fias iiccepieu tthe cnairmiansnip <of the Heaith and Safety conimittet in the North Shore Area council. Previ- ously this conimittee was linked witb the Camp commttee. but it is the ex- pressed belief of the officers of thte council thiat thére is, so much wo rk to be donc in both phases, that two coin- mittees are necessary. Eventually it is the hope that there will not only ,ea Safety committee but a Health, committee. Mr. Whitelaw is now lining up a group of: expert first aid instructors who will beý available to troops, in most of, the districts of the côtincil. for special instruction in first aid work. Scouts and leaders taking this course and qualifying will be entitled to the. menit badge on first aid. *Every scout troop in ecd district is re- quested to uine up. a teamù of five scouts for the course. Sncb instruction will enable ýeacl1 district to pick its ttain'for tht Area contest in February and for the Mid- West contesi -of several states in March. Winnetka Dist. Scouters *to Meet Next Thursday To complete plans for Anni versary weelc which will be observed Febru- ary 8 to 14, tht scoutmasters and comimissioners of tht Winnetka dis- trict -will meet Thursday evening, meetings in -several- other distrl to bt anno.unced soon. Iaderf Iostructains HandicrAa Jsan.ti23 Conil h eadquarters in Eva nston, 614 Davis street, will be tht meeting -- place for scouters and leaders when the second haîf of the bandicrait course will be started at 7:~30o'lck, first time. Rstimating that each year brings a l2tb birthday to 675 boys in the North Shore area, the council regis- tered approkimately M0 percent, in 1933. ý A highcr percentage has been set,*as the objective for 1934.' Thètôuncýilpoin'ts out that the boy who joins. at - 12 will remain longer md et oreout of the programf than tht boy who ,joinis at a later.age. ]Expect to Anniounlc 100 New Campers Feb. 23 Announcement that 100 mMore boys have signed- uýp for camp is expected to be made to tht 130 members of -tht Paul Bunyan- club at- a bakted bea-n-supper scheduled for Friday. February,23. These 100 boys are to, be, initiattd into tht Paul- Bunyan ýclub next summer at Camp MVa-Ka- Ja-Wan.. Aftcr February 28, the waiting list for the Paul Bunvani club will be ciôsed, and it "ifl l ot be pos- sible to join the club until fall, it is announced. Definite plans to launch a drive for -new. camp, registrations will be made at a' meeting of tht Or- ,er of tht Arrow, slated for Sund'ay afternoon, February 4. 1.' Au~dit Reveéals Council Lived Within Its Meains Tht North Short Arta council Of Ainerica. Anyone *ho desires de- tailcd information on receipts and ext- penditures is being welcomed to in- spect tht books of tht North Short Area council. Stores Re ady to Supply Boys With New Uniforms Scouts and Cubs, who want new unifornis or who desire to replace le for the the scene Stolp- andý Mrs. H.1 G. Nevins, social chair- man of the Logan-Howard P. T. A., bas. heen chosen to represent tht as- sociation 'on* thé commiittet whiclh is planning tht baIl to, be given o11 Presidenit Roosevelt's birthday, Jan-. Way3, ini tht Shawnee Country club. Tht. Babies' Friendly will mieet next on Thursday, january, 25, wit Nitr s. Howard Browni, .1539 Highland ave- nue. Tht Adolescent Study Group wîll ineet in tht, Howard school on Feb- ruarv 12. at 1:15 o'clock., Miss AliceStadeis starting a new term with the Womeçn's dancing class ne3xt wetk and plans to initiate tht group in t th mysteries of tap and soft-shoe dancing. There is room for a few more pupils ini this, group.. whicb meets everv Tuesýday mnorning at 10:30 o'ciock.* Mrs, Benjain Jacobsen (Wilmette 4239) is accept- ing applications of any -who wish to' join tht class as long as these few v'acanicies exist. Mrs. Franck Cheeseman to Motor Through South Mrs. Frank Cheeseman of tht- Or- rinigtoni hotel, formerly of Ken il- worth. is l.eaving, Jantiary 25, on a IP, iTexas, and rnrough i rzona to California. They expect to, be gone for thrtt mont-bs. While iii Calif- ornia Mrs. Cheesemian will, visit bier son, Crandin, who is on a ranch near, Del Monte, and ber brother-in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stoughton-in Pasadena. Mrs. "Wil- liam SuIs of Chicago enttrtaîned' atf a farewell luncheon, Saturdav 1i1 honor of Mrs:- Cheesemian and MNrs. Spicer. Ainderson, treasurer; M'rs. L. r. Dubbs, chairman program commit- tee, with Mrs. Harry B. Burnside as 1co-chairtuan in charge of cards; Mrs. Esther R. Stone, refreshment com- mittee: Myles J. Phillips, committeeý on tickets; D. . L. Walther, com - mitteeon radio; publicity,. Lloyd Hol-, lister. Another meeting was held Monday evening of this week to receive re- ports, and much progress ini arrange- ments was indicated., Mr. Phillios reported that an effective organization for a bouse to, bouse canvass for the sale of tickets had been.effected, aîvd that somne 200 had already been setld. The price of tickets, was set at $125 per couple, $1 of ýwhich is to go to- ward' a gift to tbe. President for the Warm Springs Foundation. Prograni by Legion Mrs. Dubbs reporteci that, plans forth programn were going forward rapidly. The famots, Cope IIhý -cy. orchestra fromù Chicago, composed cf t-en piteces-, bas been sectvred. and prizes for each card table provîded. Wilmette Post No. 46 American Le- gion will present a short program, tht, main feature of. which will be, the, unveiiing of a portrait of Mr.: Roos- velt just before the President goý's on the air to speak to participants ini the various parties throughout the country. .Mr., Walther stated that arranîge- ments1 were being made. to instail wiue nooicups Dy both the Uolumb:a and National systems. Tht radio pro. gram will begin at Il :15 p. m., (east- ern standard time), and will continue for onte hour, tht -President.'s 'Pet,- sonal message coming at its dloge. In additionà to, celebrati ng the President's birthday anniversary, the affair will constitute a s incere per- sonal tribute to Mr. Roosevelti consideration of what he hias. ac- complished in overcoming a physic'al- dis.ability against well nigh. insuper- able handicaps. ity for the merit it i. announced. age -in y-1 tion are January 22- and 29, adwih -er. parents, -Mr. - nd M jr's, winterShei 1- Fbur 12, 9 and 26. AIl sessions I Charles .ent, f0 rettiri to ber ini May. Mrç y, are held at council headquarters in teaching at St. Mary's - school in Mrs. James, Highland Park. Concord,_ N. H. avenue. vin return, ro r.vanston, Dewar is a sister of Brady,- 1427. Central