Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1934, p. 12

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The musical programi for next Sun- day's service is as follows: PrOlude: '«Cantabile" from l'Irst Organ Suite .............. ........... Nevin .Anthern: "0, for the Wings of a Dove" ..................-Mendelssohn Quartette: "The Lord 15 My Strength and My Song'**"............... Hadley Postlude: "Sketch In F Minior"ý ....... .... .............. .... Schumann Our Church echool nieets according to the following seheduie:- Primary, junior, Intermiediate, And High School depArt-, ments at 9 :30 a. mn., Beginners depaàrt-, ment at 10:45 a. m. Our hlgh school group has recentiy organlzed ýwlth othe following officers: president, Helen. Young; vice-president. John Adamse- secretary, Eleanior Steen; treasurer, Douglas Hindley;- counseilor, Franis qW. Hayes., Committee chair- men: are social,' Jean Perrill; devo- tionai,, Carolyn Calloway;, membership,, Katherine Shank; program, Marie Aider. world service, Dorothy Holway. The group meets at 5 :30 Suniday eve- ning. An, interesting and varied. pro- gramIs lepianned with perlod.s for- de- votions, refreshments, and recreation. The Neighborhood, circle will have a luncheon meeting Tuesday, Janury 16, at 12:30, at the home of Mrs. Walter, Buts, 802 Lake avenue. Asslstling host-t esses are Mrs. D. C. Arlington, Mrs. Henry Hnuseman, and Mrs'. J.. Mac- Lean. Thursday, .lanuary 18, is the date of the annual meeting of the church, at which time officers are elected for~ the, coming year and reports,;; f departrnents 'heard. The meeting will be preceded .by a turkey dinner at U :30, served by the North 'End clrcile. A new feature attrac- tion is aiso announced, ".A Visit froni John- Bull." Menibers and friends of the church are asked to reserve the date. Reser'vatlons for the dinner must be In b>' 10 a. nm. Wednesday. Regular activitles scheduied for the week are: Tuesday-3 :30 p. m.-Brownles. 7:30 p. m.-Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday-7, :30 p. ým.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts.. Thursday-3 :30 p. m.-"Girls' choir re- hearsai., 4 p. m.-Boyis' choir rehearsa.. 7 :15 p., m.-Senior choir Éehearsal;' Friday-9.-45 p. .-Girl Scouts. 7 :90 p. m.-Wekeacafiia Camp Fire Girls. Sajturday-9 :30 a. m.-Cub Pack Meet- lng. 10:30 a. m.-Girls' choir rehearsal. Il a. m.-Boys' choir rehearsal. The choir wiil rehearse Friday eve- ning at. 7 o'clock. Memberships* ln the Auxiiiary of the Presbyterian Home - may be übtaîned during January' through Mrs. R. W. Youùng. 9.22 Ashiand avenue.> Englt* ih Lutheran> Seventh street, at' Greenleaf Wiette "A House of Worship" The: Rev. David R., Kabele, pastor. Sundit'y $ervlces. Sunday sehool..........45. a.1I. Morning ýworeshlp........ a. ni. The Junior Luther league will meet on Sundayr evenlng at 5 :30 0' ciock. Mr. Carence. Lineberger will pres-ent, the topic: "Seiecting MY Friends." Oficers for this year 'wili be'elected at thfF meeting. We wili hold our annuaàl Congrega- tional meeting on Wednesday evýening. January' 17. A dinner wili be served »t 6:0o'clock.. Reservations are to be made this week by phoning Wilmette 4279. The- Woman's society wlll hold its~ January work meeting. at the home of Mfrs W. Wlnberg, 419 Linden avenue or. Thursday afternoon, January 18. Choir rehearsal Friday evenlng at 7 :30 o'clock. Sunday, January 21, -, our annuai Young Peopië's Sunday. Luther C~. Mutelier will,,dellver the message. St. Jolin's L uthliera n Wilmette and Park avenues Church telephone Wllmette 5379. Serviees 9:5 a. m.-FPjrst. ser>vice and sermon. 9 :30 a. in.