fluiuay riloll. i ne gam s wil be resumed Friday evening, January 12'. SpotsiE-aE Jd,> Mouday, January S- 7:00 p.mn. Girls' baskegtbaUI-practice Stolp gymnasium. 7:.30 p. m. Girls' basketball. Porter5 vs. C. D.. A. Stolp gyinniasium. 7:-30 p. m*. Men's volleyball. Howard P.. T. A. vs. Baptist. Howard. gym.i nasiuni. 7 :30 p.nm.Meni's Voleyb)aîl. M.,ethod- ist vs. Hoffinann Florists.. Howvard gym nasium. 8:15 P. m.1 Girls' basketball. . P. C. vs. Kudas.- Stolp gymnasium. 1 8:30 P. nm. Men's volleyball. Seddon vs. Y. P. C. Howard gymnasium.' 9:00 P. m. Girls' basketball. Polywogk- gles vs. Brownies. Stolp gymnas- lm. Tiaesdpy, Japuary 9 7:OÔip.m; Men's basket hall1. "B', league. St. Francis vs. Wilmette Confectjonery. Howard, gymnasiuni. 8'400p. nI.'M en's 1) a s k e t 1) a 1.1. "B" league. Y. P. C. vs. Hornets. How- ard g-,,iiiasiuni. 9.OOp. mMen's 1 asýk e.t 1>a I k -B" league. Winbergs vs. -Hoffinann *Florisýts. Howard gvnînasîuinî. Weduesêay, January 10 7:OOpj.n. Men's basketlball.'A" league. C. S. vs-Masters. Hoiv- arci gymnasium. 7.,00p.nm. Men's' 1)a sk etb1)a11. "C" league. 'Willies vs. Crickets. Stolp gymnasium. 8:0OP. M. Men's b as k etb1)a11 "A' league. Hoffmannt Florists vs. Wilmette Ba ttery.. Howard gym- nasium. 8.0OP. m. Men's ba s keéthbal11. é"C" league. Ha Cha.s vs. Al Stars. Stolp gymnastuni. 9:00P. m., Men's b a s ke t.ba 11."A league.' Methodists, vs. State Bank. Howard gymnasium. 9:OOp.m. Men's basketball. "C" league. St. Francis vs. Terriers. Stolp gymnasium.. Minister Is Accorded Birthday Party Dec. 31 A-surprise party irn honor of bis I bi rthday was -tenidered tbe Rev. Oscar T. OIson,' pastor, during the social I hour following the Watch-Night serv-ý ices he, coniducted at'the -Wilmýette Mlethoôdist church on New Year' S eve. The Great hall, in which the party 'vas -hleld, was deçoratedà wit -h trees and candies. The central, table, hon- ored by f lhe biffthday' cake, was at- tractive wvith flowers' and candelabra. Mms J. T. Edwards offered wordsý ofgreetinig and presented the pastoi with a book, as a token of the paris hio.ners', esteem. Mrs. S. E. Le- man and Mrs. T. L. Grisatnore pre- sided at the, serving of refreshments. MUrs. F.,\W. Burpee, president of, the Wom.an's socie.ty, was, in charge, of arrangements for the party. IN JOINT RECITAL Mrs. Miriam Jachob and Mrs. A\ubrey Johnson, artist pupils respec- tivelv, of Sidney Sulber, of .Wilmette, Dean of The She rwood Music school and 'Marcel Roger de Bouzon,' will appear ini a joint recital in the Re- citai Hall of the School, Fine A rts building. Tuesday evening, january 9. The public is cordially welcome. WELFARE BOARD MEETS Annotincenient is made that the next regular meeting of the Wilmette Welfare board will be held at the Village hall Monday evening, .jan- uary 8, at 8 o'clock. AUl meinhers of the board are urgently. requested to be present. Brenna, daughter of the Mýelvin Hawleys, 515 Warwick road, Kenil-. worth, left Wednesday, December 27, ýWith, ber grandmother, Mrs. C. C.* Linthicum of 'Evanston, and:.will spend the remainder of, ber vacation. motoring through Florida. -o- Donald, son of Mr' and M.frs. Wel- 1er Kimbaîl of. 337 Leicester road. Anerlua FAIyRSoa AM.PAh.FLAKES, pKG. l'Sc IVORy g OA4cAKES 19C BROADCAST B (Q E D »1O. 19c CREAM 0F WHEAT ....... .8-z,24, ENCORE .1ACARONI.OR, SPAGHETTI.'.ý....." UNEEI)A BAKEjRSý CRACKERS. PREMIUM FLAKES L'NEED4. BAKERS GRAHAM CRACKERS. Oliver Hans.. L7. WIN.375 Day or Night .l*LJLl17o pxG: 17c