$15, g 63XIOS-ýin. $1.50 72x9?-in. $1.50 42x36-jin. TCases...>35c 72x108-in. $M.5 4Éi36-in., cases..37c The convenient "qu*ick-pick" fab enables 'fou to -ilcthe corretix.from your linon shelves quickly and ýSuroly. Each. sheet is markeçi byà différent color dosignaling the. width and stye. Rated Highest For Sfrength Voted Most Popular ln U. S Exclusive "Quiclc-Pick" Tai> These shoots are woyen of a fine quality cotton ttiread in a waY thet leaves 'a smooth flat finish. Wash thern as oftn es you 1ke. see how admirably they retsin their firmness. Buy now and savel This sale is an opportunity that t+hrifty housewivys. cannot afford to miss. Duy now and replenish yu supplyl A.sk Any Employ'ee,ý Warm Thè.se ère ohly a itims feeturin l once group of hor w f the nieny. January cléar- noeds. AiI-WooI Quit $3.48 Ugtan u lly, cozy and wi. CoIvlaered with chellis in a floral de- sign with color.d sateen border. Damask Sets.. Regularly $9.50 the. seis includ' 63x80 cloth and 8 14-inch nopkins l3 green or p.ach. Guaranteed color- fait, woven ini conventional petterps. Innos ,Fàncy.Towels 29C ,t fow.ls for the itchen ari 'ation. These are of Irish1 Ire an o Values to $34,50I $ 4 jOATS. 50 You wilI find, evory suit end coat irpstylo-rlight, welI-tailored and of. the' flnest fabric. lords 52 y*f~ality permits a feeling Of confi- dece,.an'assurance of satisfmctl thýtcannot b. obtai:ned elswhoro. VaIup~ t$40 J-75 Tremfiflou!i Sektj ins! Valut 75 A special selling of the imnportant. costume details which add chic to evry costume ensmbl.i ý$100 Collars, coller a n il SlOw, satins and piques in round end bib styles. white. cuf sets. the V-tieçk, Costume, JewelIry Stunngiing bracelots, Clips., eafrings and* pins. Many in, the h*avy bar- banc styles. 60smmart ýwhen worn with sportswear ensembles. Capeskin Cloves s1495 Up Crepet* Cr. pes Sh..r If youtre lust a we bit tired of snow a un d sub-z.ro weather corne in, and look at our collection of new spring dresses. They are so bright and 9-ay, on@ glance wilI re- vivify you. smarà tA. massprinis, iod a iPoral de. 4P>arel Section LORDYS Second Ploor FOUNTAIN SQUARE M Of a lovely quality pure linon 1 8-1 neh dinner - ixe, homstitclig LORD'S-,Pir,çtLloor the Ray MacLennan, LORD'S Pel'arson to serve you. j ~FORMENI Ti e one of these scarfs under your chin for an .dded dash of color. LORD'S-pirst Ploor [ LOF WILMETTE 3700 I with thei I st Floor peints Sm'art, Nickwear