-Suiiday schoo1 and Bible il1 a. fn.Second service and -sermon. meetligs Monday, 7ý:45 p. mi. Choir rehearsai. This Thursday at 8 p. m. Speciai, meet- ing of the Senior Walther league. i age, wno mnaY oe .intereËte.1. *Thfe R ICross haS sent Out a eall for'chilidren's clothlng, and your help là needed to, mneet this4 urgent, need. IThe. Sunday achool wiil mieet at 9:45 three and the high school arme cordiaiiy lnvited; to visit and to become members, of. this organizatioti. The Keniiworth, Young People 's Sun- day Evening. club wilnieet Sunday eVe- nl.ng at .6 ]p.. m. Al 'students of high schooi age are Invited. A supper will be served. folloWed by the programn. St. A ugustine's Sunday, January 14, wili be the second Sunday afte r Eplphany. There *Ill be Holy, Communion' at 8. a. m., Church schoois -and Bible classes at 9 :45, anld Morning Prayer with sermon.,at 11. a. m. The, annual meeting of -the. Women's Associated Guilds wlll be heid in the Parish Hous.e. .1140 Wilmette avenue, .to- inorrow (Friday), January 12. The meeting -is cailed for sewlng at il o'clock, luncheon at noon and, at 2 o'clock, the regular annuai business meeting and election of officers for the comning. year. At the conclusion o! the meeting the newiy eiected officers wil be installed. The Guiid is ln a fiourish- ing condition and bas had a very. sue- esflyèar. The anniual pari.sh meeting wiil be hield Thursday evening, January 18, at 8 o'cloek preceded in ail probabiiity by ,a parish diniier. At this meeting re- pîorts will be given of the year's wotk ia the various organizations and ward- ens and vestrymen elected for the coni- lng year. Delegates' to* represent. St. Augîîstine's at the comine dioceSan con- vention wi111 also be chosen. Thle first collection of the Bishop's Pence amounted to $109. The Christmas, offering .which is just being ciosed passed last year's contribution~ by a consider- able aimount, totallng $425 to date.. The church's annuai report now being com--plled- shows that coflslderably more people received the communion at the Chrisqtmasti Eve service than at aiy serv- ice since St. 'Augustine's began. The previolis record1 was '219. At the -Mid- night service 238ý received the com- munion. The eveakc.r at the Wilmette Sunday *Apostll tttde'witthe theme "Adventuring ln Service."1 The ffidweek meetings for prayer and fellowship are heid Wednesdaysý at &S o'cloek, the present discussions, are on "'The Story Tellers of the Old Testa- ment." Thursday's program includes_ Girl, Scouts at 3 :30, Seai Scouts at 7:30, Junior choir at 7 o',clock, Senior choir and operetta rehearsals at 8. Advanice notice is given of the visit to WlIme tte. of Dr. H. C. Liu, president of the UJni- versity of Shanghai Monday,. January 22. and an invitation is extended to the geýneral public to hear' the addre-s of this oustanding Chinese leader. Metkodist -Churcli Rev. Oscar Thomias Oison, D.D., minister The 'minister's1 sermon themne for the 11l- o'clock wor-ship. service next S8unday, morning will be: "Where Are We In Religion ?" T~he mugie for the service on Sunday morning is as follows.: Organ Prelude: "Chorale" . .Karg-Elert "Adagio"' (V Symphony)...... .Widor Anthem: "My Master Hath a Garden". . .... . . ,.. . . . . . .Barnes Offertory Solo-Miss, Fiorence Farrar- "The. Good Shepherd". ........ .:Barri Organ Postlude: "Toccata".....Relif There ls Red CrosS, sewing qtý the church each Tuesday morning .at 9.:30. -The. Wesieyan Service guild will ieet Tuesday evening of next week, Janmary 16. The Woman's Home. Missionary so- ciety wiil meet Thursday, January 18, at 2 o'clock' A very lnteresting program has been piann ed. Devotions: Airs., R. J. Burrows. Muglc: Mrs. E. A. Fellers. Mrs. R. N. McClure, chairman of better films of the Generai Federation of Wom- an's Clubs, will speak on "Making the, Road Safe for Barren Feet." The book, 'eview, "Women and Chiidren,", wiii be presented by Mrs, R. M. Cmbeland Mrs. J. C. Martin. The Woman's, Foreign Missionary so- clety meets this afternoon, at 3 o&clock.ý **The ILife of Albert- Sch,,eitzer" wil be review.ed by Mrs. Oscar Thomas Oison. Devot ions;, Mrs. Thomas H. West. Music: Mrs. .Giesecke. be hoc - . j KIUUIe<iLof Amer -Student Life at Oxford" wili be -the armies and na subject of a - lecture by Van ',Worme; Corne to St. Walsh at the Sunday., ELvening ,clib Bt 1tht. sermon.1 a'nd hearj chui weicome. 1par! ot the-nature of juli r-upl,. jeu J. 5ne tev .S. Harvey. inuary 11-"The God Who is Far." Lnuary 18-"The God Who Is Near.ln Nature." up IV-"The Choir."' Director: Miss arie Briel. yÉou are tnusically flacilned, here im

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