ing guise, s, f ravlng, southward ithe smartest warrobe ... and as the season advances (we have if on the besi authorify) th.y wiII b. increaingtly important. wa-gger Suits Speli Uilt Wool tweed combines witth a dever scarf-collared plaid blouse end voilai the. ideal suit for business, town or campus Wear. Fur Enliven 1s A Fitted Model. $35- .Juit a bit of -$oft gray. squirrel goes a long fway toward chic. in tis knee longth novelty1 gray coat with a restrained-flare sirt. In ouùr compre- henïlve ,c o li c-w ion you wiIl fond: suits in two- and three-piece ver- sions - for ev.ry daytime occa- sion, pric.d from $16,95 fo $35. A>parut Shop- Second Fioor I Ç/3rtms k&Jiat g~iVar ,ing rn00s Forms th. Sponsor.d bBasis of the Suit Mode Th is one -goes bath up> ani doupn and ton- >loys a qil uos jaUFUy accent. Poot wuar Salon-St ruet Floor Millineryi Salon--$ucond Ploor WJFoLDT'"S-EVANSTUN' STORE HOURS. SA. M.'TO 0: P.M.-SATURDAYS OS .P. M. Wl.t 0 On Dvis Sre