now that_____ ___ real winter. One reason was because Jschool bias again begun, we have ofth wrr waterwehat as Ifounld that the sevènth grade has Pupils Discuss Colonial winter. t was part like spring to organized one in 8B's footsteps. Now Struggles for Freedom me. W-hen it cornes to winter 1 want RA lbas definitely plantied to, organize it -to be cold and have a whoie lot Ont which wil hold its mieeinlgsafter Thetlcisof '.'T h ad. a discforuseioi of snow. It sèeers we boys just s"chool.--M\arshiall Reagen, Howard ?,P yo6"h trglefr ie pendence,"-"The Climax of the Strug- won't get Our fun out skating and RA. gît", and "The War for. Inid!epe- slidin' -John Brandt, Howard 5C. Un War errl ene"T earswe:Cl1Itz decor Th ae rsgîe :.arl Botriing of Illustrated Themes D-2 Lo ses lst Hardwood The seventh and eightb grades arte ncutrt - asked to have themnes for Mi ss Mac! E coert -1 Quntet seni. Thev do not have to bu hy nJnayIf-2 lost its: first get credit for it. 1 think that sh e basketball gaine to D-1. The score wants everyhdy to do one because %vas: D-1. 6, and D-2, 5. The play- she said in our roonm that she ex-,1 ers for D-1 wvere Bruce, Borre, pected rnost of us to do then. NWe Franklin Kulp, Melvin Nyliund, Bob are supposed to have tht theines Htiniichs and Costo Lulias. D-2's illustrated if %ve cau. We are sup- players wtre Glen Samiuelson, Kim- posed' to have theni about eight bail Brown and Tom Hc.-Tom pages or mort. - Lucille Hetreis. Huck, Howard 7A. Howard 7A. "DO(CTOR'S" 1LEC BROKEN Sciene Clss WachesMýy p.uppy's. naine,Îs Doctor Black. ScienceClass ahe Htbroke bis left hind leg. \Vhen be Pupils ýGive'Experiments carne home he got into, a lot of mis- Thte children in Howard 7A gavýechef. Wle nailtd hum io abox experirnents in the science class De-:'%vith cr _nn over tht top of tht cember Il and 12. Charles Spinner !box. He got out of tht box and miade invisible ink, and Frecltrick jurnped up. on a bec! which 'was in Roche, Stolp, 2B._________ STUDY RATIO, PROPORTION NOW FOR BASKETRALL! In arithrnetic we> are studying ra- Mr. Gathercoal announced that tio and the laws of proportion. It is basketbail would start Thursday. 1 very interesti ng even though sorne hoped everybody wo'uld showv up.- inistakes are rnae.-R4ySiali, How- Burt Davis, Stolp 7A. ard 8A. Is Result of Milk Strike Tuesdav. january 9, the seventh grade girls madte bot water ginger- bread., As vou ail know, Tuesday was one of the davs of the' niik strike. so that is why we had to make something out of water instead of rnilk, but 1 nmust say that hot Nvater gingerbread is very good.-Winni fred H-offman. Howard 7B. ENJOY HIGH JUMPING During gym recently31 7C girls hiad high jumlping. Most of tht girls juniped as high 'as the bar ,vcnt, for our ture was lirnited..Tht bar was, at, about 3 feet, 8 inches when the bell rang. XVe like high jumping ver '-nuch.-Lorraine Uedelhofen, H-oward 7C. GJRLS OPEN BASKET YEAR On Monday we start basketball. There were no gaines k after school. The girls were allowed to corne1 in at noon to practice. We bave our. first gaines Wednesday.. te sure to stay girls.-Betty Haley, Howard 7A. gaine for part B, and David KenI-. rick for part C, "The \Var.'" 'Car's. introduction was very interesting. Jean Riedel gave a nice talk andi so did Cushing Smith. Cushi*ng talked on "The Colonial Resistance to the Laws England Passed." I amn sure Miss Chase enjoyed the discussion as much as the pupils did.-M\ary jane Orr, Stolp 2C. Girls Throws Basketball 58 Feet to Win Contest Before-Ch ristnîas vacation tlec 8A girls had a volley bail throw, test. In the volley baIl thrôw there were many girls whoiade very high records. When tve came back we took a test in basketball throw. Doris Paterson threw tht farthest in this, which was 58 feet. - Elizabeth Eldredge, How- ard 8A., SOME -HAPPY, OTHERS SAD Mondfav. T Tn tssarv 9- crhoo.nn t0e0 a traction test. Our aritunietic teacher is Miss Van Horne. - Betty Huck, Howard 5B. GIVES TEST ON NOTES Mrs. 'Clark gave the seventh grade, a nusic. test in the different kinds of notes.-Marjoie Winkle, Howard MB.