Tender, Juicy,&TAC Poveehou.........2 ned to nave ireq at wliich the cd inembers of Tender b.. j Young, Lean Povk,. LoiM Rom* t RiL o Loin En4 1b.72 ML-FED ncyFryimg or Roasting. LenerO 0F VEALcke S D41 FANCY GOLDEN RIPE e e e e Lar"im icy swet sivffl IMMe - -1 fun of . Vary. j FRESH CALIF. TENDER F~aa 3 , l..29c I 0- sponsor. tis mnt staff meet- irs will inform eir respective Solicitation . of advertising for the annual will begin next- month, it was announced this wéek. A meeting is to be called for ail students Who plan to help in this work. Art workin the yearbook, consist- ing of the section pages, will. be given asa project in, the art classes, al- though individual students will have agn opportunity to suibmit drawings. The snapshot. staff already is busy, and students wishing to join this. sta ff have been asked'to turù their "snaps" in to the Echoes office in the boys' study hall. N. T. Girls Are Having Piîig Pong Tournaments * Ping pongig 1 as popular among the S girls at New Trier High school as it - is among the boys. Elimination tour- naments. for girls in.1the various classes, were started this week, and after the *freshman, sophomore, junior and seni- i or champions are determined, there will be playoff matches',for. the school chminhp An exhibition match between Gert- S rude 'Trudie" Schnur, a New Trier- junior and national women's table ten- nis champion, and. Miss. Jessie Purvis, ernity, -will be the speaker at the next meeting of the New Trier High school chapter of the National Forensic league, it was announced this week by Chester -E. MacLean, Newv Trier debate coach.. The date for the meet-' ing is to be announced later. New 'Trier bas an- active chapter of the forensic league,. which was or- ganized in leading high schools throughout' the country for the pur- pose of promnotinigthe interests of in- terscholastic debate, oratory- and other .form.s of public speaking. Debate, Coach MacLean also an- nounced this week that William Buge hlad be en added.to the list of speakers on -the New Trier, affirmative squad.. The schedule of debates will. get. un- der, wayý next month, and New Trier's opponents will include Carl Schurtz High school of Chicago, North. Park college of Chicago,. and Waukegan,, Main, Township and J. Sterling Mgr- ton high schoolIs. A clebate with the, Northwestern university freshmen, although not definitely scheduiled, is con templated. HoId Tryouts for Frosh-à Soph Play at Nevv Trier Tryouts for a play to bc, given by students who are freshmen and sophomores are being, held twvo' days this week; Wednesday and Frriday. Studetnts were informed that no out- side preparation for the tryouts is. necessary, inasich as material is being provided for ail candidates. The FRESH CHURNED CREAMERY Fmi quaity Wise- Butter. Priced very speciaI, lb .....1............. z l UmmL NRcNISoe io rector of the girls'.physical éducation department at Maine Township Hfigh school, Des Plaines. The exhibition ping pong match was to be followed by, a gamde between the champ ion student teaff in the fistball1 tournament amid a faculty team. PREPARE FOR BANQUET, Altbougb the annual banquet of the Girls' Athletic association at New Trier is ixot to be held for some tinie. cram atic lepar- day. >, uiea oi the Lt, said on Tues- HEADS LOGICICLUB James Donahue was jelecte'd.presi-, dent of the Logic club ataà r eorgan- ization meeting held last Thurs da in the ý'Tri-ShiP club roomi. Ten stu- dents attended the meeting. The club was organized this year for the pur- Pose of discussing topics of interest which are brought to the attention of 1I.ach ......... Mrs.' William A. Moulton, 235 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M. Hawley, Raleigh road, Kenilworth, lef t on Fni- 515 War-wick road, - Kenilworth, re- day of last week for Sarasota, FIa., 'turned last week from' a short trip where she will visit ber father. Her to Washington and also to Williams- daughter, Dorelle, will join ber in a .burg, Výa., where they went. to visit' f weeks for a month's stay. William and Mary* côllege.