Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1934, p. 9

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availalae for oniy a few days. 1 ý'eWeAant the Dubs 1" This is the cry of the committee in charge of *the tournament. It is the> feeling of the conimittee that the good players .,are entering the tournament. anyway, but it is the "dub" and the inexper- senced, player that the committeeis especially interested in having en- tered. The tournam ent is so arranged that every player -vili -play- at least two matches. This wjil be made ps sible.through the' holding of a conso- lation tournament. Each player lo- ing bis first match will go into the consolation tournev. Trophies are, A ~being offered for the consolation >'as well as for the regular event. More than three hundred dollars worth of trophies will be awarded to the, winners, the largest of these eig42 inches higb. the committee announces., A total 'of twenty tro- phies are being:!'-çffered. ColemnaClark Entered Although it was feared for a time j that Coleman Clark would be unable to enter the tournament, he has defin- f itelv announced that he will be on hand. The committee also made known the fact that Jessie Purvis, national women's singles champion, will play an exhibition match with Flossie Baler, %vbo was runnerup to Miss Purvis for the national titie as year. In the doubles ciass it is certain that.there will be plenty of real com,. game. 'l hev h ave twice %won the United States doubles championship and have twice beaten lin-v Lewisý and Pearson, the present national doubles ping pong champions. Entry blanks for, the tournament are available at 'Ihe,2Cô-op.",1726 Orrington avenue, whicb is sponsor- ing the event. John Dunhili, 103 Robsart road. Kenibworth, bas been spending his va- cation w'ith his grandfather ini Columi- bus. Ohio- Photo, by Koehne Mfiss An,,etta Dié,cknaim. indits- trial secretary of the Chica go Y1 oung JYopiieis Christiani associa- toi,. describing the functions a *sd actitiies -oftihe N. R. A. and flthe C. W. A., wvill appear on the joint 'ail-day prograrnM4mday; Jiiiitap-i S. sponsored by the Wilmnette. Keniilzîorth, and Winnctka Leagues oiýof Worne Voters. In, addition, to her wü'rk with the 1". W. C. .,. -11ss Dieckmann ist the mlv o- on mewbter of thte Cook Counlv Advisory board of lihe Civil ljVorl1's adiniiistration. RETURNING TO ILLINOIS of Wilniette; Ruth Johnston, Helen Ruth and Phyllis Bosley, Helen Rath- bone of Kenilworth: and Margaret Kahler and Mri Casseli ocf Win- netka. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. F ogg. 713 Greenwood avenue, bad as their bouse gilests at Christmas. Mrs. Foggs sis- ter an-d ber son and bis wife, Mrs. Russel Barker and Mr. and Ms John H. Barker,. f romn Evanston. white the Compliance board wiIl not assume.the ihiitiative ini formiing such a counicil, it wilI assist wherever pos- sible with advice -and information. Bob King, 'son of -Mr.- and Mrs. Kart D. King of Wilmette is. lean this week-end for Hanover, N. H., to resume his seniorstie at Dart- mouth. after passing thé Christmas recess -with bis parents.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Thonias. 1136 Chestnut avenue. entertained six gunests over the week-end.x D.Lee C. Grassie, DENTIST annoutices The opening of his new office at 400, LINDEN AVENUE, FoIllowing 10 years practice in Oak Park A~LNDLE S l15 i Ldt g *VIN L Phone Wilimette 214 For a owl of. ood or a delicions Sandwch' stop -ai By Appointment Phone WI.METrB 119 CLEARANCE H-Iart Schaffner & Marx ALBRIGHT ,BEAUTY SHOP Store, 1167 Wil te Ave. Phono W~~e 45171164 Wilmette AvenueWiet 43 Phone Wihnette 4517 Wilmetto 2435

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