The annual ail-day meeting of t' Wilmette, Kenilwortbl, and Winnet] Leagues of Women Voters will .opg Session at 10:30 o'clock on Mond. mnorning, January 8.. Mrs.' Geori Gordon of Winnetka, Mrs, Ê.. F. Sn, dacker 0fKeilworth, and Mrs. H.' Reiling 'of Wilmette, respective prc gramn chairman for their leagues, ha' worked ont a most comprehens,' and meaty day's programi throuçg their departments of women2 in indu5 try and legal statuts ýof women. Mrs.- Perry O. Crawford of Winnet ka' Mrs. Dudley Taylor of Kenilwort' and M rs. Fred Rye of Wilmette, wli headtheir departments, of women ii industry, are presenting Miss Annett; Dieckmann, industrial secretary. o the Chicago Young Women's Chris- tian Association, who will interprei the functions and activities of 'tht N. R. A. and the C. W. A. Jame-ç Mullenbach, special representative oi the 'National 'Labor board, will sup- plement Miss Dieckmann's talk wvith discussion. Backed by bis tremendous working knowledge of these twc group organized influences,.bis time ested group of women. Luncheon at 1 o'clock will be fol- lowed by an afternoon prograin under the legal status departn'ent, headed by Mrs. John F. Mannierré of Win- netka, Mrs. A. W. Ruf of Kenilworth, and Mrs. John P. Ballman of Wil- mette. They will present Fred' F. Schlotfeldt, district director of im- migration and naturalization under the U. S. Departînent of Labor. His subject will be "Our Foreign-Born Citizens." Mrs. Phillip Ringer, chairman of the legal status department in the CookCoqnty league, will follow with discussion. Miss, Pearl Hart, an at- tomfley whoseexperience as a public *defender in. the Women's court, makes her ably fitted, will place be- *fore the audience 'some of the diffi- culties met by unfortunate women, alone and defenseless, who are sMrs. IFrederick 'Bowes, 1140 Green- Wood avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. George e H. Weaver will be the assistant host- :a ess. A buffet luncheon' at 12:30 %vill precede the meeting. If rs. Charles5. D. Ewer will bring ber ,e quilts and will give a talk on "Modern Quilts." Members who have old quilts are asked- to. bring thelm and tell something about theni. e January 15, is Ellis Island day for eý:the chapter. The chairmen for the state confer- 7ence to be held March 14-16, inclusive at the Evanston Woman's club are *holding committee meetings, Planin for the conférence, at which four *north shore ichapters are to be the hostesses. The regular meeting of the Fourth division,_national defense committee, ivill be. held Friday7, 'januarv 12, a t 10:30 o'clock in the momning,, at the Womians University club, Lake'ý street and Wabash avenue, Chiicago. The regent's round table, brncheon will fol- Iow at 12. The Skokie Valley chapter an- nounces the following radio broad- S cast over WB3BM. from .4:30 to 4:40 cl o'clock: January 5+-Mrs. Jeanette Pl Thielen Phillips,, talking 'on "Old ci Prints." january 12-Dr. Al'bert* Lee Wilson; ti "Messages, from a Mountaineer Poet." *january 19-j udge Francis, B. AI- i legretti, "'A Plea for Patriotismn.". Wdlmette W omn to Sew for Bird Memonial Frideqy Wilmette wornen, regardless of whether or not they be members of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, are invited to participate in the se.wing day at the club houise > Friday of this week' held for the benefit of the Bird Memorial,, a settlement hôuse- in South Chicago whose influence is among the employes of> nearby steel mills. Especial came is given to mothers and children, pamticularly to boys and girls of the schools who come ýthere ~~>5Fraink.X.* Thale, fine aifs chairinan of the Wonan's Catholic Club - of- Wilm.tte.,.is Plalning a thimhble tea for the Janutary fine arts nmeeting on Fî riday. Jaeniary 12, ai 2 o'clock, ho îwhich ,nentbers are iited o àrfl*g f eir sezv&ug. Aneedle1work exhihit of .quilts, spreads, laces, lingerie, linens,, table- :loths, is one of ýthe features of th' program. Mrs. Henry *Schmidt, art, hairman, is ini charge of the exhibi'- Ïon, and members of the club who have eedlework to dispiay, either of their wn or of some nienber of their fa- y, are urged to enter it by phoning ,rs. Schmidt, or by calling at her ioe, 7,0 Washington avenue. A two-açt play wvritten and directed ,y Mrs. Frank Thale, "Now and Then," sa surprise feature of the prograni. 7en members of. thé club are members' fthe cast. Ilostesses during the social hour will eMrs. John Walker, -Mrs. Leroy Mc- ,ffrey, and Mrs. L.eo I-assenauer. hc i5 Te of be Nort bridge Notes The regular meeting of the .North-, ridge Woman's club will be held at the home of Mrs. Harmy Temporal, 1945 Thornwood avenue, Mônday evening, January 8, at 8 o'clock. This meeting Hostess for -Ail-Day- Session With Varied Program The Federation of Clubs of theý Tenth Congressioni district. I. ]1 have its next ail-day mfeeting Fri<lay. January 12, with the Woman's Club of Evntnthe hostess club at its home 1702 Chicago avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Earl G. is 'district president., The dav',s program is announced as 0ollows:. Morning session Board Meeting .... 9:30 District Meeting.. . .. 10:00 "America" led by Mrs. M., E. Smiitli SaInte to the Flag Collect for Club Women Greetings ...Mrs. Walter D. Burr President of the Woman's' Club---- . of Evan.ston Response . . . Mrs. Earl G. Whitaker President of the ýTenth District Reports of Oficers Report of Chairmen 'Routine Bu~siness New Bu.siness Roll Caîl "Importance of Finance inith oe"........ -.......... 10:30 Mrs. Clara Ingratn Judson. "'Objectives and Outcomes of Present Day* Education" 11:00 Dr. George H. 13etts. " 1ý Director, Research School of ' Education, Northwestern University "Present School Situation in Illinois" ............ ...... ýIl :35 Mrs. Frederick Bradshaw Chairman of Education, Illinois Federation of .Women's Clubs Adjournment for Luncheon Luncheon at . . 12:30 Afternoon Session, Greetings Music Glee Club of the Young Womanls Auxiliaryr of -the Womnan's >Club of Evanston Miss Katherine Ellis, Director Address-"2The New Dangers to, Hunian Liberty" Dr. Horace, J. Bridges -Adjournment Reservations are to be sent to the office of the Evanston Wornan'sclub not later than Weclnesday, 'Januar.y 10. m, 'uontnîy meeting on Januar: on, ' the home of Mrs. F. E. Pai in,. Maple avenue. Mrs. W. F. I an and Mrs. A. J. Coburn -wil -.assistipg - hitepses. .. g A. Mrs.' oslov