Those present were David Nelson and Otto Otterstrom of Nelson Laundry, Wilmette and Evanston; Victor E. Ortlund and Vincent Ortlund, French Laundry, Evanston; Gustav Nelson, North Shore Laundry, Winnetka; Louis Sinclair,..Reliable Laundry, High- land Park'; Chauncey Patrick, Quai ity Laundry, *Evanston, and, David Tapper, Evanston Hand Laundry, and B. J. Ortlund, Jr., Washington Laundry, Ev- anston. David Nelson was, elected president and, Victor E. Ortlund was selected as. secretary and treasurer. Hold CoifeM-Ce& The organization of this group marks the culmination of several 1 meetings held during the past month by owners of these Iaîéndries serving every com- munity on the north shore. Wbile the session Thursday night definitelv founds' the organization, th e idea behind the' North Shore Quality Laundries goes back over a period of f. years. It bas been generalty feit that people of tkt norttlishore, accustomed as they are to refinements and advan- tages of life not obtainable or even de- :manded elsewhere, expected the best. quality in laundry work. Stress Supeor Sarvice For many months owners of north shore laundries which were endeavor- ing to give the residents of the north shore the finest in laundry work have met from time- to tinte in round-table discussions of ways and means to con- Helen I-edges of Gleoo will imcl nde tho .*diffiuit "Bel>l Sopig" from ltise oPerad'ta kiné" liiiher joint recital with. the Swigart Trio Monday night, January 29, at the 'Winnetka Community House, 7phich is being gve- und r the directin of Rutheda L. Pretzel. VENMTAN ELlNDS &%c per squar foot i»utaid Ph... Wma 557 SOUTH AMERICA ROUND Mr. and Mg.: S. Douglas Flood, 133 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, are anticipating, a delightful trip. They are leaving on januaryr 28,, foýr South America, going. to Buenos Aires, where they wiII visit their son, Douglas,: Jr., wiho is in the diplomnatic service there. Trhey will be away two. months. For . Spring or Southern ENSEB1LE SUITS ,OF PRINT.BD SILKS Made te Order- $35 JâadameJoepie_ 455 Deming, pace Odmago .Toi. Liocol. 7175 ,World's. Prof essioônal: Tennlis Champions Tilden ývs.. onIy Appearance i Obiemi Vines: Broadwy Armory .%75 Broedway Saturday Bvening, January 2":00 Also singles match bctween RICHARDS end DARNES end a doubles match. Tickets at Spaldiug's, Chicago; Admiission ......$1.10 Broadway Arnaory Resrvd Seat ........ 2.20 N. U. Ticket 0Ofie, Evanston Box Saste ............. 3.30 identifying to the north snore resiun the laundnies interested in giving them better service. It was feit tbat such identity would be a. mark of respect to tbe quality deniands of the north shore resident. :This niew North Shore QuaI- ity Laundry group is the final resuit. That it is entirely constructive in plans' and principles is reflected l in Mr. Nel- s'sstatement: Adopt lusignia 1 'À noon, january1. Mrs. George Kingsley of 529 Cum- ner road, Kenilworth, will b<e lunch- eoù hostess to the Thursdgyý bridge club January 25. OUR NEW LOCATION 619 Davis St.. Evenston