presumiably to clean up the place. Vigorous City Sweden, and Stockholm in par- ticular, have appealed to us especially because of the vigor and* energy dis- played everywhere., We feel in this country. so very oid, historically, the" saine life and determination to achieve, with which our own country lias been characterized. Chritian Sciencçe Churches *Sararent Was. the subject of the lesson-sernfion in .ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on. Sunlday., January he. golden text was, "Let us keep the feast, flot ith old leaven,,néither .with the leaYen of malice and wicked- ness:ý but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" (Cor. 5 :8). Anlong the citationis which coin- *pFised the. lesson -sermon was the fol- lowing fromi the Bible : "In those days camne John the Baptist,, preachingý in the wilder-ness of judea. And saying, Repent, ye': for the kinugdorn- of heaveni is. at hand. 1I iîdeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but *liethilat coineth after nme is mnighitier than 1, W'hose shoes 1 ar n ot worthy to bear: hie shall baptize you .Nith the Holy Ghost, and with. ire" (Mlatthew 3- 1, 2, 11). The lesson-sermon 41s0 included the following passages f romn the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "We should strive to reach the. Horeb height where God is revealed;. and the corner-stone of alspiritual build- ing is purity.,,The, baptism oFSpirit, washing the body of ail the1 im- purities ý of the fleshi, signifies that the pure ini heart see God -and are approaching spiritual if e and its demonstration" (p. 241). Invite J-Jousewives company, and north shore grocers who are distributors of Richel ieu products. On Wednesday evening, January 10, Bert Moritz, 226,Warwick road, Ken-e ilworth, enteiiained h is bridge club. o/J I ~ÀYvrJatterns, It is now possible for Spaulding-Gorhaan to offer owners of very old Gorham sterling patterns of flatware additional matchingpieces in. virtually, ail Gorham inactive Riatware designs without 'paiying the extra die-charge hitherto required. No extra charges, wilI 6e made on orders received prior to January 31st, DING-