Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1934, p. 28

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world-wide celebrity. To the exqui site strains of bis harp blending witî those of violin and cello in the wed ding march, she and uner bridai pari, descended the stairs of lier home.1 718 Laurel avenue, Thursday after noon of last week to take.theii- plac* before the- altar improvised in tIi living room. A taîl hedge-wal d green flanked at eacb side with ý pyramid tree of delicate sweet-scenlt ed paper white ngrcissus, and twc wrought-iron candelabra with. glow- ing white tapers formed the backý ground before whîcb the Rev. Ber- nard Brady awaited -the bride and the bridegroom, Charles M. Horth of Chicago, who kniel1t. before h.iim on silver cloth cushioni to repeat theii marriage vows.ý Gracefut strands ýo arbor vitae and little posts roped off the aisie dowvn which -the wvedding party walked, and vases, of 'pure white rubrum lhuesstood elsewhiere ini the living room. The petite bride was dressed iii an, empire gown of ivory velvet with a long flounced train. A veil and cal) of gorgeous Brussels lace was banded at the head witbi a beaded corwonet from wbich ^,a tulle veil fell over her face. She carried: a long sheaf of files of the, Valley with a ce nter of gardenias. Her maid of honor-was ber sister, Miss Catherine, who was gowned in bronze velvet with gold sandals. A large sheaf of talisman roses was ber, bouquet. The three bridesmaids, an- other sister,. Miss Gertrude, and two cousins, Miss Mary Anne Berming- ham of River Forest and Miss Jeanne Prosser of Wilmette,. were in green velvet, the former's dress of a darker shiade of olive than the dresses of the other two. Their sandals matcbed their gowns, as did the, large ostrich feath- er muifs. tbeY carried. The gowns of al the attendants touched:the floor, elongating into graceful little trains, andail1 their hats were large sailors, those of the bride's two sisters of gold metal clothP those of the othier two of velvet matching their dresses. The bridesmaids wore sprays of Blow- ers at the necklines of their gowns, Miss Gertrude's bouquet being of I Mr. ' and Mrs. Beun George ca!Ioivay, 920 Lïndépi enutan- liolnce thee cnga.qcne;,d f thi r daughter. Janc,,:ta J'Vhitnhiyý . --ldans of Cran ford. N. J, son of lir. fflid, Mrs. Loisis Tripp Adams ofi I'est Eiigleîcood. V. J. AMiss CaIIo-z' j, attesded Riisseil-Sage COllege in Troy. N. J'.. and Ilr. Rd u ensselarr Poltchnjc ini- stitute, zich al» s. s iTroY. Shawnee New Year's E vents Att ract Many Nearly five bundred members and guests attended tbe aIl day "open bouse". and tea dance held, at Shaw- nee Country club on New Year's day Amiong the many members wbo at- tended the annual New Year's eve celebration at the club, whicb is ai- ways a popular social event, were the W.~illiam. McGibbons, tbe H-oward L. FogMr. anîd Mrs. Pierre Bonte- cou, Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Mý,c- Clure, ,Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Hus- sande'r, the Albert N.. Pages, the Ronald D.- Feltmans, Mr. and MIrs. C,. J., Zipperich,, Mr. and Mrs. Richardj Howell. Mr. and Mrs, Carl S. Miner oft Glencoe entertained a group oft friends; Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Wooîevt had a party of four; Mr. and Mrs.. ber of fred.M. andc Mrs. Leach, the former Dorothy Black of Liber- ty, Mo., were married in Waukegan last Saturtiay, and the benedlictive blessing was given on New Year's day by the Rev. Richard C.Talbot,. Jr., of St. Elisabeth's, assisted by, William Baehr of Glencoe, a cousin 04f Mr. Leach. The bride and bridegroom had thie same attendan.ts at- the churchà as* tbey did'at their wedd ing cereinony -Miss Jane Underwood, of, New York and Miss MaryJneMc>le of Winnetka, Alpha Phi sorority sisters of the bride at Nort.hwestern