I'Night Flight" Friday and Sat ur- day, Januarv 5 and 6, and "The Bow- ery" Sunday to Friday, january 7 to 12, fil1 the week's program at the Wil- mette theater with some of the best ol cinema ente rtainment noix available be- tween the north shore and Nova Scotia. .Another' Wihiiiette eitertainmenf tritimph is the flrst chapter of a new serial, '.Tarzan the Fearless," starring Buster, Crabbe,. at the Saturday ma- tiîaee .January 6. As for',"Th>e Bowery,' it re-creates. the gay ninetiçs whiei the Bowery was generally regarded as "the livest mile on the face of the, globe." Following are highlights of this great film: Here's Plenty of, Pepper John L. Sullivan fights bis fights again. Steve Brodie lumps f romi Brooklyn bridge, as he did iii 1886. Carnie Nation, ,"flghting f, emiine fizzwater fanatic," raids. Bowery Saloons with berhatchet, smashiing up "places of sin," A sweet up-state girl is endangered hy the machinations of white slavers. War with Spain breaks out. Honky tonk girls in Chuck Connors' "den of. iniquit" shock the Bowery, by smoking cigarettes. Fire breaks out in, Chinatown and tong war is ihreatened. "Ta-ra-ra Boomi De-Ay," grand- motherof "Boop-a-doop," is boni. *NaUghty ilighits of Frankie and Johnny tinies are reenacted. Bowery. girls in having their fling. "The Bowery" was directed by Raoul Walsh who is not afraid to put plénty of wallop into bis pictures. The story was adapted. from thenovel written by Michael L 'Si &nsand B. R. Solo- mon. John1 Gable, Montgoi Six Fainous iStars .Barrymore, Helen Hayes, Clark .Lionel Barrymore, Robert mery atid Myrna Loy form the Yly .strong cast which interprets Ann Harding's excellent new picture, "The Rigbt. to Romance," will show at the Varsity theater Friday, Satur- day and Sunday, January 5, 6 and 7. Robert Young and Mils Asther alsoj have.leading roles. The third- chapter of 'the thrilling serial, .'.Tarzan the. Feàrless"-it's the talk of.the north shore ,towns-wi,11 he shown at the Saturday matinee only. Buster Crabbe, world-champion swim- mer, plays Tarzan. An! excell tent portrayal by Ruth Chatterton and a deft. characterizaion by Ferdinand >G3ottschalk distinguisli, 'F ae"Varsity prese tationiiMon- day and 'Tuesday, January 8 and 9. The picture uses bright conversation and amusing. situations to prove ýthat a' busi- ness girl. is just female after ail. Ruth would s'een to be 'an exception 1 for minen-are merely puppets to her-until she. meets young inventor George Brent. Walter WVitndells "Broadway linii aý Keyhole," at the. Varsity Wed.' nesday and Thursday, january 10 and 11, provides a thrilling screen peep behind Gotham's bright lights. It's also a beautiful earful, what with the singing of Russ Columbo and Frances' Williams. Constance Cummings causes the emotional -- :omplications. "F. P.'1." 'Offers 5 and, 6. Dramatizing the possibilîty o f an island floating in the middle of the" Atlantic for the aid of traris-ocean flyers, the story depicts romance and adventure in one of the strangest settings',of -film fiction. Amid the natural dangers of the sea and the created dangers of envions men, the plot runs througb the gamut of ac- tion, drama, romance and sacrifice. Cor~aà VeidfT- o.,1 pntn nr rray. Maurice Chevalier wno wans to be a Paris guide, suddenly finds him- self, sheltering gypsy Anti Dvorak ini bis roof-top home. Ihen fun aplenty begins. Richard Dix. portrays a pacifistic scuiptor who joins the war and turns into a -relentless, killer. of. German aviators in the dramia, ,Ace cf Aces," aIsçQ featuring Ralph Bellamy and. Elizabeth Allaiî at the ValenciaSatur- day, Janiuary 6. At. the Saturdav matinee oîîly, 'the first chapter of1 the serial. The Wolf Dog," will be shown. Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr., Frankie- Darro. and Boots Mallory are stars. "Too Much -Harmhoniy".Sunday 'and MGnday, January 7 and, 8,is a zippy- musical1 enriched hy jack Qakieý,,Binké Crosby and many other irst-rate laiugh getters. Jeàn IHarlô,W is superb ini "Biomb- sheil," uproarious comedy of 'Holly wvood life, at, the Valencia Tuesday, ~Wedesdav and Thursday,.Janary 9 i 10 and 11. Lee Tracy is Jeali's press- agent. ~ARSITy TEATRE EVANSTON-PHONjE UNI. 8900 Wath Cary Grant -000- Fr1, Sat., Sun, Jaza. 5.6-7 ANN HARDING un "ý4TEE RIGET, T0 ROMANCE" With Rob.rt Young' AI.0 Mi<Ioey Mous. in lis Las*Tims Tonilht WILLIAM POWELL li and 'LuIaby Land" Cartoon Fn, q. a.n. 5.6 The Barymres-Hen Hayes Clark Gabl**-R. Montgomery HOIci Over '"Lullaby Land" Sat. Mafine.. Jaâ. 6 BUSERCRABBE lI "TA=ZJR Tac t st Chaplbr of -This BSIfýeîl Starting Suni. Jan. 7 to Il Exclusive Frst, Wilmeft, Showing anid WaIt Disasys Cartoon li color "Night Sefore Christmas" Set., Jan. 13 "DROADWAT TO cotorful characters who step troni the pages of history in"'The Bowery." HIT FOR RAOUL WALSH The director of "What Price Glory, Sadie Thompson" and "The Cock-Eyed World," has scoreçd an- other big hi t in "The Bowery." I 1 lc tfaK l *0ul 1 *L *i v ngAt, Lte au- star pictur e, disclosed that the star's attention Was focused on- Seneca's "Essay on, Anger.". WOMEN"