and Caif Oxfords Ail of Soiid' Leather By Nationally Kriown Nature's RivLal Rengo Belt College Girl Combinationi Ste pins 'Girdies 2-Waç/ Strezch Corsets Rayon Brocatdes-- Sleek Satins' Laceg-tops ,Swamni-toost Values tâ $1.5ô Shoes by the. countrys forermosi maker of arch-supporfnq footwear, WONDERBOLT-pricedi Comparable to similar shoes at $5 and $6 right now, elsewhr.I Combinat ion Iasts, psrfect-fitting. Even nurses' and growing girls' 'low-h,,le. types. Values we can't hope to offer again. *4 tO Widths A}A to EEE Values to $6.5o' $2.89 Values to $8.50 $3.89 W. bought up three famous'' surplus and discontinued stocks to bring you this sw.eping WONDER- BOLTI 'Imagine buying. tii.,.favor.d garments at such Priced ~~ On Devis St reet STORIE. NOURS. A. M. TOSa P. M.-SBTURDAVB TO S- l. 1M.Wimfe10 Now ot 25% Savings