provîico Nvtiout an>y ciarge1. .i.'lis )rojeet is he ing organized hy the Aduit 1.dulcttion Council oft Çhicago' tinder the guîidance of a coi.intittee of officiai representatives of nine uni- versities amd colleges lintlh city, Fred Atkins Mýýoore,, executive director of the ý Aduit .E-ducation, ait- 11oiunced this week. The courses to be o ff ered w ill in- clude first and second ve ar college subje ts- in English .and for eigu 1 a n g ua g e s , niatiiematics, hîstory, socîology,' political science, and prob- ably. a fcw ther suh)jects. EVach course %vill be planncvd on a tlîree- inonths bas is., No crédlit can bc giveni to the students ta king these courses but they xvi l)e allowed tô take. exanuinationis at various colleges and universities *where crédit %vil] hé cstablislhed if exanlinations are passed successfully. The faculty will l>e composed ýof experienced college teachier.s.tobeý eimplo> ced by the Civil Works Edu- cation service. The deanl of the faci lty ivilil)be Edwin S. Lkke who receive(1 is degree of (luctor of philosophy at the University of Clii- cago ani xx'hvlo lias liad wile educa- tional exj)erielice both in tcaching 4nd ini. research w-%ork., _The, at the begininiig of the lroject, \vIl be given lu iquiarter.s provided on the eightlî floor at 18 S. 'Michigan avenue land]xiii hegiiî *antuary 8 .1& *Ail stud(enits mho désire to take ad1- vaiitage of this opp)ortuniitv. il]lihe regjstere<l and given ft information On \\edniesdtaN. 'hursday and Fri- day of Ibis week duriîîg. the fore- nioon hlotirs (9:30 a. i. to 11). i.) ii the fol1owving branches of the Chii- cago Puiblic librarv located ýin. Strategic parts of the citv: Hild eini rnhibrr.43 *Lincoîn I :avenu e I.egier Regionai Bratîcli librarv. Crawford l.anid Monroe Kelly Branch library. <2wl id Nor- mnai boulevard t XVol~nBranc.b lihrary. 6247 Kinii- 1i .GIus Anderson, Livanston aitlor- ji-ey and reW-Jo,,çiui wtkrily onl Russia, u411 lecture at the IVilmiette Suinday' Eveabýr club Januai>y 7.' Air. Anderson -wiII exhibît motion picturcs taken by hiin in die pasi jew ycars during hîs cextenîsive iravels jin Russia. bark avenue Puilmaii Brandci. library, I lttiand Inîdiana avenue Hiall Brandh lib)rary-,, 48th ami Nliclii- gan avenue 1E-verv applicant, nmust protînce evi- <letice that hie or shieis a graduate of a hiiglh sélool. There wiii be nlo other admissionî requireinent except legal residenice ini Cook coutv: L.oi, Hoimes of Barrington was the giiest Monday and Tuesday of Jane 141 Kniot avenue, Keiîl- wortil. -o- jaile, daughiter of- tie Harold E~. Spinnieys of 927 Ashlai avenue, is leaving Saturday to retuiri to. lier studies at Briarcliff after lier, hôliday vacation. 1)orranice, soli of 'à1 r. a id NMrS. E.- L. Nygaar-d,1336 Gregory avenue, left NVednesda%. of last, week for, Grinnieli after a shlort liolilav vaca- tion w%'ith lis falmily. Beverly iBouciard, 222 Oxford road, Kenilwortli, .accomfpanlied - Barbara Oleson, wlio inotored back .Tnesday tO Nit. Carroll. whvlere slie attends the, Frances Sirner school. -o- Suzalilie Thiomas, Hielen Stiles. anîd Bol) Blanchiard entlertained, at a datice \Venesayjannuarv 3, at the! home of- Suzali ne, 1136 Chiestinut aven1ine. NI rs. Cl'arles Sanford Clarke, 526 W\asingt on aveinue, xiilie îotbc~ to the Tuesday bridge lunicheon chil) n i lier home next %week. Mir. andi\Irs..'H. A'. Iurr, ith Ellen and i)ick, -'00 Warwick road. Kenlwothhave rettnrted home after ,ýIe-îîdiîîg the lioidays ifi Cincinniati. Nirs. Max Friedmntof Milwaike lias I)eui a recent guest of MIr. and MIrs. \Walter A. Knoop. of 221 \Var- %vck road, Kenilworth. -o- TJitic Tuesday eveniing bridge clulb of ,Keilworthi was entertained this weel< by Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allent of 258 Mieirose avenue, Keniil\vortlh. Charlotte Moody,. 123; .sllan.d avenue, leaves jantiar v 8, for the Uffiversitv of Nisconlsin .after pn- ing the 'holidays at. ber hlome. Mr. and MrÈ. Otto Buege, 1133 Cen- NIr. and Nîrs. Jack Milîs, J 112, lii tral avenue visited their two: daughters t liis road, enitertainedt sixteel gueSs ini Edgerton, Wis,, at Christmas time. aI ai) cnngbig .rdy ail-star diraina of the nuglît air miail,. Barrymiore t ook is faly ou aT « Yachting trip to Alaska, whiere lie anîd feiiow mieiiibers, of the party mnade a imber. of e\citiflg experinients %vith the undernvater (ivinig outfits. Nanîcy, dangliter of the Join Lawî WViids of 244 Oxford road. Keniil- %wortli, is leaviiîw NIonday, j aîînary 8. to resutnc *lier tu- i at *I-errv lall ini Lake Forest. Raipi. sont of NI r. anid*NI1 rq. R. E. Pattison Kline, 1311 (reî da ve - nu.ile, left \Ve d n esday for- MIia'ii i- versitv a t Oxford, Olîio. aiter hîi, Christmas vacation. NI rs. Eveliu NIunger ;uiîd lier. daàughiter. \irgiîîia.tof 1Port I eposit. M1d., speuit the Cr tîî lioliita.-%> witli lier sister -and faîniily. tle. Alex J osli,îîs of 240 Ee odKîi~oti Zo. datighter of the L Chapelles pi 132 .\bingdon a'.eitic, Kenilworth. is leaviîîg Sunidav for ý\Vatnegai w.lere s-hv«,attendîflicth \ Robert J. Hildebrajid, 92 Rob- sart road;, Kenilwortli. ~ hostess te lier quiltiîig cluili on riday,1erîî ber 29.- Ont Friday, leetbr29.,NIr >, H-erbert L. Luca, 173 Vtiller lanu enttrtainied her chlb. at iiunt-lîcon ail bridge, vRuth jois lS31aEiseîg Nid for tl Corth. i o te a I a Fores lto ivsce iata Aniong thé Keiilvo(rtlîi bovsre- turing eSatnird(av -to PriuîcCt.oi ar(, Eiwood Mos. Alexanider X~tn 1Roger Barreti. and(I (vordon ('iltlvr. Iv- -~ ~~1W - k~Nl O~fl4 - J I fi r