bas been iiuupteduy the vpuiLcn. A capaçity attendance le expected, when theii.nister willloutllfl0 the progra~m and suggest how it inay be carried out. Ail members and friends of the church are cordially urged tobe present. For the musical program, MISS Ermia Rounds, direétor, has. prepared the fol- lowlng: Prelude, "Noturne" (Opus 72, No. 1> Chopin- .Anthem, "Christian. The Morn ,Breaks. Sweetly OVer -Thee," Shelley; Offertory Solo, 7"I'm a Pilgrimi," Mara3ton,.Mr. Woerner; Postlude, *"Post- lude ln B flat,'" Ropartz. Sunday Bible sehool holds Its session at 9.:30 o'clock.. We Invite you to join In the Adult Bible clans we are be- glnning the discussion of, a message. from the prophet: Zephaniah, and we Invite you to study this' wlth Us. We meet at 9 :45. The Chrstian Endeavor Society will meet at 5:30 o'clock la the chapel. Mar- gueriteCurl wlll lead the devotional. Our discussion will be on the theme, *"Seit-lnvestment ln the Life About Uis." Jean Sp anuth wll lbe hostes. wlth re- freshaients, Sunday Evenlng club willl îresent Branson DeCou wlth bis Dream Pic- tures-"Tourlng Yrance,"' at the Coni- g regational church at 7:30 o'clock. Boy Scout troopl No. 5 w'Ill meet at the church Monday at 7:30. *The Spokes of the Woman's society will meet Tuesday, ,anuary 23, as fol- lows: No. 2 wlth Mrs. Robert Alexander, 813, Seward street, Evanston, at 1 o'clock; No. 6 wlth Mrs. Ni. P. Linde. 1638 Central avenue, at 1 'cloek: No. 8 with Mrs. Dlerks, 123 Ninth street, at 1 o'clock, with Mrs. 'Ponieroy co-hosteass; No. 10 with Mrs. H. F. Riley, 730 Lake avenue, at 1 o'clock; No. il wlth Mrs. Ralph Clark, 620 Forest avenue, .ail day meeting. The Young Women's Guild wiil nieet Tuesday evenhig at the church. *Dinnier. wlli be at 7 O'clock. Mrg.; Veneiasen will, be flue speaker, with the topic, Wednesday evenlng we willi have the second, of our Cburch Nights. Supper willI be served at 6:30 'o'clock. FOlow- lng supper wlll be the devotional service. FoIlo.wlng the devotional, we will have two discussion groups: one on mission study, led by Mrs. Venekiasen, usiag "Eastern Women" as basis; another on "Christian and Ixdustry," let by the pastor. W. invite you té spend thue eve- ning with uis. The choir will, rehearse Friday eve- 'r rieiauiy r ellowWUlp. - The Youing People's -soclety meets at '6 o'clock in the Guild roopi on SundaY evening with the stewardship committee ln charge. The new group mneets on Sunday at 6 o'clock at thé home of Joel Dickinson. 637 Abbotsford road, Kenhl- ýworth. On.Monday, January-22. we shall have a dinner meeting- In honor of Presidént H. C. Liu of Shanghai, unlverslty. Mem- bers' are. urged to make reservationb promptly and to bring their.friends to hear thlis great ChineÉe Christian leader. ýFebruary 9 is the date, set,,for the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta now Iu re- hearsal. by. our Giideroy. Scott choir. Save the date for this. Kenilworth .Union Keniiworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett, minister. Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, Jan- uary 21, will be -The Man of MIazareth." ThAe Womien's guild will meet Mlonday mornlng, Jafnuary 22.. The. hours of meeting are from 10 until 4 'clock. The w omen are asked to corne In for as niuch tinte as Possible. 1The invitation la flot' only for members of the guild and the congregation but for anyone in the vil- lage; who may be lnterested. The Red Cross has sent ont a call for chldren's clothing, and. your help is needcd to ineet this Urgent nieed. The Sunday sehiool will meet at 9:45 a. m. ail children between the ages of three and the hlgh school are cordlly invited to visit and to become niembers of this organîzation. The Kenlworth Young People's Sun- day Evenlng club will, meet Sunday eve- nlng at 6 p. m. Ail students of higb schooi age are Invlted. A sppper willl be served, folwed by the program. First Cotzgregatiotèal John. G. Hlndley, minister For three more 8undaYe, Mr. liindley la glini.g a course of sermons prompted by his,,observation4 on "The Religions Lîfe 10f England."1 The second -of the seri es -wil be given at the 11 o'clock service next' Sunday moraing, on "The Free Churches; or The Future of Prot- eqtantism." The musical program next Sunday wiii be: Prelude: "Chorale and' Prelude"- Anthem:"'Lift up' Your Had"-: Knowlton The 'Junior choir' Anthern: "The INlanety and Nine"- SIJKDKr SERVICES Sunday school ........ 