Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1934, p. 32

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The project wiIl occupy ail of floor 1. the Louis XVI, the Crystal, the Gray, and the West rooms, and the louinge. This is the announceient, miale this Nweek by Mrs. Harry A. Kahn, general chairman of the Serve and Sel! day, which wil.) bc in session' fr:im 9 in ýthe morning untIil midnight. Adding interest to heprgrniis the, fact that Princess Shalimar and Prince Chiro wiil be in. charge of the Temple of Destiny, ireading the, past, prescrit, and future by crystal,,gazing. palnîistry, numerology, and graph-. oiogy. Ail the foods and merchandise for the Serve and Seli day have.been do- nated by firms and individuals in Chi- cago7-and its suburbs, Mr.s. Kahn an- nounces. The proceeds of this day wtill go to the suùpport* of the Couincil's model camp for mothers and uniderpriviieg- ed chiidren at Wauconda, 111 . Other philanthropies that will be financed- and assisted -through the profits of, * the Serve and Sel! day are the Serv- ice to the Foreigii Born, Amnerican- * ization and citizenship classes, w%'ork for the liard of hearing, end Iimmiigrà- tion-,work. Mýany niew and interesting features are to be introduced 'Tuesday. There wvill -bc demonstration booths for couticil inemibers iwhere they wili pre- pare and make somne of their fain- ous dishes. Other demonstrations will be carried on by weil known food concernis. prices, all the food prepared by couil- cil members. Dinner hour guests wiii be enter-, tained by- Vincent Lopez, the well- known caricaturist, Shelia Barrett, and h.er accompanist, Sami Marshall. The.officers of the Çhicago section are Mrs. Ger>son jB. Levi, presidenit;' Mrs. Benjamin I. Môrris, first, vice-:' president; Mrs. 'Sidney S. Pollack, second vice-president; Mrs. Benja- min Greenebauni, third vi ce-presi- %-i&azriesi. 1Nequa. &v8irs. %v. iifa D. Requa, and Miss Genevive Sed2Lwick. Reservations are to be made before 9 o'clock Monday morning to Mrs. C. Winslow Henkie, 5424 University avenue,,Chicago. Mrs. John Flint Dille, regent of, the chapter, which bas niorth shore inen- bers, gave a luncheon and linen, shower JaniuarNy2. at lier home in Evl-'V aniston, for Miss- Priscilla Kellogg. who is to lie married on February 24. to Major, Corswell. Mfiss Kellogg met' her fiancé when she wa.s aý page at the Natîinal :conventioný of, the, D. A.. R., iii WVashington last April. At N.0 S. Wo'man's Club The North Shore Woman's club. which meets at the Edge-water Beach hotel, i s lhavi'ng its Juniors' te a todav (rlThursday) at 2 o'clock.- Firqt V\ice- President's dav will hie obsèrved l)v the club on, January. 11. The business segion opens atil1:30 ini tufe orinig. luticheoxi recess is a.t 12:45, the pro- grami begins at 2:15, with MUrs. James Henry jackson commenting upon "At Home WVithi Literature," and Gild- Mundur Kristjanson. Icelandic tenlor. singing. To Elect Off icers The annual meeting and election of officers of the North Shore branch, Friends of Chicago Junior scbool. wili be held 'Wednesday morning. 1-- -, ltB .L.fi- i - f N - cheon W1II De served. I Chairmani 1&,- Moffètt Photfo Hla. 11ll! Il.: Thorne of 93 'Iidion I-I iii road, 1IVinîteitka, zwil se rve another year as president of the Nord, Shore Field Hockey. assoioatiii, Iaviny leen îreelected 1o litai office ai the annual »îeetiA held Dccmbr13, ai Miss Harriet Leona>-d's hohu'i.ii innetlea. Mrn 1lUarner Wlashburu-i of Glencoe i flue nezc viee-/'residenl; AMiss Mar- garet DeJ.av of Wneksec re- tarv. and Miss Eli.la belh Lanctot. Junior Dance A junior semni-formnaiclance on Satpirday evening, January 13, a t 8 :3 0 o'ciock, at the Woman's club, is the second ini a series of two affairs sponsored by the junior dance commit- tee of the ways and means cominittee of the Woman's Club of Wilm.ette, of which Mrs. J. Weiton Fisher, Jr., is chairman. The Ross Hildebrandt New Trier orchestra wl1 play for the dancing a'nd refreshments tvill be served. Tickets wvill be sold at the door. To Hear of Whbite House> The Young Mothers club of Wil- mette. will meet ot the home of Mrs. Pauil W. *Stade, 1500 Washington clhbWs o-%Tfl members. Tu'esday of next week. at 10 :30 in the morning. the club's Players wvill welcQtn.e ai! mnembers interested in drama to the first meeting of a course under Mrs. Charlotte Barrows Chor- penning of Evanston on "Getting an Actor Into His Part Froni the Stand-' pnoint of the Aictor and the" Director" Trhe course is to continue once a week for. ten sessions. the meetings, sub- seqtieit to tliat Tuesday of. iîext week% I)rol)aly lwing lield Satilrday'ý inorn- Ings., A\t.- il o'clock Tuesday -imorning Prof. Herbîert E. Dougali vill con- tinue- the series of lectures on "Fi-ý Iîaùce." bis subject nexti week being .'Readling the Corporation's Filiancial Sýtatemen ts." At the, sanie hour WVed - nesday Mrs. Ethel M. Colson Brazel-: ton. will cisciiss currenit: events. and ýwiIl also review'the, following books '*Mar-% of, Nazareth," byv Mary Bor- den; "De \Vrieudt Goes Home," b%; Arnold Z weig: 'r'he faultof Angels," by Paul Horgan. A special prograniI is planned for lFriday evening, january 12, wvhen Frederick Fursinan will s.peak on "Contemporary Art ini Europe." Mr., Fursman is ýdirector of the Strimer Scbool of. Paint ing at Saugatuck. Mich.. and is internationally knoô,tvn as a painter. He lias exbibited. in the Paris salon and ini the International exhibition at Ronie. A p.ainting of his which won ýfirst prize at the Art instittite svill l)e included ini the ex- hlibition at the club during January. Plans Fathes Night 11The Môther's club of St. Joseph's sch ôol wvill celebrate Father'.s night Tuesday, January 9, at 8:15 o'clock. Bridge, five-hundred, euchre, and bunco will lie played, and a prize will, be given at each table. Refresiî- ments are- to. be served. Mrs. A.. Rassenfoff, 'chairmnan, and the meni- bers-of ber committee are planning to make . this, a very enjoyable eve- ning for the fathers, members. and prospective niemibers. "Don't forget the date, Tuesdav evening, January 9, at 8:15," the committee einphasizes. wiai oe gi i ncy wïli sponsor a dance to be giveni on vening, January 10, at andi at which prizes away for orgia cos- mothers, -wives. and sistcrs of ,,em-- ber-s of the Jrralrf rater» il yat N'oilhwce.çlcrn, lias been forined bo hel' solve lte' roblenis ini counec- tion u'it-h iîhi fratcrniIt' Iwuse oau thecaps wood avenue. Mrs. A, B. Lambert, Mrs. Drayer's mother, arrived on New Year's day from Oberlin, Ohio, to spend the, remainder of the winter here. On. Sunday night last, a group cf north shore young people, Mr. and Mrs. H. MçBain, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Humpbrys, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Bar- clay, celebrated the coming of ,the.nIew. yue by having a progressive dinner. 6

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