a line. Advertisements run ln ail, thrse papers. Mi CHRG~E ONE DOLLARI. Average of live worde face type used. 20%l discount on ail cash advertiee- to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 661 ka. 10O% discount on ail advertisements run tour I edlne " tor Inseirtions- Cnsîfied advertinemeniti w111 bea- I ~ cepted upt Tuesday 9 P. M. for 1!WILMETTE LIF]9 or, il three papera; Wýednesday 9. P. M. for IlWININElrKA TALK and Thureday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. ilTelephones: Wlmrete 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 atter 6 P. M.), Greeneaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687.J LOST AND FOUND LOST CHRISTMAS DAY - (IER1AN police dog wlth curly tail. Answers to name :"Ton%,." Reward. Phone Winnetka 38.6. 31LTN35-ltp LOST - WHITE GOLD RI.%MED glasses in case, last Tues. between Chestnut St. and Teatro del Lago. Reward. Phone Wilmette 1161. PARTY GOING TO FLORIDA WITH- - inl the next week or two. WVill l)ay half 'of traiellng expense for trans- poratin.Phone Wilniiette 4981. AN ANTIQUE IS A~ GOOD INVEST- ment for your Christmas check. Fumniture refinlshed and Hook rugs mended. ATTIC ANTIQUE SIIOP 462 Adams St. Glenc9e 168 7L35-ltp 10 BUILDING ANDO CONTRACTING MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOMiE! Basement recreatlon rooms, additions, attic modernization, home repairing in ail branches. No job too small. -Seasonable 10w prices. We.have built more than 100 homes on the north shore and know our business! F. H. GATHERCOAL 1511 Highland Ave. Wllmette, IRi. Phone Wllmette 225 15LTN31-tfp 148 BUSINESS SERVICIE SEA$OeE» FIREPLACE .WOODÎ SSplit and ieut in 2-ft. lengths5. $8.50, PER TON, DEiLIvEtREDi- Phone' Wifinetka .2108 16LTN3 5-ltlp FOSTER NISTLE OIL BURNER SERVICE All burnems at aIl houra. Ph, Wl!i. 278, If no, answer WUl. 2803. -13. HOME AD FOOD PROD1JCTs GIPT 1BOXES Home. Made Preserves Wlnnietka 3350 29L35-.1tp 30 INsTtUCTriON ___ FRENCH CLASSES OPEN TO FOUR more students. Native teacher, for- mer. college instructor. Cal Wilmette 1747. 30LTN35-Stp) 31« MUSICAL INsTRUCTION PIANO LESSONS WANTrED IN X change for Span[sh or French by ex-, perlenced tutor with European back- ground and ' college degree. Phone Kenflworth 5a-63.. 31ËTVN35-ltc PIANO LESSONS AT YOUR HOME. Children or. adults. Modern inethods. Best N. S. Refs, Katherine Winitred McInerny, 2507 Ridgeway, Evanston. D)avis 2444. 31LTN35-lp 40 M USICAL INSTRUMENTS__ GRAND PIAN-O SMALL SIZE, MA- hogany finish, fine t(;ne, for repos- s essed balance by weIl known piano house. Low nionthly paymnents if de- sired. Can be seen at Iredale Fire- proof Warehouse, 1723 'Benson Ave. Ask for A. C.. R. 40LTN3'5-ltc -42 PAINTING ANPDÇEORATINS LEWIS SKOLNIK M\OI)RN PAINTINO-DIICORATING Let nie figure your wurk. Sure 'prices. will sur-prise you. Also Ist class wvorknianshî». 1934 sampfles on hafid. Refs. WIM 'ITE5034 %WIXNE'lKu-251 42LTN35-ltp) Paint, Paper. 5 Rms., "$34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 'UP SANITrAS AND CÂNVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned,«50e;. bathrmi. enamneled $5; kitchen palinted $5. S5 Rm. FLOORS, WASILED, SCRUBBED VARNISHED OR WAXED, $8. REFS.- FRtE ESTIMÂTES. MATERIALS Rates-" e to the. line. No bla meDts uwhen broug] Lincoln Ave., Wlm Consecutive Issuels. COMPETENT HELP Np charge to employer. Efficient service for North Shore homnes, References lnvestigated. W10II HAVE WHAT WE ADVERTISIE Pauline's Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wllmette Wilmette 2171 68LTN38-tfi EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADrT' domestic help, ail nationali *ties, No charge to employers. References la- vestigated. Under -State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm! St. Wlnnetka 3395 68LTN25-tfe 70 118T. WTD.