Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1934, p. 11

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E.L. Nygaard, superintendent of the Kenilworth public schools, wili speak on a subject of general inter- est, "'The Needs of the Adolescent." MisSý Lois Hammett, brilliant Young pianist of Vilmette, will play the fol- lowing selections:- Andaluza......... De Falla Etude en Forme de Valse ................. Saint :Saens Gudmundu r Kristjansson., weIl known tenor of. Chicago, (a native of Iceland) will begin his program wihan operatic aria. This will be- 'followed by an Old English sang. As the.last number Mr.-Kristjansson will affer a Song in 'his native language, the Icelandic, The following mee tings are schied- uled for the near future: 1 Babies Friendly*,Thursday, janu- ar .11,. at the home of Mrs. Charles. Hilton, 1716 Walnut avenue. Pre-School circle Tuesday, Januù- aryl 6, at the homeof Mrs. Stanlev At, Thanksgiving and at Christmas time the, Logan-Howard. P. T. A.J sponsors thedistribution of baskets, of food and clothing to needy fami.- lies in the ývillage. Tovýs are: added at Christmas time. These gifts are ail braught ta the schools by chil- (Iren of more fortunate families. 'Mrs. Stopka reports fifteen baskets thus filled and given away this: *Christmas. George W. Carrington Taken by Death Tuesdayi * George Worrell Carr.ingtoni. 1426 Lake avenue, passed awav eariy Tues- (lay morilg: at his home. The'funeral services. are ta be lield this aiternoon. (rhursday), at 2 à*clock at Scott's funeral haine, 1118 Greeiileaf avenue. ýMr, Carrington had been ai resident 'f fVilniette for seveniteen yearsmvig here from Chicago. He was in the en- girxeerirg departrnent of the Illinois Bell Telephone conipnîi for more than pany atter torty years' service with that concern. *Surviving bier, besides Mr. Hard- ing, are a daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Harding Arcus, -a granddaugbter,. Bettyjean Harding Arcus, who is. in the seventh grade at the Stolp sebool, and à sister living. in Arizona. SMrs. Harding had taken a great interest inflowers. She won numer- aus prizes for the raising of dahlias. Several weeks ago she made a -trip ta ,Hot. Springs, Ark., with ber bus- band and daughter. The funeral services. Were held Tuesday afternoon 'at Scott's funeral. home, '1118 Greenleaf avenue.Te Rev., Oscar Thomas .Oison of the Wilmette Pairish Methodist church officiated. Burial took place at* Memnorial Park cemetery. Mrs. ]EiîzaLbeth E. Barker Dies- at Daughter's Home Mrs. Elizabeth E. Barker,- 92 years old, p assed away Tuesday at the resi- dence of lber daughter, Mrs. John W. Panushka, 929 Thirteenth street, Wyilmette, where she had been. mak- ing her home for the past five years. Mrs. Barker was the widow of the late John C. Barker, who served in the Illinois State legisiature and also as a lieutenant ini the Civil war. Tedeath of Mrs. Barker marks the passing of another link connect- ing the present generation witb the Rôosetii cemetery. TrHOMASDECORATIG CO., Painting and Decorating 1033 MAIN -STREET Wumette. 2378 Serve thù sdelicious desserttonmiktI OLL 6or7 LiberaI Porti.ons

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