ýtor of the De :s and Builir ecretary of rical society. t of Pu'tblic Paul An- rlois State "The purpose of, the mnaïking~ plan," Gov. Horner said, "is to -famili- arize both, citizens of. Illinois and, tourists with the history of :the state. It is flot generally realizedthat.. feW state s in -the* country excel 1lii- nois in the riches of history. The firsti whitelmanl entered our territory haid- ly more thati fifty years after the landing of the Pilgrimns at Plyinouth, Rock,ý so that the state:has a coi- tinuous history of more than two and a haif centuries. Lieut., W_ H. Ruth, Chapîan,, "This marking plan is primarily Reserve, has been 'îige t Cm historical, but if any justification for Skokie Valley and ivill hav-e. geil- it were needed, it, would be fo'und i eral supervision over ail zcelfare the addîttonal attraction it will, offer amn the coizsertvees. He.1wiIl have for tourists. Some years: ago Virginia cag of the antbitio us csr conpleted a systemn of highway bis-ý educat optai Prograin arranged for, torical miarkers which attracted many the C. C. C. cam pers this ivinter. thousands of tourtsts annjially.. There is no reason why the same resuit may Senior Grade Lieut. Thiomas G. flot follow in Illinois."1 Shaniahan. 1U. S. Navy, a holder of the The markers now in preparation Unite Sates Congressional Medal of are approximately three and one-half 1-fonor, asrelieved from active duty feet. square, with rounded corners. last Saturday at Camp Skokie Valley. Each i arker is. surmounted by a He wi111 be retired from the service State seal. The lettering is black on Ma rch i after a nine weeks' leave of a wh te background, and the type is absence f rom duwy. Captaiti SIanahan, large eniough to be read at a distance as he is known to the conservees of the of thirty or forty feet. The text of camp, had been the ranking camp Offi- the markers will not exceed fifty cer for some months. He was. given words. Each bears the simple legenci ant ehthusiasic farewell. dinner by the Mr- and Mrs. Harold Barnes, 98 In- dian Hill. road, entertà'ined at a cock- tail party New Year's day preceding the open house and supper dance at Indian Hill club, ART /CHOOgà L tmorHO.,IC RAY CHOO OI AVRATR RA COO F.Hlrsb-APH Ah pRoe*saU U iret f -FComrcit COMMs ERCnan tIL ,AdvRTiUCHO, INC.ap AND INTERnIllustCration, Dn tres Deiand ASting in AdverigngPotosiy Training. Individual Advancement. SA t I P 0 a P Chleagolg OT té Years in Sm Eflvironmue 116 So. Michigjan Lalrnvi.w Bldg. Relu Whaf', Your Future? Is if good? Fnd out * FREE of a privat. reading by Thse Famous Viennese Pçycàic Mme. Voegtli.Starr Mme. Stmrr wIlI give complimen. taryý private Psychic resdings.to i lncheon end, dinner gieti of the Georgian Htl One to two > 'm. Evenin g:,- 6:145 ta 7:45 Lumcheon, -50e to S Dinnere &Se and $1.00 TheCGeorgi*an HINMAN AVENUE Rn.»1AVIS ST., EVANSTON GRE. 4100 cou nty, the threc Lincoin cabin itsSin in Coles county, the burial place of wo Lincoln's parents, the Postville arnd mo Mt. Pulaski Court Houses. where his Lincoln practiced law, and the Lin- coin National Memorial highway. cagi tait] M.and Mrs..Edward Boswell and bufl two children, from Highland Park, 30.- * and Miss Alice Odeil of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lulng, .Jib Kcnmo )rth,' is leaving Su >uth after his holid. family. no roaci, Kenil- inday for Dart- ay vacation with Nir. and: Mrs. J. B. Boddie of Chi- ýo, formnerly of Wilmette, -enter- ted at an evening of cards and a fet supper Saturday, Decetuber ---w-