Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1934, p. 16

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LI BE SURE TO DRING TH£ CHILDREN TO SEE THÉ, Ex kibit oF nclian CraiftSmen at WXork Real Navajos and Puehios at work, on the Sécond Floor of Field's Evanston Store-at the craftsof weavin , ndpaintingnaking potteryand making. silver jewelry! Be sure to.see them. THE POITE. .. Eeyani (Sea -Sheil) of Zia Pueblo. THE BÈLT WAVR.. Waiselo: (Clouds Out. of ýthe EaSt) of Zia Pueblo. -THE KATCHINA MAKER ... Poàleliuyo.umà (Butterfly) of one of the Hopi Pueblos. -TE BIANKET WEAVERS... Clinies..pah (Departin g Woman) and Eekn-pah (ComingAgain Woman) both Navajos. THE SILVERITII AND $UND PAlINER . .. Kahi-Nez (Tali Walker) a Navajo. MARSI4AiLL FIE LD .1&CQMPANY I *N. Y., who. to1c flying instruction at Curtiss airport, obtained his transport license in record time. Osterbiout came here froin the east Iast May without anv knowledge of flying. Three weeks ago he successfully passed the test for the transport license. The youth, who is 21* years old, lives at the* gvanston Y. M'. C. A. He went home for the holidays. Sky Harbor Instructor Flics East in Fledgling Vincent Taylor, Sky Harbor air- port 's chief flying.instructor, is ac- compa.nying the Maxellos acrobatic troupe on a theatrical tour of east- ern cities. johinny Maxellos owns a Fledgling, which he keeps at> 5kv Harbor when in Chicago. Taylor ac- companied the Maxellos -as pilot on the trip east. The acrobatic troupe1 is making appearances iu Cincinnati, Buffalo and New York City. Youth Home f rom Collegeî Takes Elying Instruction William Vanderklôot, who came home, fromf Virginia wvhere hie attends school, to spend the holidays with his pa r e nt sinLake Bluff. w'as .an occasioiiai v sitor at Sky Harbor air- port after his returu from th e east. Mr. Vanderkloot t o o k flyiujlg ii-' struction inia 1Sky Harbor )Fledgling. Lea~r Developrnents, Inc.,i Moves to New York City William Lear, president of Lear Developments, inc., nianufacturers of radio equipment for airpianes, is mov- ing his business to New York City. For several months the firm has been located at .847 W. Harrison streeï, Chicago, but prior to that Mr. ,Lear had a .5hop lu the hangar at Curtis s- Reynolds airport near Glenview. Student of Clabaugh Gets Private License New Management Curtiss airport near Glenview, buit four years ago at a cost of $3,000,000, hias been leased by a group of young Chicago pilots and business men whio have incorporatéd under the namne Chicago Aviation' corporation. Officers. of the corporation are: Harold S. Darr, president:. Herbert Anderson,,, vice-president; E. S. Staples, secretary, and A. R. Bouie, Jr.. t.reasurer., Mr. Darr wvas in charge of flying instruction at Curtiss field fromi the time the airport. opeued lui 1929. until 1931.. He also is a former manager of the :Curtiss base. at East St. Louis, known as Curtiss-Steinberg airport. ln Charge of Fly ing School Mr, Anderson, Who *las been ini charge of the flyi.g. scliool at Cur- tiss field silice the .new corporation took over the airport on, Jauuary 1, formerly was a. mail pilot W'ith Ain-. enican Air ways aund was 'fying. in- qtructor at the airport, with whichi lie, is now assocîated, ini 1929 and 1930. Ser%,iciing, maintenance and ail other operations. at the airport, withi the exception, of fly3inig, -are ini ch.arge Of Mr., Stap.les.,. Stapfles lias been ass$ociated' with Mr. Darr lu the operation .of Sky. Harbor, airport wésî of Glencoe, The treasurer of the niew corpora- tion, Mr. Boue, formerlyý was general trafflc manager for Century Air linles. He is also a former district traffie manager for Amnerican airways. Scene of Big Air Events Curtiss airport was built in 1929 and 1 930 for the Curtis s-Wriglit cor- poration by Maj. R. W. Schroeder,, vhIo now lias an important position, with the Aeronautics branch Of the Departnient of Commerce lu Wash- ingtn, . C.Theairport lias heeiî the sceîîe of two of the outstailding aviation events, of recent years, the National Air races. in 1930 and the' International >Air races and Gordoný I3ennett'International Balloon *race i 1933., Repairs in Storni oort, shop is -~~%"t"ne - .- otor85~ AULJ. ARRIVES FROM PITTSBURGH NEW HANGAR -CUSTOMER Miss Iatherine Edwards of Pitts- Richard L. Young, 1430 Lake Shore burgh arrived at Curtiss airport re- drive, Chicago, is a, new hangar çus- cently fromn the eastern city in her tomer at Cu4rtiss airport. Mir.Yon new.Stinson Reliant. onoaWrnuMoooue j' row 0 4 ,

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