I ownsýIlnp igh school of Maywood in a doubleheader Friday night, Jan- uary 12, at the Leslie F. Gates gym- tiasituii. Th'le New Trier ilightweights, after a holiday rest, resunîed, practice Wed- ifesdav, of. this, week at Coniuitnity House in Winnetka. Practicesý were z ced1e forthrce days. WednesdayY Thursdav, and Frida'y. The lieavv- wciglits., ioNvever. %vil l ot start prac- tice avain until next Nfondlay, Defeat Oak Park Led by "Duke" Scott, center. andl jack Sinding, forward, tue. New~ Trier hieavies lookcd good ini winning their first. Suburban league game of- the season from Oak, Park', 33 to 22. just before 'the Cliristmnas vacation. l'lie New Trier-Proviso heavywiglit bat- tie promises to be a thrilling mime, with New Trier a slighit favorite on the basis of comparative scores. Proviso won froni Riverside. '25, to 23,-aild Riverside defeated Oak Park, 26 to 24 whereas New Trier's niargini of victory over Oak Park was con- siderably_ larger. Trim Hyde Park HyePark, a teai that reached tesenîi-fËInals in the University of Chicago's Cristmias week basketbail tournamient, ývas defeated by. New Trier at Winnetka, 22 to 16, oit De- ceniber 16. New Trier was flot entered iii the tournarnent this year. Proviso was el i minated in the first round of the University of LUhicagoi event by Tuley, 23 to 19, in. what was considereci an upset. Tuley, .wbiclî g aeepeth o mprove their show- i» asth season progresses. Pro- viso will be their first league victim, thle lightweights hope. The Proviso igtwveighits los.t to Riverside. 34 to 14. Daily News Almanac Now in Fiftieth Year Tbe fiftieth. anniversary, edition of thie Chicago -Daily News Almfanac and Year Book ji>s just off the press witb a weaith of accurate information~ Sta- tisties and facts on thousands of im- portant subjects. Some of the stibjects- thorougbly covered ini the new 1934 edition 'are, complete review of the National Re-, coverv activities, a review of A Cen- t.ury Of. Progress,. calendars for 1934,ý geographical data, nautical informa- tioni and shipping records, population statistics, 'historical documents, World War, political data, education, sports, labor, cornmerej religion, NRA, banmk moratorium, hoarding of gold; Illinois, Cook coutt and Chicago government, finaance and education. Tlhe new edition- of the 'Almanac is. offered in two bindings. The popular edition is bound .ini heavy gold cover paper stock, in bonor of its fi ftieth anniversary, the library edition is bound iii beautiful dark blueàfabrikoid of semi- limp, imitation, leather, embossed, let- tered in 'gold. They, are nowv on sale * As.j5AAnLIII sinomeitwasat 124 Lake Shore drive, Chicago. BREAKFAST HOSTESS Miss, Jane Yost, daughter of the Lloyd -Yosts of Wilmette, ent ertained several ýguests. at a breakfast at ber home, 1016. Greenwood avenue,. early New Year's morning. The breakfast followed a, New Year's eve party in Deerfi eld. We hcpe BUYERtSfor 1931-'33-'33 CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTrY TAX WARRANTS. Homne Owvnera Loan Bond& Emyart, Van, Camp & 1F011, I.. STOCKS -AND BONDS 39 S& L USali StL AndovS 24U4 CAFETERIA Ready to Serve any mneal at, any time- home eOOked foods are waling for you here. 1?eady, to Serve- ready to please you- certain to satisfy you. 1:14brarg fiaz Under Direction Rarle P. Press I1633 O ntnAve. Miami's Finest Ba yfront ù ~ GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS M*'.\akers of Totem Poles", at ý3 DISCUSSý UNEMPLOYMENT o'Clock on Monday, january 8, is.the Mirs. Mfiette Brugnot Deneli, man- subject of the first of 'ext %we ek*sl ager of* the Chicago Collegiate guide-lecture tours. for the4 gene ral. Bureau of Occupations, will speak on public at Field: Museumn Of Naturall the eniployment problemis of the col- Histor%. On .other, days ýat the sane Aege girl at tbe January luncheonr of hour subjects' will .be.: Tuesdav,i the University of Wisconsin Aluni- "Plant Fibers and Their Uses"; nae club of Chicago Saturday at 1 Wednesday, *'Life ini Nortbern o'clock in the Top o' the Republic .Lands"; Thursday, a general tour of tea rooni,. 209 S. State street. Mrs. M. Gale, EVANSTON, BUSINESS COLLEGE I9TUDIO BUILDING 1714 SHKRWAN AVKNUE ralIiI IilIiiiIii 'la i oti o l l lmti li o lbleiili1MIl lmI i lliIitt l gIlMU lI1111111 lIiii ili lblielii li IEUROPEAN OR AMERICAN PLAN 10 1