CommunitY Benefit WilI Be Held at Shawnee- Club for WarmSprings Foundatin Prcsident Franklinu1). RooeVl ivill be '52 years old iesdav. 1;11- uary 30. vhat iu itself ljiiig an iînterv-.t-ing ev eut to everv citizen -of theUited States. the -occasion takes oniii creased siguificance hy virtuce oi .t he Natiional B3irthd(aNv Baill for th e dent whiclîi isto'I)e observed iiilà iaore than 5.000) cities andivlae 1r)gl out the country. the expre,, .pmirpose of Nvicil iskto 1prou ote thie^ \\Variî Springs Founidationl, etb~ h President Rooev-eit ini l9ý: toe ('- fectiveir combat thle scotur- t' eo f m- faitile paralysis.. \Wilinette. is joiuiing-iii tins f nal o - mide niovement. and mil celebrate the occasion 1w a Grand Hall a;îd Card lpartjy, to be, given at the Shiaw- lie Country clb'on the (À*in ~ thte President's birthidav nîrav Aider Tiihe Chairman Last Week Village' President C. P. l)ubbs reeeived a telegrain 1 from Henrv L. Ijoliert-%. of Ne,ý' York, chairmati of the -National Conunittee outhe Birtliday Bail for the Presi- dent. asking hni to take the initiativ in arrangements if.or fthe local eveut. .Nr. l>ubbs at 'once called a mieetinig of representativ~es of ail civi f rat ernat and patr.iotic .organizatîouus', i the village for the purpose ofefc- ing an organization. Ili group se-. 1ected AIder Tiglie, 521 Fourth street, asgener.alt cluairuxan. and Nlrs. A. E. Klutidër. '909 Cliestitt aveine. presuî dent of the Wotnani'sClub of i- mlette, as Co-chiairiiiai. At a meeting called bv thecsc chair- mien in the Village hall last Fridav (Contiuiued on Page, .1<>> Shades of'1920 Tornado! Hall Ceilings Collapse Soiieoîe îîut~ aveput a lioodt(oo AN EDITORIAL L'VERX'civic organization an(l every citizen of M"iln ette si. should feel a responsibility and an obligation to icnd every possible aid ini and conducting the First Federal Saviîigs and Loan association, niow in process of formnationi.- This aissociation, under, the supervisiinanid with the. finan-icial aid of the federal goveriimient., offers to the owNvers of inortgaged homes ta source of biell> at a timie, wbleiîî the channels through, vbich 10>anis lave ordmnari1v- he ecti cred lhavebeep detinitely closed. The NNiiniette Chanmber of Commerce lias perfornied no 1service comparable witli its action iiin taking the initiative in the creation of this associationi,, ýNvhIich ïis destinied to contribute 50 mu1tcb to the -%vefare of our,,peuple. That is the extent ofit uh)ligitio-n. for upon compfletion of organization the managemnent of the 'association will evolve uponi directors and officers' chosen 1w the imiemiberslil. To insure- the comnplete success oùf this venture the prom pt, sincere. and conitinued cooperaion -of the. varions organizations of. the village 1 sasoltely necessary. AIrad the- pi..s club blas passed a resolutlinenidorsinig ih.-WVhiIe lit cainnot act as a unit, its mlemibers hiave I)een officiallv utrged to participate in theplan and encourage othiers to do Ilikewise. l'Tie"L Terminai Business association adopted a resolutio.01 warmly comending tie Chianiber of Commerce for its foresiglht nd1pui>iic spirit. aîîd I>e(-iig its ýservices in bringn the plan to t'le attention of ail citizens. Amiong othier organizations ~bc sho.uid immiiedliatel3'- r*lg the iatter i)efore their ileii)er-sipls and Jouiin niun(iualified and âggressîve supplort of the project are: \X,7ilmiette CiNic leaguie. W\omiani's Club. of \Vilinette. \\iliniette Hom~e Owners' association.. Rotary Club of Wihuiette. Wihuiette Village board. 'l'le urgent need for. a. local loan association is apparenit. lanks afe iùo. longîýer periùitted to. engage ini the real estate I m(>tgae bn bsinssand the home ownier is at a loss wvhe.rei to turn. into this crucial' situation, cornles the Federai. Savings j anid -Loan ,associàtion,' l)roferiing. its aid on, fair and equitable ternis, and. under a p)lan. that, enabies- thé borrover, to î>av off bis indebtednless over a period of vea rs. in addition to the loan feature a inethod o f saving1_ is inicluded' wvherebv the citizen mnav invest au aniv one of four. favorable plans. These invest 1iients, are recommiiended as being as attrac- tive as the hiighiest type. of bonds, and will ustualLv earni a ighler rturui than others of comiparable safetv%. t , aventue and Bain. street duiriîîg the tillle basis, accordiîîg. f0 ait order rush 'lîotirs of, wiîîter eveings xiii pa ssed by the Village board Tuesday wear white tain coats. in order. *tlatniighit. The plani is to liave the ligbits they inay be seen by inotorists at in operation fronii 4 to 7 p. nm. oun al tinies *ben visibility is iow. This. pro- week days except Saturday, when cedure was suggested ini a Wir..Mwrrthtey wiil be ini service from 1, to Lift ecitoriai more tlîan a year ago. 9 p. ni. Members in charge of the event are working liard to assure funî for eve ry- one. The dance is to bhe id at the North Shore hotel Febrizary i0 h Royal Syncopators w>iii suppiy mu- sic for the evening. AT ST. JOHN'S Rev. J. H. Gockel to AsslUme Pulpit at Lutheran:Church on Sunday,.7January 28. The Rev. J. H. Gockei of Chicago bas accepted a caîl to the pastorate of St. John's Lutheran churcb., Wiimhette- and Park avenues, Wilmette. He wili be installed at a special evening service to be heid Sunday, january, 28. For several years the Rev. Mr. Gockei bas, been active in Lutheran young - peoplç&s work ini Chicago, and its subuirbs. . He lias been connected with the national headquarters of the Walther .league in .Chicago. .This league is a nation-wide Lutheran young people's organization. Prior to 'bis as- sociation witb the league's national headquarters the Rev. Mr. -Gockel« was pastor of a Lutberaîî cburch in Pitts- lUrgl. Servedas SuppIy Following the death last November, o>f the Rev. Herm-an W. Meyer, who had been pastor of St. John's church for ' t«wenty years. the Rev. Mr. Gockel acted as supply minister. He is weli knowNvii i ilm-ette. having assisted the Rev. Mr. M.\eyer for a vear and a half prior to the iîtter's death. The Rer. Mr. Gockel is a graduate of Concordia seminary in St. Louis,_ a school where youîîg men are trained for the Lutheran ministry. 'reCaIled Iby Membebahip llecall to the Rev. Mr. Gockei was extended at the regular monthly meet- inîg of voting members of St. John's congregat ion Tuesday of last week, and h14 acceptance wvas received last Sunday. Early ini February the Rev. Mr. Gockei will bring bis wife and five chilcireuu to Wilmette to occupy St. Jôlîuis' parsouiage a 406 Prairie avenue. Village Licenses of Ail Descriptions Due supervisor of nmsic at Nem High sehool,- telephonle Wi 2400. Tryouts wili be arratil those wisbing to joiîx the orn it is announlced. îetlca di for cstra,