Secretar', North Shore Pro /'ir'l Ouners' Association The north shore is at the crosf roads. Few people realize the im.n portance of the two great questionsý i. e., moving the markers and trucks, S Truck Cases-The tbrôugb freigbi to industrial Waukegan and North C£hicago 18 noiv mostly handled by railroads. Unless prompt action is taken by ail of the citizens, this will be. bauled through your, already crowded village streets. S Pennsylvania railroad-.The Willeti conipany, which is pa rtly owned by the Pennsylvania railroad, has applied to use many of the streets up the north shore to Waukegan, iùcludinig Ridge avenu e in E-vanston and Green Bay road from. Glencoe north. They wiIl have the absolute rigbt as soon as their petition is granted to use every, street on the north shore. Store to Door-To:properly'under- stand this question we must know more about the ýý'Store to Door" die- livery thatý the Pennsylvania railroad is no>w advertising in Chicago. Per- haps nothing in recent years lias so disturbed, other railroads., Several other railroacis have entereci this trucking arrangement andi ail wiIi likely have to follow. Fromi Chicago and other terminaIs the Pennisylvania raliroaci is to go several hundreci miles by truck into thé territory of rival railroads and bring Out' the freigbt. \Vaukegan Freiglbt-Wauikegan and North Chicago are industrial towns. Thiere are miany huge factories and bunidreds of sniall plants. These plants 1equire a great volume of caw, anaterial daily. Their finished proci-. uicts must be delivereci daily. Chica- go is the great railroad- center of the maidle west. Most of the raw nia-. terial for Waukegan cornes from Chi- cago. Most of the, finiisbedproducts go first 'to the C hicago railroaci cen- North. Western railroad-Two ýrail- roads-now handie this freight.on their, roacl beds.. The North Western, wh ich has a *abyrinth of switches tbrough North Chicago, anci Wauke- gan, niow hiandles mQost of this freighit. It doesni't corne down their north shore tracks, but is shuniteci over at fLkeS BluffT and1 gops uin or <lwn, form' 15 a new word for a t-ruck freight depot. This petition that they will get for nothing is worth a fortune to them and you wiIl pay that fortune ini taxes and decreased real estate values. They automnatically get the, right to use every street for pfickup and de- l!ivery service., To be deaci sure tbey can mnake regular runs on any street, there are some 'weasel wordsin their application: "from any platform h ere- inafter erected by the néarest feasible route.". They çanbid i hgh en ough to rent ]and and, erect a. platform on Sheridan road or any other'street. SLocal Zoning--Some people, thInk the local ZeOnlng wIl protect themn. When the Willett company were applylng for, Sheridan road, the tact that this is Io- call Y restricted to boulevard traffic made no dIfference at ail.,. Local regulations w.111 lot hold up against state régula- tions and the power and wealth of the Pennsylvania raliroad. Railroads !n, City' etreets-.Several otber rilroaids have aireadY been forced Into the "Store to Door" truck 'nethod. When the North Western railroa.d 4lnds (Continueci on Page 20) ccCMen Don't Firet Over Those. *Sub-Zero Blasts A combineci Christmas and Thanks- giving spirit prevails in the camp of Skokie Valley improvement workers ai Glenview and Harms roads. SThe sturdy young, men co.mprising this reclarnation army of 2,000 are thankful for the comifortable. permanent quarters in which they were permitted to locate before the advent of. stub-zero weather, and also for tbe rnany yule- tide pleasures arrangeci by Lieut. Col. Owen R. Meredith, camp commander, andi bis staff of officers. Each of the ten company ieaciquar- ters was. decorated -for the Cbristmas holidays. Santa Claus distrîbuted many presetit's throu ghout thecamp, and spe-. cial dinners andi appropriate services. featured, the day. With sub-zero and snowy weather causing a temporary suspension of work. the men are taking théir turns :Dr. Prederick P. Shan non, ioted preacher and author, tvho is, pastýor of Central church, Orche$tra hall, Chicago, ivili give a Newv Year's message at lte Wilimet te Sundày Evepiing club December 31. Dr. Shannon is wtideIv knoum as oile of the oiitsta*,ding radio preëarhers ofthe count.ry. His sermonls each, Sunýday arc broadcast throughout t'ie nation. Frank PoIzirn Highest in Civil Service Exam F~rank Poizin, 1241 Forest avenue, led a field of tweÎity-six candidaes who wrote an exarnination in Wilniette on October 21 according to a report issued Saturday by the United States Civill Service commission at Washington. Heý scored an average of 92 percent whichî places hlm at the top on the eligible, register and assures first consideration for appropriate positions, in the. federal' strv ice as vacancies. arise. Mr. Polzin isý a graduate of New Trier High school. .having cornpleted his work with thée class of 1932. neunttY cluryvUD Weatesday nmon, j an- uary 3, will be addressed by 0. R. Kreutz, field organizer for Illinois and Wisconsin for the Federal Home. Loan Bank board, division of P'edéral Say- ings and Loan associations. Mr. Kreutz will explain in detail the featu*res -of the. Federal. Savings and Loan association,, a unit of whieh is now in co urse of organization ini Wil- mette. This association when forMed wvill. automnafically become a member of the Federal. Home Loan Bank, and not of the Home Owners Loan corporation, as erroneously reported in these col- ùmns lastweek. The Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce undertook to sponsor the presen- tation of the project to Wilmette, peo- ple, and, enlisted the interest of many business and, prof essional muen and wotren in -the formation ýof the loal unit. The wrork' of organization i progressing rapidly,- and it, is, expected that the official. personnel will be com-. pleted shortly. 1The association is, patterned after the best featurés of building and loan asso- ciations here and in England, and offers investment privileges that appeal to both the large and small investor. Shares wiIl be issued in denoniinations of $100, and there will be four different types of, investmnents, which yield returns not to be duplicateci in securities offering the sanie measure of safety. A Program of Life Is , ongregation Subject "A program of Life for the 14odern Individual" will be the subject of the address to be given Sunday morning, December- 31, at '11 o'clock by Rabbi Charles E. Shulman at North Shore Congregation Israel temple in Glen- coe. The sermon is bas ed on sug- gestions of a great- scholar Israel. Music at the services wilfl be as fol- Ma Tovu .................. Gofldfarb ocu ............... Stark Shema, ... -- tr Michomocho .... Abram Ray Tyler Tzur Ylsroel . ....... Landisrian Kedusha *....__... yler-Landsman Let the Words ... . ..... Landsmn Ànthem: "King 5aul" ..-MOUSSOI'gaki .annualIY. The'y 1>47 UveI e JuuI Taursda to schools and parks just from Evans- ,(ThrdY). ton to Lake Bluff. The Pennsylvania-Willett trucks HOLDS OPEN HOUSE will use the road-bed your taxes Mrs. I. K Stover, 1044 Ashland buit, and when they break it down avenue, hl open house Christmas you will replace it. They. will putI night. n la À% 7 - Mr. and Mrs., Me* 1311 Maple street Eve supper party Adtakerday. They entert AdtakerWilbers of Norh WILMBTTIE 430 Wi1nmette, the Pa' Myron Wests of >oi, tormerly of Lings of Evans- ilmette, and the imette. .......... 1