unierstv;Preston Read' of Wil- .mette, best mani, and Robert DUrpee of Chicago, the ^latter a Sigma Nu fraternity brother of Mr. Leach at Nort hwe ste rni The ceremony- was *oloà b buffet, supper at the homne1 of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert J. Leach,' 630 Washington ave- nue, ilmette, The former, Miss BI lack. who is the daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Black of Liberty, Mlo., is in charge of the English department of the North Kansas City Highi school, and she will continue ber teaching. until the close of the semester. Sheé was. grad- uated from Nrthwestern last*June, while 'Mr. Leach is of ýthe class of '32.t The bride's father is superintendent of schools ini North Kansas .City. i Kenilworth Church Will Have Meeting and Ps'ogram The Churcb of the Holy Coniforter is having a parish meeting, Wednes- day evening, january 17, at 8 o'clock, at the Kenilworth club, A business' session will be follivwed by an enter- ta inment, the ,program being presented by Orville Fagin of Kenilwortli, wlio will show reels- of Alaskan motion pictures, and, by Percy Eckhart, al so a resident of Kenilworth, :wbo will di*s-. play bhis colored, C zechoslovakian pic- t'ures takeni on a recent trip. In addi- tion the churcli quartet will sing spiri- tuals, and Mrs. L. C. Collins, wbo is the churcli organist, witli Mr. Collins will contribute to tlie musical part of the program. ;.'age ru joln Alexandier Sweenev last Sat.urday morning at 10 :30 o'clock in St. Francis Xavier church. She carried an arm bouquet of calla huIies. Her maid ofhonor, her sister, Miss Laura Lou Reichmanin, and her ,l)ridesmaids, M'iss Ann Klappericli of WiImette and Miss Grace Cr *addock' -of--hiko, were ail gowned alike' in. white crepe made with short trains, higb necklines, sleeveless,' andl with red velvet herthas. Thcv wore off - the.-face hat.s with wvhite malinebrims aud .crowins,- red velvet sandals, and. carried shirred, red velv.et muifs. Albert F. Reichimann, Jr. the bride's brother. served as best mnan, and J. Enmet Hogan, Lewis Mur- laug.h. Frank Naphin. and James O'Connor, aIlf &Chicago, were rush-, ers. Red poinsettias wtNere baniked at the altar for the weddinig service, and spicy pi ne trees we re. arranged throughoutý the home of the bride'.; father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. AI- bert F. Reich mann, at, 600 Central avenue,' where only the' imniediate families gathered after the ceremony for the wveddinig breakfaýst. The bri- daI table was ail in wvhite with wvhite chrsan-tbemums and s'iver candle- sticks hol.ding.,gleaming. tapers. The bride, and bridegroom, wo is theson of Mrs. Frank J. Swveeneyof CIxcag, hve gone to New% Orlean and Biloxi on their wedding trip after which they will-hive on the near north aide. Shawnee Club Announc08 Fort hcoming Activities Coming January events. at Shaw- nee Country club include the wom-. en 's bowling luncheon on Tuesdav. January 9, which will mark the close of the first, seniester of the tourna- ment. The winners will hé announced and prizes, will'be awarded. On, Monday, January 8, the wom- en's. afternoon'bridge tournamnent will open, which wiIl continue It'hrough January,' February,- and Mardi. Members will bave to play seven gaines out of ten. neaiMSe, nU4s Ius andi euphor- played their lov trodu ced touches of color ini Mr. and Mrs, md dining rooin and dining ning for New ugou te edin -,ad emat home at8 zghot te wedin andre-Evanston, after ,uary I Gan, LU 'laroî iegeuin, son of Mr. and,'rC Mrs. Theodore Regelin of Chicago. rE Definite plans for the wedding have flot, been made, but it will probably take place in the faill,: ; srveu in the c1arkened dining mu Iighted only by the gîow froni tapers. Additional1 Social News o0 Pages 31, 32

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