Recounts Events of Mexi*can Night Oue of our many stunts at camp this year was Mexican night.- Before dinner wc ail drcssed as Mexicans and went into dinner . that way. Some of the costumes wcrc vcry clever, such as a senorita dressed'in mosquito netting. The decorations in the dining room were unique. There werc two long strings, strung from one end of the room to thc other and on'them wcre alil sorts of bright 'colorcd things including vegetables. 'There' were blankets, jackets, old f ashioned shoes, scarfs, celery, carrots, and. over one table. there was. a pair of flannel bloomers which were uscd in the bull fight after dininer. After dinner we played gamesand Were entertained. Qne of the ýmost interesting things te me was >a bull. fight given by the corinselors.- France.s Bickham, Stolp school. L amie Bird Gets Chily; Smothers Under Blanket 'One day when I went down to uiy cousin's house we found a litle lame bird. We took it into my cousin 's house. My aunt had a prctty big cage and we put him into it. We put the cage up on t-he- upstairs porcli. Every morning the mother bird came and fed him. It was very interesting. One night it was so colci that my aunt put a smail blanket intc> the cage. The bird was so cold that lie got un- der the blauket. and smothcred to death. Marjorie Pearson, How- ard 7B.. JollyReadin"g'Fotàd: ina "Peterkin Papers T,ýe'a abook, called "Pcterkin Pa- pe-rs." It is a nice book. 1 will tell yua little about it.' There was a young girl,' and someone gave her a piano. The men who brought it, ont Ceremonial at Pair The Indian ceremonial at the world's fair was very intercsting be.- cause you could sec fi ve tribes of In- dians : Pueblo, :Sioux, - Winneébago, Nýavajo, and Hopi. They'showed six or seven of their dances-fire, dog fcast, shield and sword, buttcirfly, and othcr dances. , Another intcrcFting featur-e at the Indian ceremonial was CaLptain, Evergr.ecntree., He imitatcd the blue jay, robin, American cagle, timber wolf, and a dog fight in an In- dian . camp. The Indian cerernonial was at thesouthcrn end of the (air.- Patty [Lou Exnpficld, Stolp school. f Goes for Bike Ride and Awakens. in the Hospita One day I was riding along on MY bicycle, when I got hurt. I was sent, to' the hospitaL Whcn- I rccovcered consciousncss I was srn ths .ho 1 ials- inot herpri sii as Then I found out 044 hatI had been run over by a car. A fter two, day. I was >brought home, and /I, was not able to go to school1 for - -about thrcc'. days. Then I feit better and I was able te go to schoo.-Nicky Valentini,, Howard school. Finds Mummy Is Skinny Although Well Preserved 1 wcnt to the Field museum one day.. We startcd at the lEgyptian room and saw the mummies. They. alflooked as though they were %vrap- ped' up in old sheets.' There was.a mnum that, had been opened and, it wvas, a boy that:had- been very -well preserved- although he ýwas. very skiti- ny a 1nd smalL.-C. N. Fifer, How- ard6C BOYS TRY PRINTING When I was tilaying With another, Cause Lloyd to Moan Every morning when 1 go out to feed my chickens, my two rabbits try to gea ont.* When I put the f ced into their pen, the chick- ens cat up the fcced beore the rabbits get to it. The chickcns. always fly over the fence and 1 çannot. catch them, so some- times I thirk I have too m tchI oi nmv hands. with..botht rabbits and chickens. .- lUovd*Deni- nis, Howard 4th grade. Boys Have Sliek Time at Harbor in, Wilmette 1 wcnt to the Wilmettc' harbor the other day. The whole harbor' was frozen. Wce gqt some stones a 1nd tried to break the ice, but the ice was too thicic. Sômie boats were frozen and theyr cokuld not get out. We saw a ma n and he was trying to get, bis boat :out of the 'harbor. Thcn we went to the pier., The ýpier wus ail ice. We could: not go very, far out on it. Then. we startcd home. We went down. the beach.,,We werc riding our bikes on the, beach and it was ail ice.. Wc Were slipping .ail over.-Kenneth' ,May, 'Howard 4th grade. IMarilyn Busch Taike With a Japanese Girl One tirne when I was at the world's fair I saw a little japanese girl. She was very nice. She told me that she and her father came frorn Tokyo, Ja- pan, and when they landed from ýthe boat they went right to a hotel., in the morning ýas ber father wen t out., a. manasked him if Chang La could be in the Japanese exhibit at the fair- and:that's how thcy got there.-Mari- Ivu, ]usch, Howard 4th grade. KITTEN UNTI Rusty is an RINGS n. The 1 What He Views in a Subinarine There. are many. kinds of ships such as ocean lines, battlcships, air- plane. carriers, and' Warships. .My story aout the inside of a subma- rin saw at the world's fair.ý .Th.ere werc. four rooms. .One is the engine room; one, thc battery roomn; one, the bunk room; and the fourt.h, a torpedo room with aradio that can reachia ship's motor a mile awav. The torpedoes are numbered so that a man, can, press a button and they are 'relcased. The subniarine, *eighed several tons and can corne Up in a minute.-Jack Scarif, Howard 4th grade. Byrd Is Far at Sea, But, Bobby Hears His Voice I heard Admirai Byrd over the radio, He wvas thousands of miles away' Ad- miraI Byrd is heard on the Columbia:ý broacast every Saturday night at* 9 'o'clock with WB3BM, the local outlet. The admiraI and his crew ~ 1I' broadcast f rom abrôad the stcamship, Jacob Ruppert, en route to Little America, Antarctica. We côuld hear the wavcs better than we could. hear the men talking.-Bobby Colton, Howard 6A. Tells About Progress of Work on Baha'i Temple The Baha'i temhple will be finished. in 1934and will cost about three mil- lion dollars. It i s one of ,the largest temples in.. the.1 world. Every religion. has a hallîi the temple.. The build- ýing is very high,. so higli it reaches'the spirit who will- corne down into the building and make it a good building. It is iocated on Sheridan road, just a little bit southwest of the Wilmette harbor.-Ralph Clark, Central 5th LIE.S LANGUAGE WORK PUPILS STUDY CONGO The language book is very nice. SNICKERS WHILE TALKING We have been stuclying "The Congo We enjoy otir language and we like In our room one day we told stories Région." Some of their houses have speliing, also. Our teacher is, a very about any book we read. Que boy thatched roofs, whie others are nice teacher. ,Wc have history every told sucli a fuuny one he could hardly woven out of palm leaf stems, Their day.-Dorothy. Braun, Howard -4th tell it for Beck, boats are great, logs, holiowed, out.- grade.- Howard 5B.' Jo Aiin Figueira, Howard 4th grade., TIS CAT ALMOST TALKS At' home we have a cat that can al- Most talk our language. His naine is Peter Poof. Wh>en he wants te go out lie jus, goes like this, "A-ow." Then we let him out. Once we thought we, heard himsay, <'Hello."- Robert Drucker, Howard 4th -grade.