-0- God, even thou alone, of ai]thre king- Mrs. Edwin A. Robson, 529 Forest doms of the earth : thou hast made avenue, will be luncheon hostess ta her heaven and eartb"' (Isaiahi 37:16). bridge club Tuesday, January 16. Among 'the citations which com- prised the lesson-'sernion wvas the fol-' lowing froin the Bible : *There is nonie' holy as the Lord: .fortheie is none beside thee: neither is thiere \/A____L___E__________ any, rock like-our God" (1 Sanîuel 2:2). 15«0 Sbet-an-Phome UlmL 34 The lesson-sernion 'also inciuded EVANSTON'S PERFECT the following passages f rom.. the >SOUND THEATRE Christianl Science textbook,, Science BARiGAIN MATINEE DAILY and Health with Key to the Scrip- Oes a*.m nt tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Di- Mon toSat. to 6:30. vine metaphysics. as revealied, to p Mn.tospiritual understanding, shows clearly ~C 25c EVENINGS an d' that ail is MÙ1d, and that Mind is 5 . ftea, Zî30o àSumudmys Gd. omnipotence. onipresence, ÉTgir , i , ja., 11.12 omiiscielce-týhat. is. aIl power, ail Willim. Powll-Mary Astor presence,. ail Science". (p. 275). "KenelMuruer Cas< Plail Vance MY*!=,y SaL., Jas. 13--Ou.. DayOu Bruce. Cabt-Betty Fuma.. Doin't Mise T K IDS Second Excid Chaptè 0f The. TLaifli.i Goodman Sae evival of"The Royal Family" 'sThe thir d production of the Good- m1. ran theater. season wiIl be 'Thée Royal Family," by Kaufrnan and T'he Ferber, opening on Tuesday, January "ng 23, and continuing every evening g through Saturday, January 27. witha *matinee on Thursday at 2:30 o'clock, January 25. The plot of this comnedy is based on the private life of' a farniul of actors, frequently thought to be the fanions Barrymore fainiuly. *Fanny. the niatriarch of the Caven'd- ish fainiulv, is portraved by Barbara le Clark of 'Evanston. service departulent. H-e was qualifico by the conipany's attorney as' a nia- tional authority on service mnatters. Asked if bill compiaints rise or fail with rate 'changes, Mr. East said that raie reductions do flot cause a de- crease in. the number of complaints received. Variations are; caused .by other factors, the. principal one be- ing. theý economnic situation. Describing. the 'effects of the de- pression on the number of comiplaints r.eceived, Mr. East said that as. the, average customer's financial situation grew worse .the number of complaints increased. Utility companies throughi-i out the country have, had the sanie experience. When askçed the principal causes of bill complaints, he enumerated these causes: "Increasés ini use due to sea- son, increased use on accountof new refrigerators or. other- appli ances, iii- ness in >the family, entertaining.nmo re persans in the household. bis caver- inig period larger than normal. re-' sponse to agitation against the coin- pany and difficulty in paying bis." .Mr. East's testiniony also revealedl that the quality of electric service in 250 communities served by the coin- pany is graded at 94.39 percent by the nispectors of the Illinois Commerce commission in their most recent sur- vey reported 'at the b eginniing of 1933.. This is higher than the average for the entire state accarding to the commission , reports. Ten of the seventeen highest ranking cities in. We've departed the wvays. 0f mental agility An~d found the calmn baYs 0f colitinn traniquil.lity. REPEAL :PROBLEM.,- What'll happen ýto oir Portias if ail the legis- lators decide no women miay'be ad-'. Imitted to the bar? SnePersonis believe in standing up at the bar, but in 'the Chicago area they've ganie "pro-sit." Vivian Duncan, her sister tells uis, has been out in Hollywood raising Asthers. The one that.Vivian intra- duced at the conclusion of the -Topsy and Eva" m'atinée ast Satu rdav cer- tainly wvas,,a beauty. The basebaîl, we read,, is. to be 1livelier than ever., In line with the tures. they'll probably be nfatn the thing. Guy Bush ought to be able ta 'connect for a foui baIl once 'ii a while under those conditions. Providing the bal is sufficiently in-, flated.. Naw that thiese Russian diploniats are caniing into our ives-cf., Lit.- vinov, Troyanovsky, et alia-we feel sarry for, the spelling commnitted by our grade-school history students of the future. Not to speak of news- paper corres pon dents of the present. w -t urneci Saturday ta Princeton after 3m their holiday vacation. Clifton is 'a Sundy (oly) an. 4thsenior and Alfred a fre:shman. Edma May Oliver Jimuny Durante "oMEEJ THEBARON" CO,,%-MMUNITY Lanla Fr U Wao. Fnaly THEATRE WINNETKA Mon, Tue$,, Jan. 15-16 Fni, Sat., Jana. 12-13 Ireue Dwmnned o M t lam, Courad lNateI-W#Jkev Hla À9 snmioMe Plan, Day, of Winter Sports at Lake Geneva *A skating and ice boat trip ta Lake Geneva, Wis., is planned. for aIder> boys of Kenilworth Saturdav of this week b>y Robert W. Townley, director of physical education' at; the Joseph Sears school.' The trip is depenident on the weather, and if. that proves to be unfavorable a leaders' class and anlimal as a satisfactory miechiaiical - Little Wonienwer informl ed. is quite sad in spots.' Why, just the ohrnight, the dr ama moved a news- paper editor so -much that he ad- mittedtoý swallawing with difficulty. As for us, we'd probably take dowvn aur bair for a real sobfest., Yep, we'll be seeing you, "Li'ttle' Women" . . . just as soon as aur handkerchiefs come balclçf romi the. latindr. ý ,-R Mr. . Ja*Iuary z6th-FeI For Re.rvoMions ruary 4th-DisPIkY by Uptown Motor Car Dealers, in the Passaggio, East and West Lounges and Information Telephon. LONgbeach 6000 business in i fa:ornia. Kenilworth,' during the Christmas -o- ' holidays. Thomas G., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. . -.- M. Antrim, 1136 Ashland avenue, left Mr.' and Mrs. Chase W. Lave, 422 Sunday for Bloomfield HuIs, Mich.,, Cumnor road, Kenilworth, wilI enter- to resumne his, studies at Cranbraok tain a group of iterary friends at scbool, after having spent the hoi- their home on the evening 'of Tues- days with bis family. day, january,:16;-