Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1934, p. 24

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thanks, obitu- other affaire Ished, wlll b. To forward-looking. men and womien with the ability to weigh valutes, to'gauge trends ini real estate development, to evaluate environmient "Bu>'and accutately judgc North Shore the. factors that con- tril)ute nost..to a de- sirable residential section, thé, north shore offers t.oday the greatest of al opportun-ý ities. to acquire attractive homesites and * residences. Whether, for occupancy .or' investment. the, opportunity is equally appealing, and, should be enibraced I1y those whol. are capable of, appreciàting it. *Especially should this be done by.young, married couples whose ambition it is to establish a home in congenial surrouind- ings, in a commtunity th-at offers the nlost for the investment, whether it be large or *small. f 'the homeseeker wilI 1 set down, the. requirernts of a satisfactory home' loca- tion and then inspect and &oômpare *and weigh themi as carefully and critically as he would a new niodel automobile before deciding upon its purchase, he could flot fail' to be convinced of the'superior ad- vantages of the north shore over other sections of the Chicago metropolitan area.. First of ail is the character of citizenship he desires to join. No refined and cultured. family could be happy or even satisfied if surrounded by people with whom its members held nothing ini common, ail-, though.,those people might be of the high-' est respectability. One must ind among1 bis neighbors a fellowship of ambition, a conviviality of social* conipanionship, aj bond of sympathy and interest in thei varied activities of community' life,1 whether expression is found in art, sci-t tarninated by smoke, soot or dirt. Today your ideal homne awaits you on the north shore, with reliable real estate operators to assist you in locating it, in a community in which you will be proud to lIive and, among people. whose friendship, will be.an asset. "I3uy North Shore." Like one traversing the, unconquered stretches of a pathless, jungle., or riding the waves .of an uncharted sea,'without, Whùnce-- com1pass or other guide by Whenve--which directions- mai'.be de- Recover trined, 140000Am-er- icans have'beeën groping for a. way out Of the gloom of industrial and economic stagnation, into -the broad sun- light of renewed national health and weII- being. The entire effort of the admiinis- tration at Washington has been to achieve recovery, and that effort lias been accord- cd patriotic support> ini a meastire nèver before extended in time of peace. Groupls and individuals have proffered sugges- tions, but no sure way has-been, found, and the search goes on. In which direction is the way to be found ? Does it lie in discouragement ýof private enterprise, in taxing industry, b0 the point of strangulation, ini "soaking, the rich," i in iposing penalties upon thrift and heaping__condemnation upon those, with the abýility and foresight to provide for thernselves and families. against a riyday? Does it lie in the c'ontinuied pouring of huge sumns of public money ïnto projects which, ini large part, are non-liquidating and useless,? Does it lie în' a planned society, and a planned'éco'-, tnomiic system in which every factory a.nd farm, every means of transportation and informnation shaîl be- regimented, and al individuals forced dow» to a common level? Does it lie in "liquidating" the capi- talist, elirinating private enterprises and doing away with ail conipetition? Attempts to lure recovery along some of avèd àn, >rs gray; liWhcthcr in dainly pastels Thley're S'ketched sonie swecet spring day, Or. etcAed 0oI buiUished sui.sets, TIey're beaiitifïil alwray, .Lu rzn LIT-ERARY L<AMENT AND COMMENT, (As the yule tree is«borne to the back alley)-Santy <loesn't l'ive. here any more . . I -I.ousewife, spare tliat. tree! . . Quick, Watson,_ the needies! And they cnt down thle oId yule'tree "Sittin', on a. Rubbish Cai. "On the Trait of the Lonesome Pitne",, Spruce up, old manil! ..A trc may be dowvn but' it's. neyer out (Oh, yeah ?) Tinsel is hting on fools like meIws1tea had Jet me be!. . . Happy nude'year! DE-1- 'IANIZING, THE NEWS (Or going to the dogs for. defifiitions)-When a man bites a (log it's news for everybody.... When a. mani bites hot dog «i ews for the doctor WVait tili the next cold wave before crashing- the inky ga-tes of publicity. It %vas so wet at the grid gaîrie for the Tourna- nment of Roses that the theme song mighit wel havc been "Columbia the Gemof the Ocean." Ponce de Leon wn south in, search oî the ipuintain of youth but somte young women. are. starting the new year by. going Greeley-:ward for' Reno-vation'. Though Alice went tuo Wbhderland, There's one faet we deplore: She saw some lobsters rnagnitled- But flot oine dinosaur. We're start ing a fresh year by giving spellinig lessons to the old typewriter. The machine mnisbe- haved so badly last year that our news copy iqQoked like, une of Roy Atwell's. broadcasts during a tele-', vision nightmare. Sol fail good horses :Who went to the "Happy Stomping Groutid" are neighing ..(fot ýbraYing). ceetia1l at the newis f rom- Wi'nnetka where the horse. Iast year. was officially rec gized as a usefu animal. One hicense for. horse-drawn vehicle .was issued in Winnetka during 1933, announces Phantomn Reporter Selby. TIiat's quite an improvement over 1932 when flot even one license was issued. Who knows? There niay be as many as two licenses on record for 1934. And when tliey get those horses strcamlined, tbere's no telling what will happen... Who knows? iiiicutins aaUri vgiousac- I be available. In the field accessibility to first rate with sporty golf courses, grew' to be the 1 of nations? Wl cious theories ul appear as the tri and, p neap, it solution. g ..5Aal, alf ngnr, but wait tillio sec- that guy Klein'"- o (Band strikes up rnarch: "Hear That Pennant Plapping 'Round the World" in a stries manner.) Folks, is it a dream... Won't it c'ver corne true? Folks, is it just a dream ? * -R. W. N. j I country

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