Fre Genuine Spring L.g of 'Lamub,...l. IL1t7 Pot....Ro....t.. .....15 Lakeview Q 'ltysnioké d Buft.b -Pork Loin Roailt.3 to 31/2-lb. average,. . Li Cent«e Cuits... Il16 Drookfield Butter....... 216b. for 430 Pork SaUiSg. Roi 2...... 1or 21> OURl ADVRTISERS It~s a Wise shopper Who knows Our advertisers. And one, too. Many shoppers have learned that in their. )r money-saving opportunities, wisdom and thrif t will y dictate the pages of their home« paper for bargains CuWÉou X61fo4r Co. 1...........i. P Ins 'feterla*. ,......29 1uteh Mill Cauidles. ..........3 Linden )Market . ......... Il dgwatrBaehMoelLlndstrom'g Lock Shop 12 's Edew tr echHoe, .. 7 Lord4' ......2& IlSTOCK the PANTIRY. FILL the GOAL BIN. CLOTHE ..........-7 Wilmetto Jonfecdtioner.y....... et.. ... 12 WlIInitte State Biink ..1-, <lover Il ,e Gorage.......O Wlmette Théatri .. .... 9......... ..... .... is Winberg Drug Store . ý.......... 9 fIg ...... .... le lVorthen's ............ ........Il LY. SAVE on the,:Many IB*rgains Offered!1 QUALITY! Yeso we know, the real mean- ing of the, word. We know it is the only kind of meat' demanded by. discrim.inaing housewives of the community and We ýare doing. Our utmost to,always satisfy their needa.. Only the: best neat 'crosses our counters. Upon this one thought-we've built Our busi-' ness. And upon this thought we'I1 continue to serve during9 1934. Yes sir! a thrifty search f(