-MALit AND:FEKMALU KENILWORTH WELFARE COMMIT- tee can furnish unemployed men a.nd women for housework, outs-ide work, alzo skilied labor of certain- kinds. Please cal! Mrs. H. B. Taylor, cbair-. mnan of Emjloyment Commnittee, Ken-ý tlworth 2820.0I~8Ui G-ERMAN COUPLE, 25 YEAES. WIFE, cook and general. Man, chauffeur, houseman, and gardener. flest refer- ences. Winnetka 3218. 70LITN35-ltp COUPLE GERMAN-AMER. 10 YRS. exp. Cook.and General. Age 27. No. Shore ref. 'Colored couple. Best ref. 12 yrs.' exp. Will accept reasonable, wages. Referencés Investigated on ah applicants. S-H-A-Y 14 W. WA'-%SHINGTON CHICAGO (CENTRAL f,9800ý 70LTN35-Ite '71 HELP WANTED-FEMALE EXP WHlITE GIRL FOR GEN. liseWvk. Must be fond of children. Ironing, no laundry. $6. Ref s. re- quired. Ph.i. Wilniette 4880., NVAXT 2ýND -MAID).\I'ST BE EXP. 4 in famil]Y. $15. Pàulin&.s, Enip. A-1gency. 421 4th St.,. Wilmette.- 71LTN35-1tc-, WANTED)-WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral hous EWork. $5per' week. No wahngor lroning.,Cal Winnetka :3826.713-t WANT. GtNERAL.: 2 IN FAMILY. NO. laundry.,$12. Pauline's Empil. Agency, 421 4th ýSt., Wilmette. 71LTN3'5-ltc COMPETENT WH I TE HE L P wanted with good references. Apply in person. A tT f ET VUtTTf .~T~ 544 Exmoor SHOPPE Kefllworth 4226 IST,rM.q-4t1n State ?aing or ja*na WVHITE MAI D FOR housework and laundry. 200)o ing machine and ironer. tfe required. Anyone under over 35 do not apply. . netka 1180. _____ UR iCOOK -4 ADULTrS $15. 80. Et Emp. Agency. 421 4th 1st wash- Lrefer. ears or e Win-. N35-ltc ilmette.. N25-ltc R>1M. APT.; 2 BEDRMS.-; ELEOTRJO refrig.; faclng- residential street. Very reasonable. SMITH &.GOQSS, mIc. 25Elm Street Wlnnetka 3506 e2LTNi9-tfc one. DRESSMAKING I DESIGNý AND MAKE DRESSES Alzo dresses made up forsale. 'Remnodellng.> Reas. Phi. )Vilmette 2158 22LTNl%35-ltp mý GIRLS, 20 G1ENERAL POSITIONS open, $10 to $12. 5 second, $10, $12, and $14. Two nurse positions at $15. Thrèe couple positions open, $80 to $100. This office is open front8 a. ni. to 6 p. m. Réinhart's Emnpi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 ______73LTN35-ltc WANT FIRST CLASS« COÏTPL. $_Ï100 Mo. Patiiie's Emp). Agency. 421 4th St., Wilm ett e. 73LT.35-Itc DOMESTIC HELPý EXP. AND WELL. RECOMMENI)ED No Charge to Emiloyqers, Lindgrein Ernl. Agency Establislied 25 years 799 L'lm St. Winn. 1047 73LTNÏ29-tfc 77 FOR SALE-AUTOS '.11AVE ONE 1930 STUDEBAKER CON V. COUPE. .Motorola Radio, new, tires, excellent condit Ion ................ ....... $345 1932 Terraplane sedan. Very littie mile- age. Like new 100%....... ... $445 MANY CARS AT $25 UyP TO $100 BUTILER .MOTORS, Imc.' 1901 Ridge Evaniston WVinnetka 3010 77LTN35-1tp) 82 FOR RENT-ROONS, SUNNY, NICELY FURNISHED RO-OM in.Hubbard Woodà. NegF schools an& transportation. Phone Winn. 1815. 82LTN35-ltc TWO 'NICELY FURN\ISHED ROOMe, 1 single_ 1 double. Near transporta- tion on East side. Reasoniable. _Phone_ Wilmette, 15È75. 8LN5î) WARM, COMFORfTABLE SUNNY SIN- gle room for rent. Gentleman prefer- red. Close> to transportation. 467 Cliestiut SL Phoine inietka 3558. 82L35-Ilî SMALL RM. IN M'ELL 1FURNISHEI) home, Near lransp. Refs required. Phone Wllmette. 143. 82LTN35-ltce R.M. FOR RENT-MAN PRE1,ERRED_.ý $3.50 p)er week.- 514 Birch St., Win- netka. 82LTN35-ltlp PLEASANT, COMFNIORTABLE- ROOM, 3blocks fromtransportation. 905 E-l111 St., Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 415, 82LTN35-Il LARGE RM.ý WITH-i PRIVATE BATH and shower. Garage. 1 block. to N., S. transp.. East' side location. Brkfst. optionai. Phone Wilmette 2372. 82LTN35-lttc QUIET, COMFORTABLE RM., NICELY furnished, wlth bath and shower, for 1 or 2. Private home near transporta- tion. Phone Winnetka 2010. 92iTN1MCd4tf.