Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1933, p. 5

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Garden Clubs Join Lake Ave-' nue Residents in Objection to Village Projeet Thie route to he adopted by the,' Vil- lage hoard for thle 24-ilicil %,ater main to extend fronti the néw pumlpîng station to kidge avenue is just nwciaimi'g tilt attention of iiaiiy.citizenis and some organizat ions. As proposed by'the Vil-ý lage officiaIs, the pipe is to be laid in the parkwa.y on.the iiorth side of L.ake avelne, land it -is said that this route vast, te hasis of the estiinate presented witli the application to the Reconstruc- tiont Finance corporation for funds with \vich to go tlirough with the project. 'l'ite Village authorities had, aiso con siderced placntig the iiti lu the alley nlorthi of Lake avenuci and estiniates o f '<>st xere ntade for titis route, which tu'taled approximiately $9,000 nvmîe itan itor the parK-way route. Residents Protest l't,'idents antd property o nnr 1 L.ake aventue elttere(l a p)test against the tiie )f the parkwvay, assertinig that to pilace this large main lit that loca- tiontwolderdanger if iîot aimost cer- tainly (lcstroy mlany iuf the fine o14 oak adclin trecs xvlichlijîte.thiat avenue au(d are the pride of the entire village. Auniititioni fronti Presidenit C. P. I )l>bs broughit nîany,. uf the residents to the Village, haill îor a discussion of thte proposed routes 'lhe expressed ruîvetsusOf tliose attelnding xvas tliat the main >lhonld he laid iii the alley, eveit thougli it co:t more. President I)uhbs arguedl for the parkway route, stafliig titat the V'illage hiad employed thIe DaveY Free Lxpert. compiatiy to miake a survey, and(l thei report showed tlhat there xvas i)ractically nu(langer of injurv to the trees. .'Flie, Village athlorities liad. also asked for ani opin-' jinf. roui the United 'States -Agricul-, tural <epartneiit. aitl it is said that the repoýrt received f romn that source differed nîîaterialiy froni the Davey ~opîtol. endiaig lecenxber 23 i iacluded teat ot r.hlicken l pox, ine of whooping cough, nule of ptienutoaia and one of amebic dysentery, according to records of the Wilmnette heaith departmeut. Tlhere have beenl fi%,.e cases of amiebic dvseitterv ti NNilaette sivce the -re- cent outbreak ôf this disease., Trustees Pass A way Two former members of the WiI- mette V1illage board, Louis S. Becker and John R. Cocjiran, died withiin the, past.week. Each had served one two- year'termn as a member of the Village governing body. :1Mr.' Becker was electedý to the board in 1916,.,when. Oscar Schmidt 'vas Village president, and sereed. one vear under 11r. Schmidt and nue year u.tnder Edivard Zipf, who succeeded Mr. Schnmidt as president in 1917. He was.chairman of the sewer an d water commit tee and took a prominent'part ini the adj ustment of water bis with, the city of Evansthn, an adjustmnent mnade necessary becatise of a dispute. between Wý-ilmette and Evanston as, t o the amount of the bis. Mr. Cochran, who made his home ini Winnetka in recent years, becamie a mfembçr of the Village board in 1918 and served 'two vears under President Edward Zipf. During that tinte he was chairman of the finance committee. Mr. I3ecker's deatît occurred at his hompe, 105 Fifth Street, last Thurs- day. Hé was 04 years oId and bad lîved in Wiiilmette for the,.pist 21 years. Mr. Cochran died of heart disease in the Evanston hospital last Friday. fle wa> 53 years old. Seek Prompt Payment t- iritins eaI rampaîgtn an 4ilmette, -t ates tait while returns froni thle qaIes are nt discouraging, there are naa-îv. svals,. ontstanding for which axtttîlias tnt been receivedl. She lirges the fîecessity of remnittances ie fore >JamuarY*1. 'and stresses ,the* great iaeed for fûinds to carry on the %vork itere. 'l'ite pOitt is etrphiasized that~~ naevecived front the sale 'Of al, i Wilmnette is spent here for the hemfit of oour own sick and di,;- picople. ItC is si yen though N. . ... .. ... Society Pages ..i 28-29.31-32 I North Shore Personaities 16 lxheTopie January 5 Intebroad scope of subjects dis- cussed at its luncheon meetings the WVihnette Civic league. covers.,flot miulvylegisiative .and' civic programs anîd activities, but also delves into the everyday problems of living that. the a verage man is constantly, called. upon to solve. 0f Special interest at this timle xiii be. the subject for discussion .at the aext meeting_ of the league, which wiil be held Friday, January 5,-in the Mission rootn of M1arshall Field and company, "Money and. How to Get> Sonie." . Roval F. Munger, financial editor of the Chicàgo .Daily News and Gene Morgan of the sanie paper, xi l tel mwhat this thmig:is-that everybody is înadly searchirng for,, and they are aiso expected to. give definite in- formation on how to get sope, of it,. ,whatever it is. There is .both a heart and purse interest in that subject, auid it is ad- visable to make' reservations early, the leaguie*üfficers assert. A change fil the holur fromn 12 :15 to 12 0'ciock sharp is noted, in the formai an- niouitenienits. Announce Inventory Rules Under the1 ance boarda -No. .2 otf icago, lias an- nouniced the ruIes for the. annmal in- ventorv season as appiying to those who) signe(1 the President's re-eni- Ploynient agreement and are mlot now operating under a special code. Mr. Stallinig sta tes that -for a period of two u veek's empfloyers miay ope rate in . x- cess of the i)reséribed hours, pr o- vided employees are paid at the rate of lime andonue-haîf for the extra hours worked. He also states that ciepeted. fuiything you can spare wiil find inimediate use. -Mrs. A. L. Glrinneil, chairmnan Notée Eonomy Shop la conducted' bythe Wo>ma»'îs Club of Wilmette. 1AT CLUB Noted -Minpister ,of 'Central Church to Give Ncw Year message; Muiie to Féature Dr. Frederîck F. Shannon, minister o1 Central church which convenes cach Sunday mûr ning in Orchestra hall, Chicago, will gîve the New Year's Ines- sage. at the W lmete Sunday ivenang" club ijecember 31. Dr.. Shannon lias. occupied the pulpit of t , le, entral church'since 194U when ne succecled J)r. I'rank W.Gunsaulus. rius sermons attract large auclieuces to urchestra hall. everyý buiiday moing and his radio listeners are .legion. liJe asý recognizecl as one-Oi the outstandng preachers ot the generation. . In addition ,to his reputation as a preacher, lt. Shannon is wadely knioWn as an *autlor, his .bouk< actdig **Gods 1-aith in Man," -The Land of $Begxnning Again," -Trhe N\ew Great- nes'and "'Âne Universe W ithin." Special Orgaa Recital As a prelude to the address this Sunday, 0. terling Wheelright, or- g anist, lias arrangect a programn of or- gan music which is appropriate to the season. The brief recital will com-, mnence at 7:10 o'clock. beard in te next miuer, "C.arillon" by Chaffin, which 'utilizes crash4n chords and harmonic devîces to "~ring ini the new year." 4'Came the dawn" mliglit be a scenario description of FrimI's 'Dawn,", which follows,,togeth-. er ý with 'a ligit. "Cappricio" by" Le- maigre. The twenty, minute' prograin will conclude with "Festival, Hymn," i Bartlett, ýwhich is a f antasy on the, hynin-tune "St. Anne" sung frequently at New Year's to the text "O God, Our Help in Ages Past." SOLOIST 'Miss Ilsabel Clime, 304 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, was the soioist at the- Zonta club in Chicago Tuesday of last

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