"Tree Ripe" Oranges and Grapefruit froin -Our-Groves Diret o our I>ooe 25%MORE JUICE "ýJapan's Search for Po'wer and Securit y' will be thte stibjeci of thte next lecture. in thte series givenI by thte Nort Shore Congregatioli Israel ,Forum; cowncil to be pre. sented. ai the temple Ce nier .Tuies- day evening, Januarv. 9,. at 8:15 o'cloek, Ge orge . Sokol s k (above) wvill ansiver tihe folliii questions: "'What are thte motives for Japan's territorial aggressio;ts On t/te contine-nt of Asïia? sJlapali onlly seeking food atd tatural r-e- sources or national security, as wecll? He will tel> thte story. of Japan's rise frokit four snall is- lands in t/tePacifiéc b the fougtt/ principal fozvCr o te t/t orld., Mr. Sokolsky's first. lecture tour in the United States, during. the past two years, was a phenomenal success. Few lecturers on aiiy subject had as large a number of engagemnents during the season. But what was. more surpris- ing was 'the large number of rcengage- ments in cities in which Mr Sokolsky had already addressed audiences, He has spoken before the~ Harvard Cluhý of Boston, the Minnesota Educa- tioný association, the school of journal-, ismü at the University of Colorado, be-- fore many women's cl1uband n umerous lnet]s organizations. Tickets way, be obtained in advance at the temple office (telephone Glencoe 725) or from Mrs. Barnett Faroil, 741 Prospect avenue, (Winn. 609). 100 %BO tter QUIt I t'à unusual to get- the "!mort" andl at the saine tîtue, the "Ibeat-." Fruit, direct from. scientific growers, makes this possible. Our modern irrigation plant enables us to create. "raifall" aet wil. This is our control of juice content! Compare w11k us-you be the judje! TRIE IMMS. Lake Sirena oranges and grapefruit are pjmked oWy~ when ripe-doubly wash.d, graded, seleeted, and prepared for ship- ment in our own paoking house-shipped by CAR LOADS to, our CONSUMER warehouse in 4 days. Resuit is uupremely superior fresh, sound fruit at the price of the ordinary kind. Cali, compare, a s, our guest-NOT ess e potentiel buyer. ----uw. "Tres-Ripe" orasnma end grapefruit - that have been allowed te romain on the trees long enouih for nature, t. ripeu fully. Bver est ern orange right . offthe treeP WeIl . .. 0' thçt is the. kimd ef fruit ,aveiable for yeur table-here sud, sou! Corne and see the juiciof and weghing of Lake Sirena fruit. -Se. how easily' the. sqimemts of Temple oranges separate- boara how we soienti6icelly cultivate and mineralise. Be our gueut for ten minutes. We can sho* yo. wlay your buying and ouar s.lliu wouId b. entirely mutuel for any other purpose c onducivE public enlightenment, or gre; community consciousness. The ttires are beld at Temple Shol 34M Lake Shore drive, Chicago, are open to the.-public. GRE&