9:45 a. in. Morning worshlp......... . ...il1 a. m. The Womnan's societY wili hold it-s January work meeting at the..honie of *Mrs. W. Winberg, 419 Linden avenue, this afternoon (Thursday) at.2 o'clock. Choir rehearsa,ýl Friday evening. at 7:30 'clock. The Junior L.uther league wil Sundar etnin at 5 :30 o'clock. inVite al the.Young Peuple. of scho ol age to meet with us. mieet We high1 ICatechetical classes wilI, meet as fol- iows - One-year class-Monday at 4 'clock. Two-year cass-Tuesday, at 3 :30 oclock. This comiag; Suaday, January 21, we will hold our annual young- peopfle's service.. Luther Mueller, a divinity stu- dent will deliver the sermon. Every- ,ne ls Welcome. The newly elected officers of the. Senior and Junior, Luther leagues wiil be in- stalled at the Young Peçople's.servi e. An hour spent in (iod's House ïon Sun- day will make your week more Joyous. St. A ugustlne's Next Sunday, JanuarY 21, will be the third Suaday after Epiphaay. There will be Hioly, Communion at 8 a, in., church schools and Bible classes at 9:45, and morning prayer with sermon ,at Il 4. ni. Tonight (Thursday> the women of the Associated guilds will serve the anuiual paris'h dinner, for which reservations are required. After the dinner the an- nual meeting of the parish will be lwld, when the wardens and vestrymen for the. coming year will be elected as weil as delegates to the diocesan convention in January. Occa>sioiiai Bbshop's Pence cauus are stîli comlng In. These. wili. be added to the next collection whlch will take 'place .in February. M ethzodist (J/Urch Rev, Oscar Thos. Oison, ». D., muinister The mlnister's sermon theme for the il1 o'clock worship service next Sunday moraing Will be ?'Falth and Charac terb' The music for the service morniag wlll be as follewS: Organ Prelude. -in the Cathedral".. "Andante Cantabile" (V Sî TS' on SuadaY .Perne gress,". and many lnteresting exhibits miay be seen. Admission is by frée tick- et. Ail friends of girls are cordialy In- vited. The Friendly circle' willi neet Tuesday evening, January 23, 'at 8 o'ciock in the Womnan's room.L HoStesses wili be the Mesdames L. 'E.' Matson, OrvilleJonec, A. G.'Ackerman and C. 'R. Smith. Mem- bers are Invited to bring guests. Aý book review will be one of the many interest.. lng features of the programn. The Slxth division 'will meet Tuesday inorning, January 23. at. 11 &clock at the home of Mrs. I. V. Edgerton, 436 Sunset road., Winnetka. The Third division wili nitet Wednes- day 'afternoon, Jafluarv 24, at 1:30 o'clock at the* home of Mrs. Paul Rensch, 1639 Highland avenue. The follo)wlng divisions willi meet on Thursday, January 25,: First--Mrs. Thomas Grisanmore, 411 Lake avenue. Second-10 :30 a. m., Mrs. Raymond ~ Kimbeli, 1017 Grove etreet, Evanston. SFourth-10 :30 a. mi., Mrs. Williami Harridge, 1440 Fairest avenue. 'Mrs. L. E. Larson, co-hostess. Flfth-10 :30 L. H. Hana- walt, 1344 Ashland avenue. The Young People'., group will present a play, "Oh! Susan," on Friday, Janu-.. ary 26, at, 8 o)'clock, in the great haIl This play ha-, been Airectedl by Charles Rose. There là Red Cros s gwing. eacilî Tues- day morninig at 9:30 o'clock. The Vnoung People's choir nmeets for rehearsal each Saturda . t fiorniflg at 10:15 o'clock. The Hlgh School league wilIl ieet at 6:30 p. m. for a devotional service in the pariors of the chureb', with Dr~. N. C. McPherson, Jr., as the speaker of the eve'ning. This league will hold a roller skating flarty at the Madison gardens on February 2. Social hour follows' the S$unday evening imeeting,, ln charge of Jane Horstlng. The Young People 's Epworth league wiii nmeet at 5 :30Q p. m., Suaday la the Girl Scout roomn of the church. 'wlth F. D. Fris bie of New 'Trier Hi'gh sehool. givligan Illustrated lecture. The social hour; la charge of Virginia Burgess and Willard Osborn, will follow. The Party for dts group wlll be held on Saturday evepng, January 27, with Grace Roc Iný charge., The spring frole 'will be held on February 24, at the Kenilworth club, la charge of Loiuise Koerper. progrese' at the Methodist 'cnurcn, » 't- .vrday-3:45 P. nm., Girl ScoutR; 7:30, uroup 1ut-The &eanig of '.ou J" day, fromn 4:30. to 9:30 P.' ni. p. m., Wekeaca*lla. Camp Pire Girls. Young People." Leader:' The Rev. M. At the last regular monthly meeting - .Saturday-9 :30 a. mu., Cub Pack No. S. Harvey. January 18-"The God Wh-o of thé votera of the congregation a call On Sunday the Church sehool meets 63;1 10:30 a,.nm., Girls' choir rehearsal; la Near ln Nature." Janua.ry 25-"The3 was extended to the Rev. J. H. Goekel, at 9:30. The. Junior and Intermedlgte Il a. m., Boys' choir rehearsal. God Who la Near la Personal FelIow- hospice secretary of the~ Walther league, dpartments wlll hear some more about "shNp."1 to serve thus church as their regular thoir Chineffe projeet. The members, of The neit meeting of the Northwest Group IV-The choir, under the dlrec - pastor. This eall was acknowiedged and the 'Aduit clase wIll have an lnterestlng circle '*111 be held Frtday, January 26, thon of Miss Marie Briel. accepted after the. services last Sunday. discussion of "Temptation." at the home' of Mrs. Stanley' B. Wells, We are slncerely glad that Rev. Gockei 1508 Forest avenue. Asisting host- The Queen Esther-Standard Bearers has declded to, corne to us. The installa- In the, mornlnr worship at 11, Miss' esses will be.Mrs. A ... Farrail Mrs. J. wiil meet tomorrow -night, friday, at thon service will be Sunday evening,. Lydia Koch,. organlet, wiil play "Ail- A.* Mhis, and Mrs. J. B. Sehutte. 7:30 o'lock at the home of Mldred (Confntied on page 41) * g