Webster '..oodhfue, Henry Brinker, Id- ward Walwortb, Robert Babcock, Au- brey Whitteinore, and William S. Nord- burg, Jr., together with Dean Frederick A. Kahler and the foliowing seniors f r0nm New Trier High scbool:- Robert Davis, Richard Olsen, John Pbillips, and juniors Carleton, Ross and Fred Workman. Motion pictures taken on the. New River Campus for men were. showiî and Samuel M. Havens, a trustee. of. the Unliversity andý chairman of the Chicago Scboiarship. committee, talked on the bistorv andideals of the university and explained the Welles sch-oiarships ivhich are awarded eacb year to boys f rom Chicago and vicinity., Mr. Havens announced that Rochester. now ranks fi fth among Amenican col- leges in endowment and,.being a sill coliege, has probably the iargest endow- nment per student of any college in the world. out ui thce snall ne corne torth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been f rom of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5 :2). Among the citations whicb coin- prised the lesson-sermnon was theî foi- lowing from the Biýble: "Then spake Jesus again unt o them, 'saying, J am the light of the wold: he that fol- loweth me shallflot ýwalk in darknies5, but shall. have the light of life" (John 8:12). The. lesson-sàermon also included the. following passages ,fromn the Christian Science textbook, ."Science and Health with Key to the Scnip-, tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: 'Jesus represented Christ,, the true. idea ,of, God. - Christ ,presents the inde- structible nman. whom ,Spirit creates, constitutes, and goverfis. Christ il-: lustrates that biending' with God, bis divine Principie, 'which gives man dominion over ail the earth" (p., 316). BAHA'I LECTURE MisReTUTST Ot "TheBah'i essge al Fith" Mss Betty Ross of DuQuoine, 111, "TheBah'i Mssae t allFaihs'who bas been visiting .Mrs. Cornelia is the subject of the talk to be given Kéith and ber farnily, of 310 Warwic'k at- the regular Sunday afternoon road, Kenilwortb, left on Tuesday service January. 7, at 3:30 o'clock in with Harold Keith to return to Foundation hall, Baha'i House Of Boulder college in Colorado. jean Worship, Linden avenue and Sber- Keitb has also returned to the saine idan road, Wilmette.. Dr. Zia Bagb- coîlege and Harriett Keith~ is resuin- dadi of Chicago Wili be the speaker. ing bier studies at the Art institute. PLANT NO. 6 MýURPHYMI LES ~ 011 COMPANY, X Willow Road, West¶ of Skokie Blvd., Winnetka PHONES WINNETKA 855-WI'LMETTK 900 140 W.st 43rd Stpot 2700 (ail depagmets) such aI suche learn spent, what Mucbh ions during a depression year, as 1933, and a year of prosperity Mr. and Mrs. Lester M. Braflch as 1929. A further object is to and their two. children, *who havé where the 'consumer's dollar is been visiting Mrs. Branch's family, in what kinds of stores, ,'for the George E, Shipmans' of 432 War- kinds of' merchandise, and how wick road, Kenilworth, have returaed of it is. spent for services and to their home in Oinaha, Nèb. Thanks. And, an'Invitation!' *1934, marks the beginning of Ou~r Fifteentb Anniversary in E v.an s ton. To those in Wilmette and the Northb Shore wbom we have been privileged to, serve, we express our sincere appreciation for their patronage, support, and good will. For the New Year our entire organization renews its pledge of adherence to our tra-- ditional policy, maintained for 48 yearst of rendering service that merits public confidence in the making of only quality spectacles at reasonable prices. j' [I ,il