Thîs Fine Girdie S T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S, With Your Body $35 No. stiff boning-no heavy f.bric that won+t give when you stretch or bend ... fuis I44inch girdIe stretches TWO ways. Convenient side-Iacing. Sizes 26 ta, 30. And the price is notably, Iow., Exýpert Fitting Service Corset Section-LORD'S--Second Floor Chiffon 1530 i L I $1'oo s e; $i~5 Il Nadvance Springc slting thaàt Evanston. women look forardto Ti. I93oea Gardon frocks are a de- h1ghlta behold ...graànd vpaierns.... springy" 'colors, enchanting styles. Simpk-..Àaist frocks, ruffled dressy types. They'II add zes* orsparkle to winter-weary ward- robes. OnIy two are skiod but there are scores o others. These t.hree pricam a 1934 surprise. ý2066 150.. You'll love this large d patter» on groundç 'of ,Nd Copen, Red or .Brown. Sigèj te 44. $1.95. w, ~ 2066 ... àilored Mo$et .1 striped.cord ,fbric. Rose, Green, Blue, Ton. Sizes- 14 'to 40. $2.95. AN AISLE 'of DORNA 'GORD0&ROCKS-LORDS-PIRST PLOOR FREE CUITING AND, PINNING SER VICE Choose. your'.mtaterials,. paftern and findings at. Lord's, aond Mme. Emery wiII çut and pin your dmess without charge. 'AS' NEW A 13ý4 %'%SHOW us som.thing brand- new." women tell us when CHECK THESE SEWING BASKET REQUIREMENTS,ý, C esinke Pins, ¼ .............b. 7'c CTape Measur......... 5c [j Seam Bnding.. regularly 25c. 7-yard boit ........... 21- (3 FY, v Sheer Fashions for theYounger Sel Sizes 7 o 14 $119 2 for $2.25 Charming littie frocks for school- end dressup.. Advance Sping: styles smartened by touches of smocking, sashes and crisp'white orgavudy collar and cuifs. Do.p hems fo b., lot down l4ter on.- M s zes 7 to 10 have matching panties. Esefy fnevaue. LORD'S-First Jloor LORDS. FOUNTAIN SQUARE In the Apparel Section -LORD'S-Second.Ploor, Phone Wilrnette 3700 iurkish l owei Yvrapping BWakots .1...........97 Baby Esmon4i Crib Blankets ...... .....onty 97e Kleinert's Silk Rubber Panties........... pair 25e Children's Sectiosj-LORD'S-Second Ploor, FR* 1.0*bU Hosiery: Section--IORD'S-Firut Floo.'